
  • 网络Shihezi University
  1. 方法采用前瞻性干预研究的方法,对石河子大学2000级新生2437名进行为期2a的性健康教育(包括专题讲座、同伴教育、主题班会和咨询服务等),并在教育前后进行匿名问卷调查。

    Methods A total of 2 437 fresh university students enrolled in 2000 in Shihezi University were randomly chosen . Two years ' sexual health education was conducted to them , which included lecture , peer education , topic class-meeting and counseling .

  2. 石河子大学教学实验农场种植结构优化设计

    Optimization Design on Plant Construction in Teaching Experimental Farm of Shihezi University

  3. 石河子大学思想政治理论课的改革与实践

    Teaching Reform and Practice of Ideological and Political Classes in Shihezi University

  4. 以兵团精神育人为屯垦戍边服务&石河子大学内地生源毕业生留疆工作分析

    An Investigation to Shihezi University Graduate Students from Inland Employed in Xinjiang

  5. 石河子大学农作物害虫标本数据库的研究与实践

    Research and practice of " Database of crop pest-speciment of Shihezi University "

  6. 石河子大学图书馆电子资源利用调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on the Electronic Resource Utilization in the Library of Shihezi University

  7. 石河子大学在读研究生余暇体育现状调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of the Situation of Leisure Sports among Graduate Students in Shihezi University

  8. 方法对石河子大学医学院2001级61名本科生进行问卷调查。

    Methods The questionnaires were given to 61 undergraduates in the Medical School of Shihezi University .

  9. 一年来,北京大学对石河子大学开展了全方位的教育援助活动。

    Over the past year , Beijing University has unfolded a full-scale educational assistance to Shihezi University .

  10. 石河子大学医学院本科医学统计学期末考试成绩分析

    Analysis of the Final Examination Scores of Medical Statistics for the Students in School of medicine Shihezi University

  11. 高校公选课开设的现状调查与对策分析&以石河子大学为例

    Present Situation Investigation and Countermeasure of Elective Course in Colleges and Universities & Taking the Example of Shihezi University

  12. 大学生信息素养与高校图书馆功能的拓展&以石河子大学为例

    Cultivating Information Literacy of Undergraduates , Extending Functions of Libraries of Colleges and Universities & an Example of Shihezi University

  13. 最后,本文以石河子大学校院两级财务管理为个案研究对象,提出该校财务管理体制改革优化路径。

    Finally , taking Shihezi University as an example , this paper proposes optimizing reform path of its financial management system .

  14. 绿洲盐渍化农区建设新农村问题的分析&以石河子大学实验农场为例

    Analysis on Construction of New Rural Area in Oasis Salinization Agricultural District & Taking Experimental Farm of Shihezi University as an Example

  15. 本文分析了石河子大学公共选修课在教学和管理中存在的问题,并对如何解决问题阐述了几点建议。

    This paper discusses some issues in the public optional courses in Shihezi University and the suggestions to solve the problems in teaching .

  16. 本文以石河子大学外国语学院大学英语网络教学为例,对现有的网络英语教学模式进行总结。

    This paper takes Foreign Languages College of Shihezi Universitys network English teaching as an example , sums up present network English teaching patterns .