
  • 网络lijiang;lijiang city
  1. 结论应加强丽江市麻疹疫苗免疫程序调整;

    Conclusion Should strengthen the Lijiang measles vaccine immunization schedule adjustment ;

  2. 丽江市冰雹天气的红外云图和雷达回波特征分析

    Characteristics of infrared cloud image and radar echo of Lijiang hail weather

  3. 为表彰其为贫困家庭女孩教育所做的贡献,云南省丽江市华坪女子高级中学校长张桂梅日前被授予“时代楷模”称号。

    Zhang Guimei , the principal of Huaping High School for Girls , based in Lijiang city , Southwest China 's Yunnan province , has been granted the title " Role Model of the Times " in recognition of her dedication to the education for girls from poor families .

  4. 云南省丽江市玉龙县鲁甸乡新主行政村云木香GAP种植区环境质量良好,符合绿色药材栽培的环境质量要求。

    Based on the analysis , the environment quality in the in GAP planting base of Aucklandia lappa Decne was good and accorded with the requirement of green medicine culture .

  5. 丽江市旅游地质资源系统与人地关系系统的相互作用

    The reciprocity between system of tourism geological resources and system of human-land relationship

  6. 丽江市可持续性评价及民族文化的作用分析

    An Evaluation of the Sustainability of Lijiang and the Role of Ethnic Cultures

  7. 丽江市人地关系类型划分

    Division of human-land relationship types in Lijiang

  8. 丽江市为旅游地质资源丰富和旅游业快速发展的地区。

    Lijiang is a region in possession of abundant tourism resources and its tourism is developing fleetly .

  9. 丽江市1983~2007年法定报告传染病流行趋势分析

    Lijiang city 's the official report on analysis of prevalent trend of infectious disease from 1983 to 2007

  10. 云南省丽江市古城区农村居民冠心病的经济负担研究

    Study on the Economic Burden of Coronary Heart Disease in a Rural area of Li Jiang , Yunnan Province

  11. 事实上,中印瑜伽学院的第一家分院已于上个月在云南省丽江市成立。

    In fact , the first branch of CIYC was opened in Yunnan province in the city of Lijiang last month .

  12. 区域产业结构变化及其生态环境效应&以云南省丽江市为例

    Research on the Change of Regional Industrial Structure and Its Eco-environmental Effect : A Case Study in Lijiang City , Yunnan Province

  13. 丽江市人地关系发育水平、人地关系历史演变、人地关系各种要素对旅游地质资源的开发与保护具有显著的作用;

    The level , evolvement and various constituents of human-land relationship have significant effect on the development and protection of tourism geological resources in Lijiang .

  14. 方法对丽江市传染病及麻疹疫情报告数据和监测系统数据采用描述流行病学调查方法进行分析。

    Methods Uses the description epidemiology investigation method to the Lijiang infectious disease and measles epidemic reporting data and the observation system data to carry on the analysis .

  15. 市县级政策与管理在古村落保护和旅游中的重要性&以黄山市、大理州和丽江市为例

    Importance of Policy and Administration at County and City Level to the Conservation of Ancient Settlements and Tour : Taking Huangshan City , Dali Prefecture and Lijiang City as Examples

  16. 湖州西倚天日山脉、北濒太湖,有丰富的旅游资源。丽江市为旅游地质资源丰富和旅游业快速发展的地区。

    On the west Huzhou leans against the Tianmu Mountains while on the north it faces the Taihu Lake . Lijiang is a region in possession of abundant tourism resources and its tourism is developing fleetly .

  17. 作者系统地总结了近年来丽江市在探索文化体制改革和文化产业发展方面所积累的经验,展示了探索中所取得的阶段性成效,论证了在文化体制改革中需要正确处理的几个关系。

    The author systematically summarizes experience of Lijiang City in exploring culture system reform and culture industry development in recent years . The article demonstrates phase achievement in the exploring and argues that several relations should be correctly handled in culture system reform .

  18. 本文以白语中部方言区丽江市古城区七河乡共和太平村的白语为例,在广泛阅读白语和话题研究专著及论文的基础上成文。

    This article takes central dialect of the ancient city of Lijiang City area Republic of seven Township Tai Ping Bai language as example , on the basis of the extensive reading of the Bai language and topics of research monographs and papers written .

  19. 丽江世界遗产公园距丽江市约2公里,按国家AAAA级景区标准建设。

    The park is2 kilometers away from Lijiang old town , it was built according to the AAAA state-level .

  20. 丽江热线网站,是由丽江市广播电视台主办的综合性门户网站,宗旨为做有用的网站。

    Lijiang hotline site that is by lijiang broadcast television sponsored by the comprehensive portal , aim to do useful sites .

  21. 基于地质、地貌和水文地质条件及自然与社会环境,丽江盆地第四系浅层孔隙水水位埋深变化规律,分析了丽江市城市地下水污染状况及原因;

    Based on geology , physiognomy and hydrogeology and natural and society environment and Lijiang Basin changing rule of level of the fourth series fleet layer pore water , the polluting status and reason of city groundwater is analyzed .