
  • 网络Beijing Union University;BUU
  1. 北京联合大学商务学院网上评教系统

    Web-based teaching evaluation system of business college in Beijing Union University

  2. 北京联合大学化工学院校园绿化设计

    The Environmental Planning of Chemical Engineering College of Beijing Union University

  3. 单位:北京联合大学继续教育学院,昆明医学院人体解剖学教研室。

    SETTING : Continuing Education College of Beijing Union University ;

  4. 迎接21世纪的北京联合大学图书馆

    Beijing Union University 's Library is Welcoming the 21st Century

  5. 关于北京联合大学办学思路的新探索

    Exploration of a New Mode in Running Beijing Union University

  6. 北京联合大学应用文理学院

    College of Arts and Science of BeiJing Union University

  7. 北京联合大学学生体质现状及其特点

    Physical Fitness and Its Features of Students of Beijing Union University at Present

  8. 本文采用分权重综合评价法研究分析了北京联合大学学生的体质状况。

    In this paper , the students physical condition of Beijing Union University is analyzed .

  9. 北京联合大学商学院

    Business College of Beijing Union University

  10. 旅游高等院校饭店管理人才培养模式创新研究&以北京联合大学旅游学院为例

    An Innovative Study on the Cultivating Mode of Hotel Management Talents in Tourism Institutions of Higher Learning

  11. 北京联合大学学生学习与思维特征的调查与比较研究

    The Investigation and Comparative Research of the Study and Thinking Features for the Students of Beijing Union University

  12. 构建旅游院校教师培训体系的思考&以北京联合大学旅游学院为例

    Thoughts about Constructing Teachers ' Training Systemin TourismInstitutions & TakingInstitute of Tourism , Beijing Union University as an Example

  13. 这位女生名叫金红婷(音译),今年19岁,来自河北省。她即将开始在北京联合大学工商管理专业的学习生活。

    She was Jin Hongting , 19 , from Hebei province and will study industry and business administration at Beijing Union University .

  14. 由旅游局编写的草案已通过北京联合大学旅游学院专家的审核。

    The translation draft compiled by Beijing 's tourism bureau has been examined by experts from tourism institution of Beijing Union University .

  15. 关于高职专业设置的进一步思考&北京联合大学高职专业设置情况分析

    Foundation of the Specialty in Relation to Higher Vocational Education are Entered in Consideration Again & Analysis About the Specialty in Beijing Union University

  16. 并以北京联合大学为例,给出学校面向北京市重点发展产业而设置专业群的具体措施。

    Taking Beijing Union University for example , the article sets forth the concrete measures to provide speciality group facing the important industry in Beijing .

  17. 高等院校专项投入与科研产出的相关分析研究&以北京联合大学为例

    A Correlative Analysis of the Relationship Between Special Item Investment and Scientific Research Output of Hight Education & A Case Study of Beijing Union University

  18. 在过去的半年里,北京联合大学经济学专业的申晴(音译)参加了两场公务员考试和许多面试,结果都失败了。

    Shen Qing , an economics major at Beijing Union University , failed two civil service exams and many interviews during the last six months .

  19. 22岁的康嘉(音译)是北京联合大学的一名学生。每次在食堂旁边的布告栏上搜寻兼职广告时,她总是会躲躲闪闪。

    When looking at the part-time jobs notices posted near the canteen of Beijing Union University , Kang Jia , 22 , avoids being seen by others .

  20. 中外饭店管理专业本科教育的实证分析&以康奈尔大学酒店学院和北京联合大学旅游学院为例

    A Demonstrative Analysis of Undergraduate Hospitality Management Education in China and Foreign Countries & Taking The Hotel School of Cornell University and Beijing Institute of Tourism as Examples

  21. 本文通过对北京联合大学旅游学院教师综合素质培训现状及存在问题的分析,试图从几个维度指标出发,来探讨这一问题。

    This paper , upon an analysis of the present state and problems existing in Beijing Institute of Tourism , tries to discuss the issue from several dimensional indexes .

  22. 这个群最大的好处在于,你始终都知道,你想打球时,总会有人跟你结伴同乐。来自北京联合大学电子商务专业的张其说。

    The best thing about the group is that you always know there will be someone somewhere ready to play with you , said Zhang , an e-commerce major at Beijing Union University .

  23. 采用自编的调查问卷,对北京联合大学特殊教育学院94名听障大学生学习和交往成败归因进行调查研究。

    A survey was conducted among 94 deaf college students in College of Special Education in Beijing Union University , on the attributions of success and failure in learning and communication by using self-designed questionnaires .

  24. 构建旅游院校产学研一体化办学模式的几个问题探析&以北京联合大学旅游学院为例

    An Analysis of Some Issues regarding to Constructing the School-running Model of ' Integration of Industry , Learning and Research'in Tourism Colleges and Universities & Taking Institute of Tourism , Beijing Union University as an Example

  25. 试论高等学校中层领导的同级协调高校中层领导干部绩效考核指标分析&以北京联合大学样本为例

    Peer Coordination Among Middle-level Leaders in Universities and Colleges An Analysis of Establishing a Check-up Norm System regarding Merits and Achievements of Mid-level Cadres in Institutions of Higher Learning & Taking Beijing Union University as an Example

  26. 去年毕业于北京联合大学(招生办)的朱倩(音译)表示:当我好不容易找到一个合适的职位,但得到的答复是只招男生时,我觉得特别沮丧。

    It is very frustrating when I spot a suitable job , only to be told that the vacancy is open to male applicants only , said Zhu Qian , who graduated from Beijing Union University last year .

  27. 方法:①实验于2006-01/2006-04在北京联合大学生物化学工程学院生物医药系实验室完成,采用大鼠佐剂性关节炎足肿胀实验。

    METHODS : ① The experiment was performed in the Laboratory of Biomedicine Department , Biochemical Engineering College of Beijing Union University from January to April in 2006 . The rat paw swelling test of AA rats was used .

  28. 北京联合大学台湾研究院两岸研究所所长朱松岭表示:“民进党创造出的政治不确定性以及大巴事故中显露出的安全隐患,是大陆赴台游客数量剧减的主要原因。”

    Political uncertainty created by Tsai 's party and safety concerns over the bus accident are the main reasons for the free fall in mainland tourists , said Zhu Songling , director of Taiwan Research and Cross-Straits Relations at Beijing Union University .

  29. 北京联合大学旅游研究所刘德前教授说,“对这些景点进行管理应该考虑到它们是由国家提供资金支持的事实,所以它们不应该被当作是以盈利为主要目的公司来对待。它们应该成为公共服务的一部分。”

    Professor Liu Deqian with Institute of Tourism , Beijing Union University said , " The management of those scenic spots should take into consideration the fact that the regions are supported by public financing , so they should not be treated as firms with the major aim on profit growth . They should be part of public services . "

  30. 据演唱会组织方称,这位63岁的歌手在北京联合医科大学附属医院接受了治疗,被确症患有严重的哮喘、呼吸道受感染。

    The 63-year-old singer was treated for severe asthma in combination with a respiratory infection at the Peking Union Medical College Hospital yesterday morning , according to a statement from the concert organiser .