
  • 网络lishui city;Yeosu
  1. 浙江丽水市城市植物多样性的初步研究

    Studies on the Urban Plant Biodiversity in Lishui City Zhejiang Province

  2. 目的:明确丽水市社区高血压患病情况。

    Objective : To investigate the hypertension prevalence in Lishui city community .

  3. 67岁的赵延平(音译)来自浙江省丽水市,他说,5月初他和妻子去延安枣园革命旧址参观时深有感触。

    Zhao Yanping , a 67-year-old from Lishui , Zhejiang province , said he had been inspired by a visit to the Zaoyuan Revolutionary Site in Yan'an with his wife in early May .

  4. 城郊农村文化室建设方案思考&以丽水市C村为模型

    On the Construction of Rural Cultural Center in Suburb

  5. 浙江省丽水市学生乙肝病毒(HBV)感染状况分析

    Analysis of hepatitis B virus infection in students in Lishui

  6. 丽水市空气中Pb污染调查

    Pb Pollution in Ambient Air in Lishui

  7. 丽水市甲型H1N1流感病毒检测报告

    Report of detectiion on influenza A virus subtype H1N1 in Lishui

  8. 用3种ELISA方法检测了采自浙江省丽水市的46个田间样品,I-ELISA、TAS-ELISA和DAS-ELISA测出的阳性样品数分别为19、21和18个,阳性率为41%、46%和39%。

    Among the 46 samples , 19,21 and 18 samples were positive tested by I-ELISA , TAS-ELISA and DAS-ELISA .

  9. 目的:用IgG抗体测定,对12座民工子弟小学学生进行麻疹抗体水平调查,并开展免疫状况调查,为丽水市计划免疫工作提供科学依据。民工荒产生的原因及对策研究

    Objective To test the level of measles antibody IgG and investigate immunity status quo in the migrant laborers ' children . Research on the Reason and the Countermeasure of the Shortage of Rural Migrant Laborers

  10. 从丽水市的实际出发,提出利用SDH传输网和1550nm射频副载波调制干线光传输相结合的方法覆盖全市8个县(市)的具体方案。

    A specific scheme of using SDH transmission network and 1550 nm light transmission of sub-carrier modulate trunk to cover eight counties is put forward from the actual situation of Lushui .

  11. 浙江省丽水市发展生态旅游具有资源和区位优势条件。

    Lishui has an advantage of resources for developing ecological tourism .

  12. 丽水市水资源可持续发展的对策研究

    Countermeasures study on the sustainable development of water resources in Lishui

  13. 丽水市生态示范区建设的生态补偿机制探讨

    Study on Ecology Compensation Institution about Construct Eco-demonstration Region in Lishui

  14. 丽水市优质烤烟标准化生产规程

    Standard Production Regulation of Good-quality Flue-cured Tobacco in 2005 in Lishui

  15. 欠发达地区城市体系规划发展思考&以丽水市为例

    Thinking on development of city system plan in undeveloped area

  16. 丽水市远程学习者特征调查报告

    A Survey Report of Long-distance Learners ' Characteristics in Lishui

  17. 丽水市农用化学品使用及控制

    The Application and Control of Agricultural Chemicals in Lishui City

  18. 单位:丽水市疾病预防控制中心。

    SETTING : Lishui Center for Disease Prevention and Control .

  19. 调查发现浙西南丽水市野生观赏树木资源丰富,全市共有野生观赏树种405种。

    There are 405 species of wild ornamental trees in Lishui City .

  20. 丽水市医疗保险个人负担问题的调查研究

    A Research of the Personal Burden Issues on Medical Insurance in Lishui

  21. 丽水市小径竹资源调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on the Small Diameter Bamboo Resources in Lishui Municipality

  22. 丽水市新农村合作医疗保险制度研究

    The Research of the New Rural Cooperative Medical Insurance System in Lishui

  23. 丽水市食品中沙门菌污染情况调查分析

    Investigation and analysis of pollution condition of Salmonella in food in Lishui

  24. 1999-2008年浙江省丽水市病毒性乙型肝炎流行特征分析

    Epidemiology of hepatitis B in Lishui , Zhejiang , 1999-2008

  25. 丽水市九坑桃产业现状及可持续发展的探究

    Status and sustainable development of peach industry in Lishui

  26. 丽水市竹业科技支撑建设

    The Construction of Scientific and Technological Support for Bamboo Industry in Lishui Municipality

  27. 丽水市生态示范区建设实践与迎验准备思考

    Practice and Preparation of Inspection about Construction of Eco-demonstration Region in Lishui City

  28. 丽水市旅游开发的迟发展效应、后发优势及创新对策

    Lishu city tourism development 's late development effect , adventage and innovation advantage

  29. 丽水市生态旅游的现状及对策

    Present Condition and Countermeasure of Lishui 's Ecology Tourism

  30. 丽水市地下空间开发策略与规划设想

    The Development Strategy and Planning Ideas of the Underground Space in Lishui City