
shēnɡ tài yīn zǐ
  • ecological factor
  1. 对此,采用层次分析法(AHP法)来确定尾矿库生态因子权重,取得成功。

    AHP method was successfully used to determine the ecological factor weight of tailings reservoir .

  2. 主要测定了净光合速率对光照强度和CO2浓度的响应曲线,净光合速率日变化以及相关生理生态因子的日变化。

    This test measured net photosynthetic rate and the daily variation of ecological factor .

  3. 生理因子胞间CO2浓度、蒸腾速率对Pn的直接线性关系比生态因子更为密切。表明日变化中生理因子直接作用更为主要。

    The relationship of intercellular CO2 concentration and transpiration rate to Pn was more closely than ecological factors .

  4. 烟叶K含量空间变异特征及与生态因子的相关性研究

    Research on Spatial Variance of K Content in Flue-cure Tobacco Leaves and Relationships between K Content and Ecology Factors

  5. 利用相关分析和逐步回归分析,研究了香气成分与生态因子的相关性,筛选确定影响苹果果实香气成分的主要生态因子为≥0℃年积温、年总降水量、海拔高度以及土壤pH;

    The paper studied on the relativity between aroma component and land ecological factors by correlation analysis and step-regress analysis .

  6. 延长通风时间与增施CO2对温室生态因子及黄瓜光合特性的影响研究

    Effects of prolonging ventilation time and enriching CO_2 in greenhouse on the ecologic factors and photosynthetic rate of cucumber

  7. 以所测定的净光合作用强度值为指标,度量包括pH值、矿物质营养浓度、土壤含水量三个生态因子的三维生态位。

    3-dimensional niche , which is formed by the ecological factors of pH value , nutrients and moisture , is measured by the net photosynthesis rate .

  8. 不同海拔高度的生态因子中受其它因子影响最大的是土壤pH值和枯落物厚度;

    The study also shows that : at different elevation , pH value of soil and thickness of fallen branches and leaves are deeply effected by other factors ;

  9. 借助先进的GIS技术,选择有区域代表性的生态因子,采用因子叠加法,对新沂市的生态敏感性进行深入分析。

    With the advanced GIS technology and by using the factor-overlap method , ecological sensitivity in Xinyi city Jiangsu , China is thoroughly analyzed by selecting regionally representative factors .

  10. 生态因子对水稻Rubisco和光合日变化的调节

    Regulation of Rubisco activity and diurnal changes of photosynthetic rate in rice by ecology factors

  11. 限制该地区耕地生产潜力的生态因子主要为:速效磷、CEC和道路通达度。

    CEC , soluble phosphorus and accessibility to roads are the primary niche factors that restrict land productive potential in this area .

  12. 在春节催花牡丹温室生态因子中CO2浓度较光合有效辐射对净光合速率有相对较高的灰色关联度。

    Between environmental CO2 concentration and photosynthetic available radiation , environmental CO2 concentration has the relative higher The grey correlation degree on factors that influence changes of photosynthetic rate in solar greenhouse .

  13. 通过生态因子对分解影响的综合分析表明,在羊草草原上,诸生态因子对枯枝落叶分解的重要性依次为:土壤水分、土壤pH、地表温度、相对湿度。

    The analysis of the synthetic action of ecological factors on decomposition showed that the importance of factors to litter decomposition was in the order of soil water , soil pH , ground temperature and relative humidity .

  14. 沙地柏生物生态因子与天然药用产物鬼臼毒素含量关系研究得到了以下结果:(1)对鬼臼毒素的超临界CO2流体萃取(SFE)工艺条件进行了研究。

    The Relationship between the Biotic and Ecological Factors and Podophyllotoxin Content in Sabina Vulgaris Ant 1 . The conditions for extraction of podophyllotoxin from S. vulgaris with SFE were studied .

  15. C02浓度和氮肥都是影响作物产量和品质形成的重要生态因子。

    CO2 concentration and nitrogen application are main ecological factors affecting formation of wheat yield and quality .

  16. 以水盐为主导生态因子,分析了黄河下游湿地芦苇(Phragmitesaustralis)种群形态变异的水平与格局。

    In this paper , the level and pattern of morphological variation of Phragmites australis in the Yellow River downstream wetland has been studied when water and salinity were considered as dominant ecological factors .

  17. 对2个菌株的种群消长影响最大的生态因子是湿度和2,4D的浓度。

    The most important ecological factors affecting two strain population dynamics were microcosm moisture and substrate ( 2,4 D ) concentration .

  18. 方法对土地利用、动植物、植被和景观生态因子采用资料收集和实地调查方法,土壤生态因子采用类比工程监测和USLE模型预测方法。

    Methods The method of land using , animal , plant , vegetation and landscape assessment is field survey and data collection . and monitor of familiar project and model of USLE were adopted in soil assessment .

  19. 贡嘎山东坡亚高山森林系统植被光合作用&双裂蟹甲草(Cacaliadavidii)净光合速率对生态因子的响应

    A Photosynthesis Research on Vegetation of Subalpine Forest System on the East Slope of the Gongga Mountain & A Case Study on Response of Net Photosynthetic Rate to Ecological Factors in Cacalia davidii

  20. 在其他生态因子一定的条件下,净光合速率随CO2浓度的增加而增加,其补偿点约在50~90μmolmol-1之间,6:00~16:00期间的饱和点约为770~1900μmolmol-1。

    Given the condition of the other ecological factors , the net photosynthetic rate will increase with the increment of CO2 concentration and the light compensation point is in the range from 50 to 90 μ molmol-1 ;

  21. 大于1mm的甲壳动物个体频度为0.15、0.30、0.41.其体长随鱼产量的增加而缩小.最后,对影响东湖浮游动物群落结构的主要生态因子进行了讨论。

    The frequency of large-sized crustacean ( > 1mm ) is respectively 0 . 15 , 0 . 30 and 0 . 41 , and its body length is shortened with the increase of fish yield . Ecological factors affecting the structure of zooplankton community are discussed .

  22. 结果表明:1)采用多元线性回归和向前选逐步线性回归分析方法,发现生态因子集中10cm土温(X4)与上层光强/中层光强的比值(X1)对麻竹退笋影响较大;

    2003 . The results showed that the soil temperature of 10cm ( X4 ) nd the upper light intensity / the middle light intensity ( X1 ) in the ecological factors are important limiting factors with the multiple linear regression and forward selection linear regression progressively .

  23. 复合微生物对养殖水体生态因子的影响

    The effects of microbiological compound on ecological factors in culture waters

  24. 有机固体废弃物好氧堆肥的生态因子及其调控

    Ecological Factors and Their Regulation During the Organic Solid Waste Composting

  25. 光是影响小麦生产的主导生态因子。

    Light is the leading ecology factor that influences wheat production .

  26. 中国石斛属植物资源分布的主要生态因子

    The Major Ecological Factors in Dendrobium Resource Distribution Areas in China

  27. 确定尾矿库生态因子权重的层次分析法

    AHP Method for Determinating the Ecological Factor Weight of Tailings Reservoirs

  28. 生态因子相似度优先比的模糊决策分析

    Analyzing fuzzy decision-making of kind degree priority rate of ecology factors

  29. 鸭、鱼混养池塘浮游生物种群结构及生态因子的初步研究

    The planktonic population structure and ecological factors in the Fish-duck pond

  30. 生态因子对油松飞播造林成苗影响的研究

    Effect of Ecological Factors on the Survival of Aerial Seeding Plantation