
jí zhuānɡ xiānɡ yùn shū
  • container transport;containerization;containerized transport;containerized traffic
  1. 国际集装箱运输是一种先进的现代化运输方式。

    The international containerized traffic is one advanced modernization transport mode .

  2. 我国铁路集装箱运输中存在的问题与对策研究

    Exists Question and Countermeasure Research in Our Country Railroad Containerized Traffic

  3. RFID将变革集装箱运输业务流程

    RFID will change the container transport business processes

  4. 集装箱运输系统ETL的设计与实现

    Design and Realize of Architecture of ETL for Information of Container Transport

  5. EDI报文运作安全系统及在国际集装箱运输EDI中的实现方法

    Security System for EDI Message Delivery and Implementation in EDI of International Container Transportation

  6. 基于ACO的港口集装箱运输网络系统优化研究

    An Ant Colonies Optimization Model for Container Marine Transport System

  7. 随着我国加入WTO,我国的经济和对外贸易将更加快速的发展,这为我国的集装箱运输带来更广阔的前景。但是,辽宁省集装箱运输发展明显滞后,主要体现在:集装箱航线较少;

    Since China entered WTO , the country 's economy and foreign trade have accelerated developments , which brings a much more broader prospect for the country 's container shipping industry .

  8. COSCO集装箱运输的回顾和展望

    COSCO Container Transportation - Review and Prospect

  9. 其次,本文分析了上海港集装箱运输的竞争格局,使用SWOT分析法对上海港的竞争战略展开了研究,并提出了相应的建议。

    Then , Shanghai 's container transport competitive pattern was analyzed . By adopting the SWOT method , the research carried out the competitive strategy of Shanghai and gave some suggestions .

  10. 本文介绍了一个EDI报文运作安全系统,以及它在国际集装箱运输EDI系统中的实现方法。

    This paper describes a security system for EDI ( Electronic Data Interchange ) message delivery and how to build the example to be used in EDI of international container transportation .

  11. 美国的集装箱运输船队的平均历史为25年,3E级货轮更新的替代型号将在其它国家开发和建造。

    The US container shipping fleet is an average of 25 years old and the newer alternatives to the Triple-E will be developed and manufactured elsewhere .

  12. DADM挖掘模型以集装箱运输行业为背景,功能完善,操作简单,可扩展性强。

    Taking large supermarket as its background , DADM mine model is characterized by perfect function , simple operation and strong extensibility .

  13. 通过构建大连出口加工区电子商务及EDI平台,为大连出口加工区乃至大连口岸的相关企业从事集装箱运输及物流业务操作提供单证报文传输与交换服务、提供物流领域电子商务信息;

    By constructing the EPZ E-business and the EDI operation platform , we can offer document transmission and service exchange and provide E-business information in logistics field to enterprises concerned engaged in container transportation and logistic service in areas from EPZ to port of Dalian .

  14. 文章在充分探讨EDI在集装箱运输发展中地位和作用的基础上,深入分析了大连口岸集装箱运输EDI系统的发展现状及存在的主要问题,最后提出了大连口岸集装箱运输EDI系统建设的主要措施。

    This article , on the basis of probing into the importance of EDI in container transportation , analyzes the present situation and problems of EDI in Dalian port . Finally , this article puts forward measures on how to set up the EDI system of container transportation in Dalian .

  15. 铁路集装箱运输径路辅助决策系统的研究

    Research on Aided Decision Making System of railway container transportation path

  16. 宁波港集装箱运输发展战略探讨

    The Research of Development Strategies of Container Transport in Ningbo Port

  17. 内贸集装箱运输危险货物安全管理探析

    Safety Management of Dangerous Cargoes in Container Transportation of Domestic Trade

  18. 长三角地区内河集装箱运输发展战略研究

    Research on Inland River Container Transportation in Yangtze River Delta Area

  19. 结点站间铁路集装箱运输组织的理论与方法研究

    Study on Containers Transport Organization between Railway Network Container Freight Stations

  20. 由此可见,发展港口铁路集装箱运输势在必行。

    Thus , it is imperative to develop port rail container transport .

  21. 军用物资集装箱运输机械环境条件及防护要求

    Mechanical Environmental Condition and Protection Demands of Military Materials in Container Conveyance

  22. 加速发展我国铁路冷藏集装箱运输的几个问题

    Problems on speeding up Development of Refrigerated Container Transportation for Chinese Railways

  23. 加快港口发展适应国际集装箱运输需求

    Quicken Port Development to Gear to the Needs of International Container Transport

  24. 国际集装箱运输市场的现状、趋势及对策

    International Container Transportation Market : Status , Trends and Solutions

  25. 水路内贸集装箱运输业务流程探讨

    Discussion on the operational flow of waterway container transportation of internal trade

  26. 集装箱运输是运输行业革命性的变革。

    Container transportation is a revolution in the transportation industry .

  27. 起重自装卸集装箱运输车力学分析及优化设计

    Mechanics analysis and optimal design of container vehicle with crane

  28. 对发展我国铁路集装箱运输车辆的探讨

    Discussion about Development of Railway Container Cars in Our Country

  29. 国外内河集装箱运输发展现状及趋势分析

    Analysis of present situation and trend of oversea inland navigation containerized transportation

  30. 加快铁路国际集装箱运输市场的开发

    Speed up in Foreign Trade and International Container Transport Market