
  • 网络plant evolution
  1. 多倍化是植物进化变异的一种自然现象。

    Polyploidy is a natural phenomenon in the process of plant evolution .

  2. 多倍化在植物进化和物种形成中起着十分重要的作用。

    Polyploidization has played a very important role in plant evolution and speciation .

  3. 玉米是从墨西哥的一种野生禾本植物进化而来的。

    Maize evolved from a wild grass in Mexico .

  4. 这些十分吸引人的问题将在研究植物进化过程中得以解决。

    These are fascinating questions to be resolved by the evolutionary studies of plants .

  5. 利用叶绿体SSR引物对白菜型油菜的遗传变异分析结果证明叶绿体SSR对于植物进化过程中的亲缘关系研究以及等不同种群的群体遗传变异分析有很好的应用价值。

    An analysis to the genetic diversity of brassica campestris , using chloroplast SSR primer , showed that chloroplast SSR primer can well be used to analysis the genetic relationships of plants , as well as many other species , during their evolution .

  6. 转录因子在植物进化和抗逆中的作用

    Function of the Transcription Factors in Plant Domestication and Stress Resistance

  7. 繁殖是研究植物进化的核心问题。

    Reproduction is the critical issue to understand the evolution of plants .

  8. 植物进化发育生物学的形成与研究进展

    Foundation and Current Progress of Plant Evolutionary Developmental Biology

  9. 但是它们在树类植物进化前并不是这样子的。

    But they didn 't always look that way .

  10. 苏铁在种子植物进化中的位置&分子生物学的证据

    Molecular Evidence for the Status of the Cycad Cycas revoluta in Seed-plant Evolution

  11. 植物进化发育生物学是最近十几年来才兴起的一门学科,它是进化发育生物学的主要分支之一。

    The discipline plant evolutionary developmental biology has emerged over the last 10 years .

  12. 我们对植物进化的知识完全只基于对化石的研究,充其量只是零碎的信息。

    At best fragmentary , our knowledge of plant evolution is based solely on fossils .

  13. 为应对高温对其产生的威胁,植物进化出了一系列的适应机制。

    To cope with these challenges , plants have evolved a variety of adaptive mechanisms .

  14. 植物进化与物种绝灭现象

    Phenomenon Plant evolution and spcies extinction

  15. 分析认为,中国是许多十字花科植物进化起源中心和生物多样性中心,生态环境类型复杂;

    Complicated in ecological conditions , China is the centre of evolutionary origin and biodiversity of many crucifer species .

  16. 某些植物进化出吸收、传送、以及令有毒分子微粒与植物成分相结合或加以约束的机制。

    Some plants have developed mechanisms to absorb , translocate and conjugate or bind the poisonous molecules with plant constituents .

  17. 本文详细阐述了进化发育生物学产生和发展的历程,综述了最近十几年来植物进化发育生物学的主要研究进展。

    In this article , we review the history of evo-devo , and then focus on the progress of plant evolutionary developmental biology in the last 10 years .

  18. 为了抵抗病原菌的侵染,植物进化出一套可以抑制病原菌扩展的防卫机制,使之能识别特定的病原菌,并作出及时、有效的防卫反应。

    To avoid the invasion of pathogen , plant has evolved an immune mechanism to limit the pathogen growth , by which the plant recognizes the pathogen and makes effective immune reaction in time .

  19. 吉尔曼称,如果生长在比较温暖气候中的植物进化得较快,生活在那里的动物也将不得不加快进化速度,以便跟其食物的快速适应性防御保持同步。

    Gillman says that if plants in warmer climates evolve more quickly , mammals living there will also have to speed up their evolution to keep pace with their food 's rapidly adapting defenses .

  20. 动物思考能力的进步使它们能够找到食物,所以如果植物进化到有思考能力的阶段话,它们就有可能像格鲁特那样成为有思想、能行走的植物了。

    Animals developed the ability to think so they could find food , so if the plant developed the ability to think , it might become a thinking , walking plant - just like Groot .

  21. 既然基因组能显示出水果在植物进化史上的地位,那么也能帮助研究人员了解为什么DH-Pahang能够抵抗黄叶病毒和黑色条斑病毒。

    While the genome shows where this fruit fits in the history of plant evolution , it could also help researchers understand why DH-Pahang , unlike its descendant , is resistant to the funguses behind both Panama and black leaf streak disease .

  22. 在遥远的过去,早期植物进化的时候,地球表面的自然辐射水平要高得多,所以禁区内的植物为了生存,可能利用了这个时期遗留下来的适应能力。

    Levels of natural radiation on the Earth 's surface were much higher in the distant past when early plants were evolving , so plants in the exclusion zone may be drawing upon adaptations dating back to this time in order to survive .

  23. DNA序列在植物系统进化研究中的应用

    Application of DNA Sequences in Phylogenetic and Evolutionary Studies of Plant

  24. VA菌根对厚囊蕨类植物的进化可能具有重要的意义。

    VA mycorrhiza may play an important role in the evolution of Eusporangiate plants .

  25. 叶片衰老是一种PCD过程,受核基因的表达调控,也是植物长期进化过程中形成的适应性反应。

    As a kind of programmed cell death ( PCD ), leaf senescence , which was evolved to fit for environment stress , is under the control of nucleus genome .

  26. 进化动植物的进化

    the evolution of plants and animals .

  27. 但不管怎样,新的动物和植物会进化,而这其中,就有恐龙。

    But whatever the cause , new animals and plants would evolve to fill the void .

  28. 在大约3.6亿年前,野生胡萝卜也许是和其它可以开花植物一起进化的。

    Wild carrots probably evolved with the other flowering plants , about 360 million years ago .

  29. 从昆虫与植物的进化关系看当今林业害虫的发生与治理对策

    Studies on Mechanism of Catastrophic Forest Pest Outbreaks and Its Countermeasures in View of Plant-insect Evolutional Relation

  30. 并从生物化学代谢途径探讨了蓝色花植物的进化。

    Finally , from the metabolism point of view , the evolutionary advancement of blue flowered plants has been elucidated .