
  • 网络jimei university;jmu.edu.cn
  1. 有谁知道厦大和集美大学什么时候放暑假?

    Anybody knows when Xiamen University and Jimei University will have summer holiday ?

  2. 独特的校园文化,体现着办学特色,也使得办学特色内涵更为丰富。集美大学办学特色的形成正说明了这一点。

    The particular campus culture shows and enriches the special features of running the university , as is exemplified by the formation of the characteristics of running Jimei University .

  3. 集美大学女篮参加第七届CUBA女子八强赛技术统计分析

    An Analysis of Technical Statistics at the Seventh CUBA Women Eight - Team Tournament

  4. 着重介绍集美大学自行研制并开发的船舶避碰课程CAI课件。在此基础上,提出了CAI课件还应包括练习、测试及评分系统。

    This paper focuses on the introduction of the developing of testing and scoring system and CAI for the course of Shipping Collision Prevention .

  5. 大学英语网络自主学习效果的调查研究&以集美大学为例

    A Survey on Autonomous Learning Effects of College English

  6. 根据国际、国内、本省数字资源建设的情况,分析了集美大学资源数字化建设的必要性。

    According to the present status of digital resources construction both at home and aboard , the paper has analyzed the necessity of digitizing resources in libraries .

  7. 采用教学实验法对集美大学一年级两个网球选项班的学生进行教学实验研究,并对实验组与对照组的教学效果进行了比较分析。

    And we also take experiment on2 tennis class of freshmen in Jimei University , and make a comparison on the teaching effect between experiment group and control group .

  8. 被集美大学等学校奉为学校教育精神的“陈嘉庚精神”,其特质还有以下三点:仁慈忠勇的道义精神、躬行务实的事业精神、持久不衰的人生激情。

    The spirit of Tan Kah Kee , honored as the essence model by Jimei University , embodies the following characteristics : benevolence and loyalty , pragmatism , passion for life .

  9. 本文分析了集美大学扩招后的图书馆读者文献需求特点,并对集美大学图书馆应对新形势所采取的文献资源建设调整的策略进行了分析与思考。

    This paper analyses the characteristics of reader 's requirement for documentations at libraries after enlarging recruit students in university and college , at the same time analyses and considers on the strategies about documentation resources construction , witch has been fine-tuned under the new position .

  10. 摘要本文从立项背景、资源建设方法、资源整合发布过程和发展方向等方面,介绍了集美大学图书馆水产科技数据库的设计思路与实现方法,并就如何建设特色数据库提出了几点思考。

    The paper introduces the successful construction and the future development of the database for fishery science and technology by Library of Jimei University from several aspects such as construction background , resources construction methods , resources integration , and thus puts forward some ideas on the characteristic database construction .