
  • 网络Vegetation Index;NDVI;vegetation indices;MODIS-NDVI
  1. 当植被指数>0.7时,获得的LST与气温差异不显著,这与前人研究成果一致。

    But when NDVI > 0.7 , there was no difference between " true air temperature " and LST statistically .

  2. 上海市城市热场与植被指数的相关性

    Relationship Between Urban Thermal Distribution and NDVI of Shanghai City

  3. VEGETATION植被指数数据预处理方法

    Data Pre-processing Method Using VEGETATION Plant Indicator

  4. 基于遥感和GIS的中国植被指数变化的驱动因子分析及模型研究

    The Study on Driving Factors and Models of NDVI Change Based on Remote Sensing and GIS in China

  5. 干旱地区植被指数(VI)的适宜性研究

    Study on the Suitability of Vegetation Indices ( VI ) in Arid Area

  6. 环青海湖地区天然草地TM影像植被指数分析

    An Analysis of Natural Grassland TM Images Vegetation Index in the Region around Qinghai Lake

  7. 基于MODIS植被指数时间谱的华北平原土地覆盖分类

    Land cover classification of North China Plain using MODIS_EVI temporal profile

  8. 湖南省MODIS遥感植被指数的时空变化

    Temporal and spatial variation of MODIS vegetation indices in Hunan Province

  9. 采用统计方法,研究了环青海湖地区草地蝗虫密度(GD)与各种植被指数之间的相关关系。

    The correlations between the GD and VI were investigated with statistics methods .

  10. 用MODIS植被指数研究福州城区空间扩展变化

    Using MODIS Vegetation Index to Study Urban Expansion and Change

  11. 基于MODIS植被指数的甘南草地生物量

    Grassland biomass based on MODIS vegetation index in Gannan Prefecture

  12. 基于MODIS温度/植被指数的东北地区土地覆盖分类

    Land cover classification based on MODIS temperature-vegetation index time-series data in Northeastern China

  13. 基于MODIS的海南岛植被指数变化的驱动因子分析

    Study on driver factors of vegetation index based on MODIS in Hainan Island

  14. 地面温度都与植被指数(NDVI)存在着密切的反相关关系。

    The correlation between land surface temperature and NDVI was strongly negative .

  15. 群体叶面积指数(LAI)与归一化差值植被指数(NDVI)呈很好的对数相关关系;

    NDVI ( normalized difference vegetation index ) was logarithmic correlation with LAI .

  16. 陇东地区植被指数NDVI与降水的关系研究

    Study on correlation between NDVI and precipitation in Longdong

  17. 多时相归一化植被指数NDVI的时空特征提取与作物长势模型设计

    Analysis of Multi-temporal and Multi-spatial Character of NDVI and Crop Condition Models Development

  18. 基于MODIS数据的植被指数分析

    Analysis of NDVI Based on MODIS Data

  19. 区域归一化植被指数(NDVI)对植被光合作用响应的研究

    The Respondence of Regional NDVI to Plant Photosynthesis

  20. 植被指数与NPP之间存在一定的相关性,但不同的指数以及不同的大气校正方法下的相关性存在一定的差异。

    But different indices and different atmospheric correction method show different correlation with NPP .

  21. MODIS植被指数与水稻叶面积指数及叶片叶绿素含量相关性研究

    Correlation analysis of simulated MODIS vegetation indices and rice leaf area index and leaf chlorophyll content

  22. 甘肃省森林火灾发生次数与NDVI植被指数、平均相对湿度呈显著负相关。

    There are negative correlations between forest fire frequency and NDVI and average relative humidity .

  23. NDVI植被指数阈值法。

    ( 2 ) Threshold of NDVI .

  24. 在所选取的植被指数中,生物量与NDVI植被指数关系最显著。

    The correlation between NDVI and biomass was much better among the chosen vegetation indices .

  25. VEGETATION植被指数与森林资源特征因子之间的相关性是该遥感数据用于森林资源监测的基础。

    The correlationship between VEGETATION index and feature factors of forest resources is the basis that this remote sensing data will be used in forest resources monitoring .

  26. 用MODIS植被指数的时间序列分析提取荒漠化敏感区域的方法

    Method of Abstracting the Desertification Sensitive Areas through Analysis of the Time Series of MODIS Vegetation Indices

  27. 水分胁迫对冬小麦植被指数NDVI影响及其动态变化特征

    Effects of water stress in different stages on winter wheat vegetation index and NDVI 's dynamic

  28. 利用2001&2005年新疆归一化植被指数NDVI,得出该时间段新疆植被覆盖整体呈增加趋势,但局部有退化现象。

    NDVI index in2001-2005 showed that vegetation coverage had the trend to increase but local degraded .

  29. 植被指数与植被覆盖度呈线性相关,通过NDVI建立植被覆盖度估算模型。

    Vegetation index and vegetation coverage was linearly correlated by NDVI , vegetation coverage estimation model .

  30. 用含测量误差的线性模型,由植被指数(NDVI)估计稻谷产量。

    Using the linear model with measurement error paddy production was estimated by means of NDVI .