
  • 网络OIL;oil resources;Petroleum resources;Conventional Oil Resources
  1. 随着世界石油资源逐渐紧缺,纯电动汽车(BladeElectricVehicles,简称BEV)技术开始越来越得到了人们的青睐。

    With the shortage of petroleum resources gradually , the blade electric vehicles ( BEV ) technology has begun to get more and more favour from people .

  2. 因PGM中使用大量的天然无机物,可有效地节约不可再生的石油资源。

    As great amount of natural inorganic substances used in PGM , it can therefore save effectively irreproducible petroleum resources .

  3. 科威特蕴藏着丰富的石油资源。

    Kuwait is rich in oil resources .

  4. 海底还有大量未利用的石油资源。

    There are still vast virgin reserves of oil under the sea .

  5. 中国的石油资源丰富。

    China is rich in oil resources .

  6. US以反terror战争的名义侵略Afghan和Iraq,掌握了主导21世纪霸权的石油资源,并在中亚建立了行使侵略政策的US军基地。

    US invaded Afghanistan and Iraq under the name of anti-terror , and acquired the oil resource which guides the supremacy of 21 century and even built its military bases in the mid-Asia for invasion policy .

  7. 随着石油资源消耗量日益剧增,以石油为基础原料的合成纤维将面临巨大的挑战,PAN和沥青必将陷入原料短缺的境地。

    However , with the increasing consumption of fossil oil resources in future , oil based synthetic fiber industries will face great challenges . This will directly result in shortage of raw materials for carbon fibers based on polyacrylonitrile and pitch .

  8. 发展CNG汽车可以解决石油资源短缺、调整能源结构、治理汽车尾气污染和培育新兴产业等问题。

    The development of CNG vehicles can solve such issues as shortage of petroleum resources , the imbalance of energy structure , the pollution of automobile exhaust , and it can nurture emerging industries .

  9. 目前世界石油资源短缺,迫切需要发展C1化学来解决未来石油化工原料替代及提供清洁燃料问题。

    Presently , petroleum resource is short in the world . It is urgent to develop C1 chemistry for substituting the feedstock of petroleum chemical and supplying clean fuel both in the chains of technology and industry .

  10. PLA作为一种重要的可生物降解材料,具有机械强度高、可塑性良好等优点,其生产原料可来自谷物、植物秸秆等可再生资源,彻底摆脱了对石油资源的依赖。

    PLA , an important biodegradable material , has high mechanical strength , good plasticity , etc. The raw materials of PLA can come from renewable resources such as grains , plant straws , which is completely free from dependence on oil resources .

  11. 作为清洁能源之一的水煤浆技术,可以缓解石油资源的紧缺,同时还减少了SO2和NOx的排放,受到各国的重视。

    Coal Water Slurry ( CWS ), as one of clean energy sources , can solve the lack of petroleum resource , It can also decrease the emission of SO_2 and NO_x · So it becomes more important attention-getting due to its many virtues .

  12. 鉴于新发现的陆上石油资源多数位于政局动荡的国家,国际能源机构(IEA)预测,未来20年内,非欧佩克国家新增的石油产量中,大部分将来自海上,其中很大部分位于深水水域。

    With most new onshore resources in politically unstable countries , the International Energy Agency predicts that over the next two decades the lion 's share of new non-Opec production will occur offshore , much of it in deep water .

  13. 以辽宁原油消耗为研究对象,综合运用EKC曲线模型和IPAT模型对辽宁石油资源消耗变化及影响因子进行了模拟分析。

    According to the status of the crude oil consumption in Liaoning , petroleum resource consumption change and its controlling factors were analyzed with Environmental Kuznets Curve ( EKC ) and IPAT model .

  14. 石油资源量估算与蒙特卡洛分析方法的应用

    Petroleum resource estimation and the application of the Monte Carlo method

  15. 中国利用海外石油资源的策略研究

    A Study on China 's Strategy of Overseas Oil Resources Utilization

  16. 难道人们应该为生产汽车用油而耗尽石油资源吗?

    Should people use it up to manufacture petrol for automobiles ?

  17. 我国实施走出去利用国际石油资源的战略思考

    Utilizing International Oil Resources by " Going Abroad " Strategy

  18. 我国石油资源地下储备的可行性

    Feasibility of Underground Reserve of Oil Resources in Our Country

  19. 同时,石油资源正逐渐减少。

    In the meantime , the petroleum resource is decreasing .

  20. 对破坏石油资源非法炼油活动的治理

    Damage of Lawless Oil Refining to Crude Oil Resources and its Handling

  21. 有些国家的石油资源正被迅速地消耗掉。

    The oil resources in some countries are rapidly wasting .

  22. 我国石油资源型城市经济转型的对策研究

    Economy Restructuring Measures Study of China 's Petroleum Resource-based Cities

  23. 能显示地下水资源或石油资源的有叉的棒。

    Forked stick said to indicate underground water or oil .

  24. 中国石油资源税费制度问题研究

    Research on Petroleum Tax and Fee System of China

  25. 基于生态现代化理论的我国石油资源可持续利用研究

    Research on Sustainable Utilization of Chinese Oil Resources Based on Ecological Modernization Theory

  26. 利用国外石油资源的经济安全分析

    Analysis on Economic Security of Using Foreign Oil Resource

  27. 中国主要含油气盆地运聚单元石油资源丰度及其预测模型

    Oil resource abundance of petroleum plays in Chinese basins and its prediction model

  28. 水平钻井法能获取原来无法获取的新的石油资源。

    Drilling horizontally opens up new oil resources that would otherwise go untapped .

  29. 供需平衡视角下的我国石油资源安全研究

    Study on China 's Petroleum Resources Security from the View of Supply-Demand Balance

  30. 东南亚石油资源与勘探潜力

    Petroleum Resources and Exploration Potential in Southeast Asia