
  1. 发挥社会主义制度能够集中力量办大事的优势。

    Under the socialist system we have the advantage of being able to concentrate our forces on a major task .

  2. 我们有集中力量办大事的制度优势、和谐安定的社会环境。

    Our system enables us to mobilize the necessary resources for big undertakings . There is harmony and stability in our society .

  3. 现阶段而言,应当集中力量办大事,体现国有企业的经济控制力,同时发展非国有企业。

    As to nowadays , the state-owned enterprises should gather strengths to deal with important matters , and in the person of economic control , meanwhile , develop the private enterprises .

  4. 重大专项的实施将充分发挥集中力量办大事的优势和市场机制的作用,力争在重大专项领域取得突破,填补国家战略空白。

    The major projects should be implemented with a full play of the advantages of mobilizing resources for big undertakings and market mechanism , with the goal of making breakthroughs in the field of major projects so as to fill gaps in the national strategy .

  5. 国家动员就是集中全国力量办大事,它是中国的一大特色。

    It is a major feature of China .