
  • 网络Dalian University;dlu.edu.cn
  1. 在大连大学时他比我高一班。

    He was in a class ahead of me at Dalian University .

  2. 他正在大连大学攻读硕士学位。

    He is studying for a master 's degree at Dalian University .

  3. 他是大连大学的语言教授。

    He is a language professor in Dalian University .

  4. 大连大学成立于1987年。

    Dalian University was set up in 1987 .

  5. 大连大学开设自然科学和人文科学课程。

    Dalian University offers courses of science and the humanities .

  6. 大连大学音乐教育专业声乐教学改革与思考

    Dalian University of Vocal Music Teaching Reform the Teaching Profession and Thinking

  7. 大连大学新生性健康知识调查

    Investigation on sexual knowledge in freshmen of Dalian university

  8. 最近,他在大连大学学习金融和经济学。

    More recently , he has attended classes at Dalian University of Finance and Economics .

  9. 面向21世纪&大连大学科研发展战略初探

    Facing the 21st century & Inquiring into Scientific and Research Development Strategy of Dalian University

  10. 大连大学新生乙肝病毒携带状况分析

    Analyse is of the condition of HBV which exists in the freshmen in Dalian University

  11. 采用改进的生物接触氧化法对大连大学生活污水进行生物脱氮研究。

    The biological nitrogen-removal for the domestic sewage of Dalian University was investigated in this paper with an improved biological contact oxidation method .

  12. 对适合女性发展的女性/性别课程体系的探索&以大连大学女子学院课程设置为例

    Exploring the Course System Appropriate to Women 's Development & With the Course Offering of Dalian University 's Girls ' College As an Example

  13. 本文介绍了大连大学计算中心用磁卡作为输入方式,对机房管理的一系列工作在计算机上进行开发,建立了具有高效率的机房调度管理系统。

    Work of computer house 's management has been developed with magnetic-card and computer house 's management system has been established in the computation center .

  14. 方法:选择2008年1月至2009年12月间在大连大学附属中山医院因甲状腺肿瘤住院手术且病理诊断结果为恶性者,共50例。

    Study subjects who had pathological diagnosed malignant thyroid cancer were chosen from in hospital patients of affiliated Zhongshan Hospital of Dalian University from January 2008 to December 2009 .

  15. 以大连大学图书馆为例,探讨地方院校图书馆如何在学科建设中围绕教育职能发挥作用,做好服务。

    With the example of the library of Dalian University , the paper makes a study on the problem how the local universities give the rein to educational function and complete work successfully .

  16. [目的]分析大连大学新生乙肝病毒携带状况,并通过横向对比探讨大连地区乙肝预防情况。

    [ Objective ] To analyse the condition of HBV which exists in the freshmen in Dalian University and to do some research on the prevention of HBV in Dalian area through horizontal comparison .

  17. [结论]大连大学学生乙肝病毒携带率明显低于全国平均水平,P0.001.大连地区的青少年乙肝病毒携带率有下降的趋势;

    [ Conclusions ] The rate of HBV carriers in Dalian University is obviously lower than the average of the country . P 0.001 . The rate of HBV carriers among the youngsters in Dalian area is declining .

  18. 大连大学,作为一所综合性大学,面向21世纪,其科研工作应当怎样开展,这是摆在大连大学人面前的一个不容忽视的课题。

    With regard to Dalian University , as a comprehensive one , facing with the 21st century , how to develop its scientific and research work is a subject which can 't be ignored by everyone of Dalian University .

  19. 本文以大连大学的女性/性别课程体系形成为例,系统地阐述了构建女性教育课程体系指导思想的变化,课程体系框架的形成过程。

    Citing the example of the course system for the female sex at Dalian University , this paper systematically expounds the changes of the guilding concept to the offering of such courses and the formative process of this course system .

  20. 以大连大学附属中山医院体检中心正常人群血液样本32份为免疫学检测对照组,男女各16人,年龄40-80岁。

    Thirty-two blood samples taken from normal people consisting of 16 males and 16 female aged between 40 to 80-year old by Physical Examination Center of Zhong Shan Hospital Affiliated with Dalian University as the control group for immunological test .

  21. LittleStar的背后是一支由五名学生和两名老师组成的团队,他们来自大连民族大学,均是设计或计算机专业出身。

    The team behind Little Star is made up of five students and two teachers from Liu 's university . They are all design or computer engineering majors .

  22. 利用大连海事大学航海技术研究所提供的船舶操纵模拟器开发平台,采用Visualc++编程语言实现环境压力模型,在模拟器上实现环境压力的实时动态显示功能。

    Realize the Environmental Stress Model in the ship handling simulator to dynamically and timely display the Environmental Stress Value when simulation starts with the language of Microsoft Visual C + + ;

  23. 方法回顾性地分析了1994年~2001年大连医科大学附属二院神经科40例MSA患者的临床资料、CT和MRI资料和随访结果。

    Methods The clinical data , CT . MRI and followed-up data of 40 patients with MSA from 1994 to 2001 were retrospectively analyzed .

  24. 328例EH患者(来自大连医科大学附属二院心血管门诊),571例健康人(来自大连医科大学附属二院门诊体检者)为正常对照。

    328 EH patients ( enrolled the department of cardiology , the second affiliated hospital of Dalian medical university ) are EH group , with 571 healthy people as control group .

  25. 方法:所有研究对象为大连医科大学附属二院神经内科2004年4月~2004年12月住院的、经CT或MRI确诊的脑梗死患者258例。

    Methods : All objects studied were 258 patients with final diagnosis of cerebral infarction who were hospitalized in the department of neurology of the second affiliated hospital of Dalian Medical University form April 2004 to December 2004 and were checked with CT or MRI .

  26. 方法:标本来自2001年7月~2003年10月大连医科大学附属第二医院收集的81株金黄色葡萄球菌,常规分离临床标本,经凝固酶试验、API系统鉴定为金黄色葡萄球菌。

    Method : From july in 2001 to October in 2003,81 SA strains were obtained . All clinical isolates from the second affiliated hospital , Dalian medical university . All strains were identified by the Bacto coagulase plasma test and API system estimated .

  27. 依据大连海事大学校长办公室综合科的业务需求,我们建立了基于Intranet的校长综合查询及统计分析系统(PISS)。

    According to the business requirement of our university president office , we built President Integrative query and Statistical analysis System ( PISS ) based on Intranet , the system can offer integrative information and assistant decision-making .

  28. 本文系统地论述了大连海事大学航海技术研究所研制的大型船舶操纵模拟器控制台接口电路系统的结构、设计与实现,以及控制台实现USB通信的部分工作。

    This article has systematically discussed structure and design of bridge console of large scale shiphandling simulator developed by the Nautical Science and Technology Institute of DaLian Maritime University , especially about its interface circuit , and part work of realization of USB communication in bridge console .

  29. 大连海事大学毕业生质量跟踪调查报告(摘登)

    Findings Report on the Graduates Quality of Dalian Maritime University ;

  30. 大连医科大学于2007年进行新校园搬迁。

    The Dalian Medical University moved to the new campus in 2007 .