
  • Communication University of China;CUC;China Media University
  1. 中国传媒大学

    Communication University of China

  2. 大约一年前艾山来到北京,在中国传媒大学(CommunicationUniversityofChina)学舞台美术设计,阿布拉则继续留在了喀什。

    When Mr. Aishan moved to Beijing to study stage design at the Communication University of China about a year ago , Mr. Abula stayed in Kashgar .

  3. 他1983年从中国传媒大学毕业后开始到CCTV工作。

    He began to work at CCTV after graduation from Communication University of China in1983 .

  4. 曾先后学习于鲁迅文学院、北京广播学院(现中国传媒大学)和英国伯明翰学院(MBA);

    He has studied in Lunxun Literature School , Communication University of China , and University of Birmingham MBA .

  5. 中国传媒大学体育科研的发展研究

    Development Study on Sports Scientific Research in Communication University of China

  6. 薪尽火传同庆电影百年华诞&中国传媒大学电影论坛大型系列学术讲座综述

    Summary of the Serial Lectures on Cinema Held in CUC

  7. 中国传媒大学的代表来埃德蒙顿签约。

    Representatives from the Communications University of China came to Edmonton for the signing .

  8. 中国传媒大学国际传播研究中心;

    Liu Jianping , Associate Professor of International Communication Studies Center , Communication University of China .

  9. 拿中国传媒大学艺术专业的安玉洁(音译)来说。

    Take , for example , An Yujie , a Communication University of China art major .

  10. 17岁的于晓杰(音译)是中国传媒大学南广学院的一名大一新生。

    Yu Xiaojie , 17 , is a freshman from Communication University of China , Nanjing .

  11. 李俊杰(音)6月份毕业于中国传媒大学广电新闻专业。

    Li Junjie graduated in June from Communication University of China , majoring in broadcast journalism . '

  12. 现在我在中国传媒大学学习,将来将以文学学士的身份毕业。

    I am currently studying at the Communication University of China and will graduate with a degree in literature .

  13. 当时的北京广播学院(现更名为中国传媒大学)是我国唯一一所培养专业播音员与主持人的院校。

    At the time , the Beijing broadcasting institute is the only one of the professional training with the host broadcaster of colleges and universities .

  14. 就读于中国传媒大学新闻专业大四年级、22岁的罗丽莎(音译)提议制定人人可以遵守的舍规。

    Luo Lisha , 22 , a senior majoring in journalism at the Communication University of China , proposed establishing rules that everyone can obey .

  15. 中国传媒大学教授赵子忠谈到,这整个事件看起来就像是一次为博人眼球的炒作。

    Zhao Zizhong , a professor at the Communication University of China , said the whole incident was likely staged in a bid to get attention .

  16. 来自中国传媒大学中文系的大四学生张颜雪是该校自强社的社长。

    Zhang Yanxue , a senior student studying Chinese language and literature at the Communication University of China , is the president of the Self-improvement Society .

  17. 其中中央戏剧学院共有29533名报考考生,计划录取人数为573人;而报考中国传媒大学的27299名考生将会竞争756个录取名额。

    While the Central Academy of Drama received 29533 applicants to vie for 573 seats , Communication University of China got 27299 to compete for 756 places .

  18. 王凤凤(音译)是来自中国传媒大学南广学院平面设计专业的学生,她在一家国企实习两个月之后,便辞职了。

    Wang Fengfeng was a graphic design major at the Communication University of China , Nanjing . She quit her job at a state-owned company after a two-month internship .

  19. 中国传媒大学邀请获奖的书法学生将新生的姓名手写在通知书上,希望新生们会感到学校的别有用心。

    The Communication University of China invited award-winning calligraphy students to handwrite the names of new students on the letters , hoping they will make the newcomers feel special .

  20. 来自中央财经大学、中国传媒大学、北京师范大学和其他院校的学生和影迷参加了电影节的开幕式。

    Hundreds of movie fans and students from the Central University of Finance and Economics , Communication University of China , Beijing Normal University and other institutions attended the event .

  21. 我想国企的工作机会要好于私企。就读于中国传媒大学国际新闻专业,22岁的徐亚琼解释道。

    I think I will have a better career with a State-owned company than a private one , explains the 22-year-old international journalism major from the Communication University of China .

  22. 被称为培育未来娱乐圈人才摇篮的北京电影学院、中央戏剧学院和中国传媒大学三所院校于本周一开始了第二轮面试。

    The Beijing Film Academy , the Central Academy of Drama and Communication University of China - regarded as influential incubators for future showbiz talent - began second-round tests on Monday .

  23. 中国传媒大学的大四学生王欣于8月1日参加了雅思考试,其成绩本该在10个工作日之内就出来的。

    Wang Xin , a senior student at the Communication University of China in Beijing , took an IELTS test on Aug 1 and the results were due within 10 working days .

  24. 2010年由中国传媒大学电视制作中心策划立项的95集电视剧《三国》正是改编者的一种首创性开拓,借助原著的艺术元素进行后现代主义解构与颠覆。

    TV production center in Communication University of China shot the 95 sets of " Three Kingdoms " , a groundbreaking adaptation with the art elements and the " postmodernism " deconstruction and subversion .

  25. 中国传媒大学4297名报考考生将会竞争仅有的26个名额,录取率只有1/165。而北京电影学院的录取率也仅为1/170。

    Communication University of China received 4297 such applications for 26 seats , or 165 applications per seat , while the figure for the Beijing Film Academy 's acting applicants reached 170 per seat .

  26. 来自中国传媒大学的郭金娜(音译)老师表示,在中国,大多数大学生由于课业繁忙,而放弃勤工俭学来赚取零用钱这一途径。

    Guo Jingna , a teacher at the Communication University of China , said most Chinese college students were unlikely to choose work-study programs to earn pocket money because of their intensive study schedules .

  27. 在7月27日举行的论坛会上,中国传媒大学法律教授王四新称,这项草案将让政府对互联网进行更加严厉的控制。

    At a forum on July 27 , Wang Sixin , a law professor at Communication University , said he is concerned the proposed law would give the government too much control over the Internet .

  28. 中国传媒大学[微博]教授丁俊杰认为,问题不仅仅在于标语,更重要的是,在于表达和传递中国政治理念的方式。

    Ding Junjie , a professor with Communication University of China , said the problem is not only about slogans but , more important , about the way to express and communicate China 's political ideas 。

  29. 中国传媒大学二年级学生林凯(音译)说,由于高考成绩优异,父亲在去年送给他一辆汽车作为奖励。

    Lin Kai , a sophomore at the Communication University of China , said that he got the car from his father as a gift to celebrate success in the gaokao ( national college entrance examination ) a year ago .

  30. 中国传媒大学电视与新闻学院讲师张志华表示,国内尚无成熟的收视系统,这造就了时下怪诞的电视节目。

    Zhang Zhihua , a lecturer at the TV and Journalism School at the Communication University of China , said a lack of a mature subscribe-and-watch system in the country is to blame for the current " bizarre " television content .