
  • 网络Asymptotic freedom
  1. 基于QCD的渐进自由性质,这个理论对于高能过程已经获得了显著的成功。

    This theory is very successful in high energy processes given its property of asymptotic freedom .

  2. 不同于电磁相互作用,由于SU(3)非阿贝尔性质,量子色动力学有渐进自由性质,即在大动量转移下是渐进自由的,而在低能标下却是强耦合的。

    Different from electromagnetic interaction , due to its non-Abelian color symmetry , the QCD has the property of asymptotic freedom at large momentum transfer , while remains strongly coupled at low energies .

  3. K因子随m的增大而缓慢减小这一事实支持了QCD渐进自由性质的一贯要求和以往关于K因子的直接实验结果。

    The fact that K factor decreases slowly as m increases have supported the consistent requirement of approaching freedom in QCD and the direct experimental result of K factor .

  4. 金融渐进自由化是我国金融改革的方向。

    Gradual financial liberalization is the direction of financial reform of our country .

  5. 到目前为止,全国人大为期两周的会议之前和会议期间的进展显示,国务院将会继续实施渐进式自由化的政策。

    So far , developments just before and during the NPC 's two-week-long annual meeting suggest the council will continue a policy of incremental liberalization .

  6. 中国渐进式金融自由化与国有银行风险关系研究

    Study of the Gradualism Financial Liberalization in China and Its Relation with the Risk of State Owned Banks

  7. 日本渐进式贸易自由化的成功经验,为后发型国家引入开放体制、参与国际分工提供了思路。

    The successful experience of Japan 's gradual trade liberalization has become a good way for reference for backward developing nations to introduce opening system and take part in international division of labor .

  8. 本文通过验证中国在资本流动和利率双重管制下的利差期限结构,以实证分析提出中国应实行渐进式利率自由化和浮动汇率制的关联性改革安排。

    This paper investigates the term structure of interest rates differentials in China in the presence of capital control and interest rate regulation . Some implications about the current system in China are drawn from the analysis of the empirical results .

  9. 我国应采取渐进式的投资自由化,并保持外资准入政策与国家经济政策的一致性。

    China should carry out liberalization of investment gradually and maintain the identity between domestic economic policy and accession policy of foreign investment .

  10. 此后,云飞就从一个言辞稀少的哀歌诗人,变成四川盆地内分贝最高的作家,和一个推崇胡适式的渐进改良的、自由主义知识分子。

    Afterwards , Ran Yunfei evolved from an elegy poet of rare words to the loudest writer and liberal scholar in Sichuan who advocates the progressive spirit of Hu Shih .

  11. 我国应主张渐进实现外资准入自由化,团结其他发展中国家,积极参加国际投资立法实践,促成有利于发展中国家的投资规则的形成。

    China shall realize the liberation of foreign investment admittance step by step and cooperate with other developing countries to actively participate in the legislative practice of foreign investment and promote the formation of investment principles that are favorable to developing countries .