
  • 网络capital university of economics and business;CUEB
  1. 关于首都经济贸易大学办学指导思想和办学特色的初步思考

    Thinking on the Guide Line and Features of Running Capital University of Economics and Business

  2. 科学发展观与研究生教育发展战略&以首都经济贸易大学为例

    The Scientific Outlook on Development and the Development Strategy of Graduate Education : Take Capital University of Economics and Business as Example

  3. 《财务会计学》获得首都经济贸易大学精品课程称号。

    " Financial Accounting ", winning the title of excellent curriculum of CUEB .

  4. 本文是笔者对首都经济贸易大学本科二年级学生英语阅读中词汇处理策略的总结。

    This is the summary of word-solving strategies used by non-English majors in reading in English .

  5. 来自北京首都经济贸易大学的劳工问题专家冯喜良(音译)表示:“企业有权在因经营业绩问题裁员。”

    Feng Xiliang , a labor expert at the Capital University of Economics and Business in Beijing , said enterprises are allowed to cut staff numbers in the event of business performance issues .

  6. 首都经济贸易大学财政税务学院税务系主任刘颖认为,现阶段以家庭为单位征收还存在很大的难度。这是由于缺少相关信息,所以以家庭为单位征收会有很多复杂的情况。

    Liu Ying , a professor at the School of Finance and Taxation of the Capital University of Economics and Business , said family income-based tax would be difficult at the current stage as it is much more complicated than the existing method and tax authorities lack related information .

  7. 行政院院长还将访问首都对外经济贸易大学,他将与学生会面并回答他们的问题。

    The first minister will also visit the University of international business and economics in Beijing where he will meet students and answer their questions .

  8. 方法选择北京地区首都医科大学与首都经济贸易大学504名在校大学生进行问卷调查,回答41道有关艾滋病相关知识的问题。

    METHODS Choice of trade and economic capital of Beijing Medical University and the University Conducted a questionnaire survey on 504 college students who answered about AIDS-related knowledge .