
jí sàn zhōnɡ xīn
  • distributive center;entrepot
  1. 而物流中心作为社会物流的集散中心,更是具有极其重要的作用。

    Logistic center plays very important role as the distributive center of the social logistics .

  2. X仓储公司是集高风险与高度社会责任于一体的成品油集散中心,安全环保是第一要务。

    X-warehousing company is an oil distribution center which has high-risk and high social responsibility . Safety and environmental protection is a top priority .

  3. 以拉动式生产为驱动,通过建立集散中心以上门揽货的方式,实现WP集团公司入厂物流的优化。

    Driven by the spur production , achieve the WP group company In-Plant logistics optimization through the establishment of distribution center to the door freight . 2 .

  4. 高等学校图书馆是信息集散中心,拥有大量的信息资源,需要大容量的存储空间,在存储建设上采用最新的SAN结构,通过网络实现数据的存储和共享。

    The university library is the center of information distributed , They own a lot information resources and need large space of storage , The university library use the newest technology of SAN constructers for building storage project , achieve storage and share of data through network .

  5. 据信库珀是在华盛顿州艾瑞尔镇(Ariel)落地的,而这里的艾里尔杂货店—酒馆(ArielGeneralStoreandTavern)是库珀迷的集散中心,每年都举办集会向库珀致上英雄般的敬意,让这个故事一直保持热度。

    The Ariel General Store and Tavern , an archive of Coopermania in the Washington State town of Ariel , where he is believed to have landed , has kept the story alive with an annual get-together that toasts Mr. Cooper as a hero .

  6. 论上海旅游集散中心的形成与发展

    On Formation and Evolvement of Tourist Transport Centers in Shanghai

  7. 义乌是目前全球最大的小商品集散中心。

    Yiwu is the world 's largest commodity distribution center .

  8. 天水曾经是丝绸之路上的贸易集散中心。

    Tianshui was a trade-distributing center on the Silk Road .

  9. 旅游集散中心是一种新的散客旅游组织模式。

    Tourist transport center is a new pattern of transferring individual tourists .

  10. 旅游集散中心功能及运作机制研究

    Research on Tourist Transport Centers ' Function and Mechanism

  11. 如雷诺市已经摇身一变成为了集散中心。

    Reno has turned itself into a distribution hub .

  12. 苹果产业集群大型集散中心的配送优化模型及求解

    Distribution Optimization Model and Solution of Large Distribution Center for Apple Industry Cluster

  13. 港口是货物集散中心,是当代城市物资的重要枢纽。

    It is the important pivots of the contemporary urban goods and materials .

  14. 松子仁是世界上最大的加工集散中心。

    Pine nut kernels is the world 's largest processing and distribution center .

  15. 城市蔬菜集散中心的优化布局

    The Optimized Layout of Vegetable Distributing Centre in Cities

  16. 一种物流集散中心的优化布局方法

    An Optimal Layout Method of PD Wholesale Centers

  17. 中美在粤建液化气集散中心

    China and USA Deciding on Construction of Liquefied Gas Distribution Center in Guangdong Province

  18. 舟山粮油集散中心建设研究

    Study on Zhoushan Grain Logistics Center

  19. 定期双层集装箱火车将东西海岸的港口与主要的内陆地区和集散中心相连接起来。

    Regular double-stack trains connect ports of the East and west coasts to major inland destinations and distribution centers .

  20. 耿镇为沿清水河中、上游地区货物集散中心。

    Geng town along the river water , the upper reaches of the goods distribution center for the region .

  21. 到底如何让默默无闻的定线旅游客运与强势出击的旅游集散中心共存共生,天长地久?

    How to make the fix line tour passenger transport and the sightseeing bus centers coexistence for ever and ever ?

  22. 港口是货物的集散中心,是全球物流供应链的重要环节。

    Port is the center of cargo distributing , is one important loop of the chain of global logistical supplying .

  23. 旅游集散中心在整合区域旅游资源的基础上,为游客提供全方位的旅游服务,方便游客出行。

    It is on the basis of integrating regional tourism resources so as to offer entirety travel services and facilitate tourists .

  24. 整个商城称得上商品经销、仓储货运、商务办公为一体的综合性五金电器集散中心。

    The entire mall called merchandise distribution , freight warehousing , business office as one integrated electrical distribution center for hardware .

  25. 建立文献信息集散中心、多元服务中心、信息技术研究中心是十分必要的。

    It is important to establish centers of document information , centers of multi purpose services and centers of information technology research .

  26. 随着经济与贸易的全球化,港口已经成为各种运输方式交汇的高效集散中心和功能强大的综合性物流枢纽。

    With the globalization of economy and trade , ports have become efficient distribution centers for various transportation and powerful comprehensive logistics hubs .

  27. 上海是我国最大的花卉集散中心,已有花卉市场70多家,花店3800多家。

    Shanghai is the largest distributing centre of flower in China , in which more than 70 markets and 3800 stores are built .

  28. 另一个重要的牡丹集散中心是山东菏泽。菏泽对于大宗的香港出口贸易(并最终到我们这里)是至关重要的。

    The other great centre is Heze in Shandong province , crucial for the big export trade to Hong Kong and eventually , ourselves .

  29. 论文目标:研究如何在实际应用中建立进口钢材货物集散中心,主要包括两个方面的内容,选址与规模。

    Objective : To study how to establish import-steel - cargo storage center in practice , including two sides : site selection and inside scale .

  30. 城市是近代旅游的发源地,是旅游者的主要产出地、接待中心和集散中心。

    Urban is not only the source of modern tourism , but also the main source of tourists , reception and distribution center for tourists .