
  • 网络Incremental Change
  1. 我们相信,金砖国家是对现行机制进行渐进式变革的重要力量,有助于实现更具代表性和更公平的全球治理、促进更具包容性的全球增长,建设和平、稳定、繁荣的世界。

    We believe the BRICS are an important force for incremental change and reform of current institutions towards more representative and equitable governance , capable of generating more inclusive global growth and fostering a stable , peaceful and prosperous world .

  2. 民间信用的演化模拟、失序控制与渐进式变革

    Simulation , disorder Control and Gradual Reform of Interpersonal Trust

  3. 本文认为要重视中国现代大学制度变迁的路径依赖问题,并提出了推进大学制度渐进式变革的思路和构想。

    It is also thought that the path dependence problem of modern university institutional change should be attached importance to , and the idea of boosting the step-by-step change and innovation is proposed .

  4. 在变革中寻求出路&试论中国的渐进式经济变革与社会政策

    Finding the Way out in Reform & The Study on Gradual Economic Reform and Social Policy in China