
  • 网络clumped;clumped distribution;contagious distribution;clumped pattern;aggregated distribution
  1. 幼苗高度集群分布是形成优势种群的基础;

    The highly clumped pattern of sapling is the basis of forming dominant species .

  2. 结果表明:华山松种群的空间分布格局随发育阶段由集群分布随机分布集群分布变化;

    The results revealed that the spatial pattern of population proceeded from the clumped distribution to random distribution , and the to clumped distribution again with growth .

  3. 灌木层主要树种均呈集群分布。

    All the tree species in shrub layer were contagious distribution .

  4. 不同演替群落中种群空间分布格局总体上仍是集群分布。

    Aggregated pattern is prevalent at different successional stages of communities .

  5. 在不同取样尺度下,种群分布格局均为集群分布,随年龄增加,种群聚集强度减弱。

    At different sampling scales , population is clumping distribution pattern .

  6. 通过自然扩散形成的海桑种群趋于集群分布。

    The population formed by natural regeneration had a clumped distribution pattern .

  7. 我国制造业集群分布现状及其发展特征

    The Characteristics and Location Patterns of China 's Manufacturing Clusters

  8. 城市广告业集群分布模式&以深圳为例

    Cluster Modes of Advertising Industry : with the Case Study of Shenzhen

  9. 种子雨分布格局呈集群分布。

    The seed rain patterns mainly showed clump distribution .

  10. 从幼苗→大树的时间序列上,有从集群分布到随机分布的变化趋势

    And in time serial , it is from clump to random ? ON RANDOM

  11. 各优势种群在各样地中的分布格局均呈集群分布。

    That the distribution patterns of dominant populations in various plots were of clump distribution .

  12. 动态分布格局是从集群分布到随机分布。

    The dynamic distribution pattern of different size classes of C. glauca is from clump to random .

  13. 东、黄海鱼是鱼集群分布模式的研究

    Studies on the distribution pattern of Japanese anchovy in Yellow Sea and East China Sea Lin De Fang

  14. 种子园内不同垂直高度花粉散发量呈极显著差异,花粉分布呈集群分布型。

    Pollen quantity along different vertical heights has significant difference and the pollen distribution is a cluster distribution type .

  15. 40~50龄种群处于由集群分布向随机分布的过渡期;

    The population at the age from 40 to 50 was at the transitional stage from contagious to random distribution .

  16. 从巴山木竹种群各年龄范围均保持强集群分布格局并有随时间进程逐渐加强的趋势来看,该种群可能受到了较大的环境压力。

    The strengthening trend of the clumped distribution with ageing implies that the population was under a relatively stronger environmental pressure .

  17. 结果表明,阴香幼苗种群呈现集群分布,但在不同生境中种群的集聚强度和格局规模存在明显的差异。

    The results show that all the seedling populations displayed an aggregated distribution pattern , but the aggregation intensity and pattern scale were different among the populations .

  18. 更新苗在靠近林缘处呈为集群分布的格局,表现出明显的边缘效应,而随与边缘距离的增加,边缘强度减弱,更新苗表现为随机分布的格局。

    The seeding near the forest edge was the cluster distribution pattern , and with away from the edge , the seeding is in random distribution pattern .

  19. 四种鹭类在繁殖地内同种集群分布,分布格局与鹭类进入繁殖期的时间和占区有关。

    In addition , the distributing pattern was related with the time of egrets starting their breeding and with the behavior of occupying the space prepared for nest .

  20. 根据7个冬季变水层拖网瞄准捕捞越冬鱼是鱼平均小时产量统计和探鱼仪鱼群映象纪录资料,研究了鱼是鱼集群分布模式和集群密度。

    The distribution patterns of Japanese anchovy were studied based on the data of average catch per hour and recording of echo trace of anchovy during 7 winter seasons .

  21. 随着年龄增长,大体上表现为由集群分布向随机分布转变,且这种转变主要发生在中树以及大树这两个阶段。

    The distribution pattern of the population generally transformed from aggregated distribution into random distribution with age , which often occurred at middle trees or old trees stage for the population .

  22. 本文中,HOIKI模型仅仅考虑了结点集群分布时,优化网络传输这种情况,但是实际情况往往复杂得多,因此考虑建立更加复杂的优化指标来提高系统的整体挖掘性能是进一步深入研究的课题。

    However , the situation is more complicated actually in real world . The thesis has some referential value for further study of improving the whole mining performance by establishing more complicated optimizing index .

  23. 种群盖度与偏离系数呈现有统计学意义上的负相关,表明随着定居后时间的延长,外观上北美车前种群的集群分布趋势变弱。

    Negative correlation between the coverages of the populations and their deviation coefficients was found , which showed that the populations of Plantago virginica became less clumping distributed in appearance with the time after their inhabiting .

  24. 从成对物种关联指数看,关联指数介于0.09~0.27之间,其值都比较小,说明其正关联不紧密,草本层植物处于随机的集群分布格局。

    Correlation index from the pairs of species to see , and its associated index are relatively small , their is not closely related , herb layer plants in a random distribution pattern of the cluster .

  25. 有林地在研究区内呈集群分布而前期灌木林和后期疏林地近似呈随机分布。

    Under the influence of the environmental heterogeneity and human activities , the distribution pattern of the forest land was the clustering style but the brush and the open forest approximately had the random spatial distribution pattern .

  26. 第二章针对目标离散分布和目标集群分布两种情况,以2010年1月黄海鳀越冬场声学调查数据为例,研究了声学数据处理中积分阈的选择和优化问题。

    In the second chapter , the methods on the determination and optimization of integration threshold were studied for both scattered target and schooling target using the data collected during the survey of the wintering anchovy in the Yellow Sea in January 2010 .

  27. 从1年生苗到随后各年龄组,分布格局的变化趋势由集群分布变为随机分布,或保持集群分布但集聚程度减小,也有经随机分布又变为集群分布的。

    The change trends of distribution pattern with age class increment of young population are from cluster type to random type , or keep cluster and reduce intensity , some of sample changed cluster type once again after it had been changing random type .

  28. 京津冀产业发展功能定位与产业集群空间分布

    Functional Positioning of Industrial Development and Industrial Cluster Distribution in Beijing , Tianjin and Hebei

  29. 泥石流呈集群式分布,与地面物质组成密切相关;

    The distribution of debris flows is group distribution and it relates to the composing of ground material .

  30. 在常规应用中,薄膜型介质材料的厚度和相对介电常数对离子体鞘的厚度和离子集群势能分布及大小影响不大。

    In conventional condition , the thickness and the dielectric constant of dielectric sheet have no significant effects on the thickness and the potential profiles of ion-matrix sheath .