
shēnɡ tài xì tǒnɡ duō yànɡ xìnɡ
  • ecosystem diversity
  1. 环境污染对生态系统多样性和复杂性的影响

    The Influence of Environmental Pollution on Ecosystem Diversity and Complexity

  2. 生态系统多样性的研究则有待加强。

    The study on ecosystem diversity should be strengthened .

  3. 直接将霉菌R.流域生态学:水生态系统多样性研究和保护的一个新途径

    The whole cells of R. Watershed Ecology

  4. 生物多样性包含生态系统多样性、物种多样性、基因多样性和景观多样性。

    Biodiversity includes ecosystem diversity , species diversity , gene diversity and landscape diversity .

  5. 遗传多样性是物种多样性和生态系统多样性的基础,是生物多样性的重要组成部分。

    Genetic diversity is the base of ecosystem diversity and an important part of biodiversity .

  6. 山口红树林保护区是我国南海海洋高等植物生态系统多样性的保留地。

    Shankou mangrove reserve is the conservation of marine vascular plant ecosystem diversity in South China Sea .

  7. 在物种多样性、生态系统多样性和遗传多样性三个层面上,探讨了台湾植物生物多样性的现状;

    The general situation of biodiversity in Taiwan is discussed , including genetic diversity , species diversity and ecosystem diversity .

  8. 通过生境多样性、生态系统多样性的保护及景观连接度的提高达到生物多样性保护的目的。

    The target of biodiversity conservation is realized by protecting habitat diversity and ecosystem diversity and by promoting landscape connectivity .

  9. 南澳岛的次生林群落是该岛乡土树种物种库的主要承载者,这些次生林对整个岛屿的物种库和生态系统多样性的形成和维持具有重要的作用。

    The secondary forests are the carriers of the pool of species and are very important for sustaining the biodiversity in the Island .

  10. 介绍了生物多样性的三个层次,即生态系统多样性、物种多样性和遗传多样性,及其主要含义、主要研究内容。

    This paper has briefly introduced the biological diversity conservation in three levels that include eco-systematic diversity , Specific diversity and genetic diversity .

  11. 生态系统多样性则为生境和生物群落的巨大变化以及生态系统中生态过程的变化。

    Ecosystem diversity relates to the enormous diversity of habitats and biotic communities , as well as to the variety of ecological processes within ecosystems .

  12. 介绍了赤水国家级风景名胜区的森林生态系统多样性,包括植物物种多样性和动物物种多样性,并讨论了保护措施。

    The plant and animal biodiversity in the forest ecosystem of Chishui National Reserve were introduced , and the protection countermeasures were proposed at the last .

  13. 中国稻区生物多样性是指该区域各种生命形式的资源总和,包括遗传多样性、物种多样性、生态系统多样性及与此相关的各种生态过程。

    The biodiversity of rice growing regions refers generally to all living germplasms in rice growing fields including genetic diversity , species diversity , ecosystem diversity as well as relative ecosystem process .

  14. 第三,濒危物种的种种特征表明作为生物多样性中体现物种多样性的实体,它无论在立法规制还是法律执行上相对于生态系统多样性和基因多样性的保护都具有明显优势。

    Third , various characteristics suggest that belonging to biological diversity , species diversity embodied entity , whatever in legislation or regulations , it has more advantageous than the ecosystem and genetic diversity .

  15. 三江并流区域包含了丰富独特的地质地貌多样性、生物物种和生态系统多样性,风景景观资源和人文文化资源多样性,具有典型代表意义。

    The area of " Three Parallel Rivers " includes geographical and relief diversity , the diversities of biological species ecological system and the diversities of scenic landscape resources and humanist cultures , representing typical magnificence .

  16. 外来物种入侵影响遗传多样性、物种多样性、生态系统多样性和景观多样性,从而加快生物多样性的消失速度,应引起人们高度重视。

    The intrusive alien species had influence on genetic diversity , species diversity , ecosystem diversity and landscape diversity , so as to increase the vanishing speed of the biodiversity . Much more attention should be paid .

  17. 本文对1995、2000和2008研究区生态系统多样性进行了评估,对比分析得到:研究区生态系统多样性整体状况较好,但呈下降趋势。

    In this paper , the author assessed the ecosystem diversity in 1995 , 2000 and 2008 , the results show that : Overall , ecosystem diversity in the study area was in good condition , but had declined trend .

  18. 对在江苏省南部和太湖流域具有一定代表性的溧阳地区的森林景观开展了森林生态系统多样性的研究,对主要森林生态系统类型分层次进行了植物种多样性的调查分析。

    Forest ecosystem diversity of the forest landscape and the species diversity of the main forest ecosystem types was studied . The research site Liyang district is a representative in forest vegetation and in social economy at that highly developed area .

  19. 新墨西哥州大学计算机科学教授StephanieForrest指出:生物和生态系统的多样性成就了强健性和恢复性。

    Stephanie Forrest , a computer science professor at The University of New Mexico , points out that diversity in biological and ecological systems leads to robustness and resilience .

  20. 在云南山地生态系统生物多样性保护示范项目(YUEP)中,尝试建立以村民为主体的社区共管自然资源组织和基金。

    The community co-management organizations and protection and development funds of natural resource operated by villagers have been tested in the project of multi-agency and local participatory of sustainable management of Yunnan upland ecosystem ( YUEP ) .

  21. 欧洲农田生态系统物种多样性研究进展

    Research Progress on biodiversity of agricultural ecosystem in the European countries

  22. 农村复合生态系统结构多样性及其可持续发展对策

    Structure diversity and strategy of sustainable development of rural complex ecosystem

  23. 缙云山森林生态系统物种多样性空间格局分析

    Spatial pattern analysis of species diversity of forest ecosystem in Jinyun Mountain

  24. 森林生态系统生物多样性的遥感评估

    The assessment of forest ecosystem biodiversity by remote sensing

  25. 干扰对草地生态系统生物多样性的影响

    Effects of Disturbances on Species Diversity in Grassland Ecosystems

  26. 农业活动对农田生态系统物种多样性的影响

    The Impacts of Agricultural Activities on Biodiversity in Agroecosystems

  27. 农业生态系统杂草多样性保持的生态学功能

    The Ecological Functions of Weed Biodiversity in Agroecosystem

  28. 典型农村庭院生态系统结构多样性与系统功能研究

    Study on Function and Structural Diversity of Typical Rural Yard Ecosystem YARD AND COURT YARD

  29. 红树林景观格局变化对红树林生态系统生物多样性维护功能造成不利影响。

    This kind of mangrove landscape pattern change is harmful for biodiversity maintenance function of mangrove wetlands . 3 .

  30. 以山东省淄博西单村为例,对农村庭院生态系统结构多样性和系统功能进行了研究。

    This paper analyzed function and structural diversity of typical rural yard ecosystem , taking Xishan Village , Shandong Province as an example .