
  • Beijing Film Academy;BFA;blog
  1. 目前,他是北京电影学院教授,并著《看不见的影像》和《一个人的影像:DV完全手册》等书,讲述中国独立电影。

    Zhang is currently a professor at Beijing Film Academy , and has authored the books Invisible Images and All about DV , regarding Chinese independent film .

  2. 半年以后考试进入北京电影学院表演系。

    Six months later entered the Beijing Film Academy in examinations .

  3. 展览、求变与反思:对摄影教育的再思考从北京电影学院摄影学院2006届学生毕业创作展说开去

    Exhibition , Innovation , and Meditation : Reconsideration to Photographic Education

  4. 鲍鲸鲸毕业于北京电影学院文学系。

    Bao graduated from Beijing Film Academy with a degree in literature .

  5. 《草原》,北京电影学院,中国。

    The Grassland , Beijing Film Academy , China .

  6. 曾毕业于北京电影学院美术系,后赴美国进修。

    Had graduated from Beijing film academy in America for study after fine .

  7. 后来,他考上了北京电影学院。

    Later , he entered the Beijing Film Academy .

  8. 短片《流浪的女人》是在北京电影学院学习期间的毕业作业。

    During her spare time , she studied film directing at the Beijing Film Academy .

  9. 北京电影学院,不过,我还算不上是一个真正的电影演员。

    I studied at the Beijing Film Academy , but I 'm not really a film actor .

  10. 北京电影学院摄影学院教学改革对中国高等摄影教育的启示

    The Inspiration of Teaching Reform of the Photography School of Beijing Movie College for Chinese Higher Photography Education

  11. 她的演技在北京电影学院以及多年的电视剧演员生涯中得到了充分的磨砺。

    Her acting skills were honed at the Beijing Academy as well as through those years of TV .

  12. 此外,大陆小明星张一山(18岁)也在今秋进入北京电影学院就读。

    Also , mainland starlet Zhang Yishan , 18 , is going to Beijing Film Academy this autumn .

  13. 1952年,北京电影学院成立,在该院任教的有一批前苏联电影导演。

    The Beijing Film academy Opened in1952 , employed a number of former Soviet film directors as instructors .

  14. 本科学完了以后,我又考了北京电影学院的研究生,圆了我父亲的一个梦。

    The science is over , I test the Beijing Film Academy graduate , round my father 's dream .

  15. 阿严,原名陈严。职业电影摄影师。毕业于北京电影学院摄影系影视摄影专业。

    Professional cinematographer , graduated from the Film and Television Photography Specialty , Department of Photography , Beijing Film Academy .

  16. 是的,虽然她还是一个北京电影学院的学生,但是她已经出演了好些不错的片子。

    Tom : Yes , though she is a student in the Beijing Film Academy , she has played some famous movies .

  17. 北京电影学院以及中央美术学院的放映活动只向学生以及特邀嘉宾开放。

    Please note-screenings at the Beijing Film Academy and the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts are for students and by invitation only .

  18. 到目前为止,北京电影学院的大学教师和学生共参加并出演了占国内电影总数约64%的影片。

    Teachers and students from the college have taken part in the production of 64 percent of all the domestic films so far .

  19. 今年艺考考生人数达到了历史新高,北京电影学院报考人数比去年增长23.4%,共有30400考生为467个录取名额展开竞争。

    Reaching a new high , the Beijing Film Academy saw 30400 applicants competing for 467 seats , a year-on-year increase of 23.4 percent .

  20. 去年暑假,这名姓郭的学生还进行了眼鼻的整容手术,她现在已被北京电影学院录取。

    Guo , who has been admitted to Beijing Film Academy , also had work done on her eyes and nose during the last summer vacation .

  21. 然后我父母说,咱们国家有很不错的教表演的学校,比如北京电影学院和中央戏剧学院。

    Then my parents said , we have a very good state schools to teach performance , such as the Beijing Film Academy and Central Academy of Drama .

  22. 然而事情突然有了转机:贾小军的同学告诉他北京电影学院正在举办业余培训班,无论是否有专业背景,都可以到那里学习。

    However , things began to change one day when Jia 's classmate told him that the Beijing Film Academy was recruiting part-time students regardless of their background .

  23. 中国第一所关于电影研究的大学--北京电影学院,于1950年成立于中国的首都市中心的一块院子里。

    In 1950 , China 's first college on film studies , the Beijing Film Academy , was founded in a courtyard in the downtown of China 's capital .

  24. 目前北京电影学院动画学院为学生提供了具有世界先进水平的配套教盲设施,从而有硬件上真正的保证了动画学院学生的学习和实践。

    School of BFA provides its students with world 's leading education facilities s0 that the students'studies and practices In the Animation School can be ensured in terms of the hardware .

  25. 被称为培育未来娱乐圈人才摇篮的北京电影学院、中央戏剧学院和中国传媒大学三所院校于本周一开始了第二轮面试。

    The Beijing Film Academy , the Central Academy of Drama and Communication University of China - regarded as influential incubators for future showbiz talent - began second-round tests on Monday .

  26. 石中国的成员是学习于北京电影学院录音系的年轻人,其中两个主要成员来自兰州和乌鲁木齐。

    The member of Rock China are all from the Department of sound recording in Beijing Film Academy , and among them , the two leading members are from Lanzhou and Urumqi .

  27. 如果说剧作家和理论家是电影艺术的“设计师”,那么,北京电影学院文学系便是培育中国电影“设计师”的摇篮;

    Since scriptwriters and theorists can be considered as designers of the film art , Screenwriting Department of Beizing Film Academy now proudly clams itself to be the cradle of Chinese films .

  28. 今年,4392名北京电影学院表演第的申请者中会录取30名,同时申请国家戏剧学院的4400名学生公开竞争60个名额。

    This year , 30 of the4,392 applicants to the Performance Institute of the Beijing Film Academy will get a spot . And4,400 people are competing for60 openings at Central Academy of Drama .

  29. 中国传媒大学4297名报考考生将会竞争仅有的26个名额,录取率只有1/165。而北京电影学院的录取率也仅为1/170。

    Communication University of China received 4297 such applications for 26 seats , or 165 applications per seat , while the figure for the Beijing Film Academy 's acting applicants reached 170 per seat .

  30. 我们作为北京电影学院导演系及录音系的毕业生,本身就具有较强的专业素质,所以在视听方面有着较高的要求。

    We took the Beijing film academy direct is and the recording department 's graduate , itself has a stronger specialized quality , therefore has a higher request in the seeing and hearing aspect .