
  • 网络plant resource
  1. 植物资源与化学数据库系统(DPRC)的功能与应用

    The function and application of the Database of Plant Resources and Chemistry

  2. 新疆天山西部海拔800~1600m之间的逆温层,冬季气温比平原地区高,降水充沛,有着丰富的植物资源。

    The inversion layer in Yili , Xinjiang ( west of Tian Shan Mountain , alt. 800 ~ 1 600 m ) is rich in plant resources where temperature is higher than that in plain and with abundant precipitation .

  3. 荞麦属(Fagopyrum)植物资源的RAPD研究

    A Study of RAPD on Resources of Genus Fagopyrum

  4. 甘肃大黄属(RHEUM)药用植物资源分布和开发利用研究

    Resources distribution and usage of medicinal plants of Rheum in Gansu

  5. 巴州;药用植物资源;蕴藏量;可持续利用;

    Bazhou ; medicinal plant resources ; reserves ; sustainable use ;

  6. 石湖省级自然保护区药用植物资源及其多样性研究

    Medicinal Plant Resources and Their Diversity in Shihu Provincial Nature Reserve

  7. 黄山风景区的珍稀植物资源

    The resources of rare and endangered plants in Huangshan scenic spot

  8. 重庆市绿篱植物资源及其园林应用

    Hedge Plant Resource in Chongqing And It 's Application in Garden

  9. 广西芳香植物资源概况及开发前景

    The resoures of aromatic plants in Guangxi and its developmental aspects

  10. 神农架野生兰科植物资源及其保护发展必要性的探讨

    Study on the Wild Arethusa Resource Protection and Development in Shennongjia

  11. 广东省珍稀濒危植物资源的研究

    Study on the resources of rare and endangered plants in Guangdong

  12. 安徽潜山野生植物资源调查研究及开发利用

    Investigation and Exploitation of the Wild Plant Resources in Qianshan Anhui

  13. 介绍了紫苏植物资源及所含化学成份。

    This paper described the plant resources and composition of Perilla .

  14. 汉中地区香料植物资源的开发利用

    The Development and Use of Perfume Plant Resources in the Hanzhong

  15. 丽水乡土木本观赏植物资源调查及利用

    Survey and utilization of native woody ornamental plant resources in Lishui

  16. 近四十年来植物资源利用研究进展

    Advances in the utilization of plant resources in recent forty years

  17. 九龙山野生植物资源调查及其利用评价

    Investigation of Wild Plant Resources in Jiulongshan and their Utilization Appraisal

  18. 清远市国家重点保护植物资源及其开发利用

    Major protected plants of China and their utilization in Qingyuan City

  19. 山西关帝山药用植物资源研究

    The medicinal plant resources in the Guandi mountain , shanxi Province

  20. 退耕还林与药用植物资源开发

    Returning Arable Land to Forest and Exploitation of Medical Plant Resources

  21. 山西天然草地禾本科植物资源与利用

    Resources and Utilization of Grasses of Natural Grassland in Shanxi Province

  22. 山东大戟科植物资源及其应用的研究

    Studies on the resources and utilization of Euphorbiaceae in Shandong Province

  23. 天台山油脂植物资源

    The Resources of Vegetable Fat and Oil Plants in Mt. Tiantai

  24. 方城县药用植物资源调查初报

    Preliminary report on the medicinal plant resource in Fangcheng county

  25. 千岛湖药用观赏植物资源及其开发利用前景

    Resources and Development Prospect of Medicinal and Ornamental Plant in Thousand-island Lake

  26. 重庆缙云山国家自然保护区药用孢子植物资源

    Wild medical spore plant resources from Jinyun Mountain in Chongqing

  27. 野生植物资源香蒲的综合开发与利用

    Comprehensive development and uses of the wild plant resource Typha

  28. 黄土高原菊科药用植物资源研究

    Study on Medicinal Plant Resources of Compositae in Loess Plateau

  29. 湖南省红叶观赏植物资源及其园林应用

    Maple Leaf Ornamental Plant Resources in Hunan Province and Its Landscape Application

  30. 怒江峡谷区植物资源及其评价

    Plant resources and its evaluation in the Nujiang Canyon Area