
  1. 经过3a调查研究,最后确定长白山区共有珍稀濒危野生食用植物30科43属53种,其中濒危种7科7属9种;渐危种16科19属21种;

    Research for three years , it was known that Changbai Mountain area was rich in rare and endangered wild food plants There are 30 families , 43 genera and 53 species in all .

  2. 新疆沙冬青生态环境及渐危原因的研究

    Study for the ecological environment and vulnerable reasons of the Ammopiptanthus nanus

  3. 渐危植物珊瑚菜种子活力和萌发率测定

    Determination of seed vitality and germination rate of the endangered plant Glehnia littoralis

  4. 元后,文人画的兴起,包括仕女画在内的工笔画其势渐危,随着中国历史进入新时期,中国画坛也出现了新的面貌。

    History enter new period with China , Chinese painting circles presented the new appearance too .

  5. 滇牡丹是中国西南的特有植物,在中国植物红皮书中将其定为渐危种而列为国家二级保护植物。

    Paeonia delavayi , an endemic species to Southwestern China , was protected as a vulnerable plant in China .

  6. 中国植物红皮书第一卷将我国植物物种濒危等级标准划分为濒危、稀有和渐危3个等级。

    China Plant Red Data Book ( Vol.1 ) classified the threatened species as endangered , rare and vulnerable ones .

  7. 属濒危2种,稀有14种,渐危17种。

    Of which 2 species belong to endangered species , 14 species to rare species , and 17 species to vulnerable species .

  8. 河北新纪录种46种,其中,极危种植物5种,濒危种6种,渐危种24种,敏感种11种;

    There are 46 new recorded plants of Hebei , among those there are 5 critically endangered species , 6 endangered species , 24 vulnerable , 11 lower risk species ;

  9. 但由于滥捕乱猎、栖息地丧失、破坏、污染以及异种侵入等原因,已造成有尾两栖动物的渐危和濒危。

    However , due to the overfishing and over killing and pollution of their living environment , the tailed amphibians are losing their natural habitat and are in severe danger .

  10. 稀有濒危植物88种,分属46科75属,其中濒危植物14种,渐危植物49种,稀有植物25种;

    Among these species , there are 88 rare and endangered plant species in total , belonging to 46 families 75 genera , 14 species of which are endangered , 49 threatened and 25 rare .

  11. 根据现行的分类标准,该保护区有5种濒危的种类,18种稀有的种类,24种渐危的种类,一级保护植物4种,二级保护植物16种,三级保护植物27种。

    In accordance with the present classification standard , there are 5 endangered species , 18 rare species and 24 vulnerable species , 4 first-level protected species , 16 second-level protected species and 27 third-level protected species .

  12. 有省级重点保护植物13种,隶属8科12属,占陕西省地方重点保护植物总数的22.0%,其中濒危种2种、稀有种4种、渐危种6种,保护类型未定的有1种。

    13 species were provincial key protected belonging to 8 families and 12 genuses in the reserve and there 22 % of the total local key protected species including 2 endangered species , 4 rare species , 6 vulnerable species and 1 unknown pecies .

  13. 被列为一级重点保护的有3种,二级保护的有8种,三级保护2种。从它们的生存现状看,有10个稀有种,3个渐危种。

    With regard to the protection grade , 3 species are of grade 1 , and 8 species are of grade 2 , and 2 species are of grade 3.As for their existing status , 10 are of rare species , 3 are of vulnerable .

  14. 其中民族常用及使用面广的植物药(包括资源丰富的、渐危的、新记录及栽培的种类)计431种,来源于117科616种(含变种)植物。

    There are 431 ethnodrugs , which belong to 616 species ( including varieties ) of plants and 117 families ( including the rich , rare , newly recorded and cultivated species ) . These drugs are used frequently and extensively in the west area of Hubei Province .