
  • 网络country of origin;Country;ANRPC;China;OPEC
  1. 我国是世界上青蒿素原料药最大的生产国,其产量占全球九成。

    China is the largest country of origin of crude drug of arteannuin in the world , and it accounts 90 % of the total production .

  2. 汽车产业是世界性支柱工业,而随着加入WTO我国的汽车制造业发展迅速,到2003年底产销汽车均已突破400万辆,成为世界第四大汽车生产国。

    In 2003 , China has become the 4th largest country of automobile manufacturing in the world and both the output and sales of vehicles were more than four millions .

  3. 巴西是世界上最大的咖啡生产国。

    Brazil is the world 's largest producer of coffee .

  4. 与其他石油生产国作一比较是很有意思的。

    Comparison with other oil-producing countries is extremely interesting .

  5. 利比亚是主要石油生产国之一。

    Libya is a major oil producer .

  6. 尽管作为非洲大陆第二大西红柿生产国,尼日利亚却依赖每年价值10亿美元的进口西红柿酱,由于缺乏合适的储存设施导致大约75%的当地产西红柿都被白白浪费掉。

    Despite being the continent 's second-largest producer of tomatoes , Nigeria is dependent on $ 1 billion worth of tomato-paste imports every year , as around 75 % of the local harvest goes to waste thanks to a lack of proper storage facilities .

  7. 事实上,依照过去的经验,许多生产国(包括美囯)石油生产部门的资本支出已大幅下降。

    In   fact ,   in   line   with   past   experience ,   capital   expenditure   in   the   oil   sector   has   dropped   sharply   in   many   producing   countries ,   including   the   United   States .

  8. 但并不是所有的石油生产国都有巨额的储备金。

    But not all oil producers have big reserves .

  9. 结果,全球半数人口所在国家的地下水位急剧下降,这其中包括三大粮食生产国——中国、印度和美国。

    The result is falling water tables in countries with half the world 's people , including the three big grain producers —— China , India and the U.S.

  10. 其隐蔽的影响是全球贸易急剧下降,部分原因是因为石油生产国不能像以往那样承担进口。

    The implication is a sharp decline in global trade , which has plunged partly because oil-producing nations can 't afford to import as much as they used to .

  11. 其中一个原因是,现在越来越多的国家成为了石油生产国,所以这些国家受油价下跌的影响占全球经济的更大比重。

    One reason is that more countries are big oil producers now , so the nations suffering from the price drop account for a larger share of the global economy .

  12. 而许多石油生产国正在减少汽油补贴并增加税收,因此给全球消费者的获益就并不像油价下跌所预示的那样多了。

    And a number of oil-producing countries are trimming their gasoline subsidies and raising taxes , so the net savings for global consumers is not as big as the oil price plunge might suggest .

  13. 许多石油生产国在价格高时建立巨额储备基金,因此当价格下跌时,他们将利用储备金来支撑政府开支并补贴消费者。

    " Many oil producers built up huge reserve funds when prices were high , so when prices fall they will draw on their reserves to support government spending and subsidiesfor their consumers . "

  14. 由于目前还没有治疗方法,研究人员模拟了如果橄榄树在主要生产国全部死亡后会发生的情况。

    As there are no treatment at present , researchers modelled what would happen if olive trees were wiped out across major producing countries .

  15. 伦敦智库国际政策网(InternationalPolicyNetwork)的报告显示,中国是世界上最大的假药生产国之一。这个智库的研究重点之一就是药品问题。

    China is one of the world 's largest producers of counterfeit pharmaceuticals , according to a report by the London-based International Policy Network , a think tank that focuses in part on pharmaceutical issues .

  16. 与此同时,能源价格持续下跌,欧佩克(OPEC)石油生产国也未能阻止这种下跌。

    Meanwhile , energy prices have been falling and the Opec oil-producing countries have failed to halt the decline .

  17. 该基金会促使包括好时及其竞争对手玛氏(Mars)、雀巢(Nestlé)和卡夫(Kraft)在内的大型巧克力公司与可可生产国的政府和农户携起手来。

    The WCF joined big chocolate companies including Hershey and its competitors Mars , Nestl é , and Kraft ( KFT ) with governments and farmers in cocoa-producing nations .

  18. 中国作为全球最大的纺织品和服装生产国和出口国,进入国际市场的方式相对单一,主要以直接出口和OEM方式。

    Though China is the largest production and export country of textiles and garment , the entry method to international market is relatively simplistic , with direct export and OEM as the main ways .

  19. 石油价格去年11月加速下跌,当时,石油生产国卡特尔——欧佩克(Opec)决定不减产,这严重背离了其传统政策——为支撑油价而减产。

    Oil 's decline accelerated last November when Opec , the producers " cartel , decided not to cut output , a major departure from its traditional policy of trimming production to prop up prices .

  20. 她表示,韩国已列在谷歌安卓(Android)智能手机操作系统的五大移动应用生产国之列,过去4年,IT初创企业数量平均每年增加10%。

    South Korea already ranks among the top five producers of mobile apps for Google 's Android smartphone system , she says , with the number of IT start-ups increasing by an average of 10 per cent a year over the past four years .

  21. 受制裁影响,伊朗在石油输出国组织(Opec)的排名已从第二大原油生产国下滑至2013年的第四,排在沙特阿拉伯、伊拉克和阿联酋之后。

    As a result of the sanctions , Iran has dropped from being the second-largest crude oil producer in OPEC to the fourth in 2013 - behind Saudi Arabia , Iraq and the United Arab Emirates ( UAE ) .

  22. 西方国家决定动用自1991年以来最大数量的紧急战略储备,油价应声下跌逾7%,此举是对石油生产国卡特尔欧佩克(Opec)发出的警告。

    Oil prices dropped more than 7 per cent after Western nations released the biggest amount of oil from their emergency strategic stocks since 1991 , in a warning shot aimed at Opec , the oil producers ' cartel .

  23. 由于在stellenbosch,franschoek和paarl附近峡谷中有着世界商最好的葡萄园,它还开始成为主要的葡萄酒生产国。

    South Africa has also developed into a major wine producer , with some of the best vineyards in the world lying in valleys around Stellenbosch , franschoek and Paarl .

  24. 天然橡胶生产国协会(ANPRC)高级经济学家JomJacob预计,橡胶市场紧张形势将会加剧。天然橡胶供应方面的担忧可能持续至2011年年底。

    Jom Jacob , senior economist at the Association of Natural Rubber Producing Countries , said he expected the tight situation in the rubber market to worsen : The concerns over natural rubber supply are likely to persist until the end of 2011 .

  25. 石油生产国和石油公司不愿意阻止油价升高。

    Oil-producing countries and oil companies dislike hedging against rising prices .

  26. 生产国和消费国关系问题常设小组

    Standing Group on Relations with Producer Countries and Other Consumer Countries

  27. 乌干达是非洲主要的香蕉生产国和消费国。

    Uganda is Africa 's leading producer and consumer of bananas .

  28. 美世界上最大的生产国。“甜玉米”是最甜的玉米。

    America is the biggest producer of corn in the world .

  29. 同时,政治上的骚乱困扰像委内瑞拉、尼日利亚这样的生产国。

    Political turmoil , meanwhile , besets producers like Venezuela and Nigeria .

  30. 一些稻米生产国为了保证自己的供应,已经削减了出口。

    Some rice-producing countries have cut exports to protect their own supplies .