
shēnɡ wù nónɡ yào
  • Biopesticides;biotic pesticide
  1. 基于对harpin蛋白的深入研究,国外已开发出新型、高效、安全的生物农药。

    Based on the well understand to harpin proteins , A novel biotic pesticide has been developed .

  2. 苏云金杆菌是一种广泛应用的生物农药,苏云金杆菌在形成芽孢的同时,产生具有毒杀性的伴孢晶体。

    Bacillus thuringiensis is a kind of widely used biotic pesticide , which produces a poisonous parasporal crystal along with producing the spores .

  3. GPS和生物农药在飞机防治松毛虫中的应用

    Application of GPS and biological pesticides in aerial control of pine caterpillars

  4. NET技术开发了生物农药专利数据库,实现了专利的本地管理和Web页面的简单检索、高级检索和分类检索。

    NET . Management of patent , simple search , expert search and class search were realized .

  5. 以秸秆为原料制备Bt生物农药研究

    Preparation of Straw as Raw Materials to Bt Biological Pesticide Research

  6. 箱式固态发酵生产Bt生物农药的研究

    Study on Production of Bt Biopesticide by Box-Type Solid-State Fermentation

  7. 在同一施肥条件下,施用养分促进剂或生物农药可降低土壤中硝态N的含量;

    Under the identical condition of fertilization , applying the nutrient promoter or biological pesticide could reduce nitrate N content in the soil .

  8. 生物农药Bt对棉铃虫及其天敌的影响

    Effects of Bio-pesticide-Bt on Cotton Boll Worm and its Natural Enemies in Cotton Field

  9. Bt生物农药毒力效价检测方法综述

    Review on Assays of Toxicity of Bt Biopesticide

  10. 美国EPA登记的生物农药有效成分名录

    Registered Biopesticide Ingredients in the EPA of United States

  11. 生物农药Bt产业发展的创新管理

    Innovation Management of Bt biopesticide Industry

  12. 阿维菌素B1和井冈霉素是高效、安全和作用机制独特的无公害生物农药。

    Avermectin Bl and jinggangmycins are safe and highly effective bio-pesticides with special modes of action .

  13. 生物农药阿维菌素的NEL和ADI研究

    Study on the NEL and ADI of Abamectin

  14. 应用响应面方法优化Coniothyriumminitans固态发酵生产生物农药

    Application of response surface methodology to spore production of Coniothyrium minitans as bio-pesticide by solid-state fermentation

  15. 采用三聚氰胺甲醛树脂(MF)作为囊壁,用原位聚合法对生物农药鱼藤酮进行包囊,制备微胶囊制剂。

    The preparation of microcapsules of bio-pesticide rotenone by means of in-situ polymerization , with melamine formaldehyde resin ( MF ) as the shell material , is discussed in this paper .

  16. 目的研究生物农药绿僵菌(Metarhizium)原药急性经口、经皮、吸入毒性及眼睛刺激和致敏率。

    Objective To test the acute toxicity of biopesticide-Metarhizium , include oral toxicity , dermal toxicity , inhalation toxicity , eye irritation and dermal sensitization .

  17. 第四部分从生物农药防治的角度,具体分析了果树生物杀虫剂的防治模式,包括其分类以及与传统化学农药的SWOT对比分析。

    The fourth part analyzed the fruit tree biological pesticide control mode in detail from the perspective of biological pesticide control , including its classification and comparison with traditional chemical pesticides by the means of SWOT analysis .

  18. 生物农药示范茶园S、H明显高于常规化学防治茶园的,同时,天敌种类及数量分别是化学防治茶园的1.28和2.50倍。

    And ( 4 ) compared with those in conventional chemical pesticides treated tea gardens , both S and H were significantly higher in biopesticides treated ones . Meanwhile , the number of natural enemy species as well as their individuals was 1.28 or 2.50 times higher .

  19. 从市场的角度阐述了生物农药Bt的发展和应用,在强调整体产品概念的同时,侧重市场产业链管理,讨论了目前的主要问题并提出改善与发展建议。

    The development and application of biopesticide Bt is presented based on market view in this article . Not only integral product concept but also industry chain management is emphasized . Some main problems about Bt industry are pointed out also including further improvement advice .

  20. 经室内药剂筛选,660B生物农药抑菌效果最佳,可达95%。

    Through the fungicide selection in the laboratory , the biological fungicide 660B shows the best result for controlling the pathogen .

  21. 棉铃虫对苏云金杆菌(B.t)的抗性监测及延缓抗性策略膜技术改造苏云金杆菌生物农药生产工艺实现清洁生产的研究

    Study on Cotton Bollworm Resistance to Bt Pesticide and the Strategy of Resistance Management Modified Membrane Technique for Cleaner Production of Bt Pesticide

  22. 它们是蛋白磷酸化酶2A(PP2A)的选择性抑制剂,有发展成为抗肿瘤药物先导或农用抗真菌生物农药的潜力。然而PNs的哺乳动物毒性限制了其作为农药的应用前景。

    As the selective inhibitor of protein phosphorylase2A ( PP2A ) , they have the potential for the antineoplastic drugs or antifungal biopesticides , but this prospect of application is limited by their toxicity for mammals .

  23. 我国生物农药产业发展趋势预测及战略对策探讨

    Studies on development trend and strategy of bio-pesticide industry in China

  24. 生物农药研究的最新进展、问题、建议与展望

    Latest progress , problems , suggestions and expectations on bio-pesticides research

  25. 第三部分是生物农药市场营销环境分析。

    The third part is the analysis of bio-pesticide marketing environment .

  26. 化学农药与生物农药的协调应用是稻瘟病防治的推荐措施。

    It is recommended to use chemical and biological measures coordinately .

  27. 中草药生物农药的筛选与研制

    Screen and Study on the Bio-pesticide with Chinese Herbs and Microbes

  28. 因此大力发展和应用生物农药势在必行。

    It is necessary to develop and apply bio - pesticide .

  29. 中国生物农药产业发展研究

    A Study on the Development of the Biopesticide Industry in China

  30. 几种生物农药对黄瓜霜霉病的防治效果

    Control effect of several bio - fungicides against cucumber downy mildew