
  • 【农】continental climate
  1. 四季分明,气候宜人,属东部季风性大陆气候。

    Four seasons and pleasant weather , which is the eastern continental monsoon climate .

  2. 西峰属于半干旱大陆气候,光照充足,四季分明,物华天宝,人杰地灵。

    Xifeng are semi-arid continental climate , adequate light , four seasons , Wuhua Tianbao , outstanding .

  3. 非洲大陆气候炎热,但有温和的冬天和凉爽的夜晚。

    It is very hot in Africa , but it is warm in winter and cool at night .

  4. 结果表明:(1)枣庄气温具有明显的季风性大陆气候特征,总体呈现正态分布。

    The results show : ( 1 ) The temperature had obvious climate characteristics of land monsoon and normal distribution ;

  5. 新疆是典型的大陆气候,造就了香梨的资源优势,生产出的香梨以色、香、味而弛名国内外。

    Being a region with typical continental climate , Kuala pear yielded in Xinjiang is famous for its color , taste and fragrance in the world .

  6. 本文从新疆当地的实际情况出发,对典型的干旱性大陆气候条件下灌溉农业地区的土地资源人口承载量的研究方法进行了探索。

    The dissertation probes the research method of the land-population carrying capacity in the irrigating farming zone of the typical arid region in the light of the local specific conditions .

  7. 冰期海冰扩张与北美大陆气候的相互关联,揭示了晚第四纪冰期旋回中白令海海冰扩张及其对全球气候变化的响应。

    The extension of sea ice during glacial periods was linked with the climate over North American continent , revealing the responses of sea ice extension in the Bering Sea to global climate change during late Quaternary glacial and interglacial cycles .

  8. 大陆性气候不同于岛屿气候。

    A continental climate is different from an insular one .

  9. 北京属暖温带大陆季风气候区。

    Beijing city belongs to the zone of the continental monsoon climate .

  10. 大陆性气候条件下高山冰缘过程若干问题探讨

    Approach to Some Problems on the Alpine Periglacial Processes in Continental Climate

  11. 气候是丘陵大陆型气候:夏季炎热,冬季寒冷。

    The climate is highland continental : hot summers and cold winters .

  12. 本区气候属于暖温带半湿润季风型大陆性气候。

    The climate is sub-humid warm temperate continental monsoon climate .

  13. 河南省属于温带大陆性气候,夏季多雨。

    Henan has a temperate continental climate , with most rainfall in summer .

  14. 他们东边是干燥的大陆性气候,冬季严寒。

    In the east , they have a dry continental climate with severe winters .

  15. 美国东北部为湿润的大陆性气候。

    A humid continental climate is found in the north-eastern part of the country .

  16. 属暖温带半湿润大陆性气候。

    Is a warm sub-humid continental climate .

  17. 这儿是大陆型气候。

    It has a continental climate .

  18. 我们那里是大陆性气候。

    We have continental climate there .

  19. 因此说,米拉山是大陆性气候与海洋性气候的分水岭。

    Therefore , said Mira Hill is a continental climate with the climate of the watershed .

  20. 这里是典型的大陆性气候。

    The climate here is continental .

  21. 阳曲位于北半球中纬度暖温带,属大陆性气候。

    Yangqu located in warm temperate latitudes in the northern hemisphere , is a continental climate .

  22. 沿江为典型的大陆性气候,冬季寒冷,夏季温暖。

    Along the Yangtze River is a typical continental climate , the winter cold , summer warmth .

  23. 境内地势平坦,平均海拔1240米,属于典型的温带大陆性气候。

    The territory is flat , with an average altitude of1240 meters , a typical temperate continental climate .

  24. 东与南地区遭受季风,不过,内亚洲带干燥,大陆性气候。

    Eastern and Southern regions are subject to Monsoons , but inner Asia has a dry , continental climate .

  25. 欧洲发达国家全部分布在温带:温带海洋性气候、温带大陆性气候和地中海气候。

    All the European countries in the temperate : temperate maritime climate , temperate continental climate and the Mediterranean climate .

  26. 西夏因地处西北内陆,其大陆性气候显著,地表多荒漠。

    Xixia Dynasty located in the northwest inland because of its continental climate significantly , more desertification on the surface .

  27. 对欧洲晚冰川极限气候的高分辨率模拟:能解决与大陆古气候重建的偏差吗?

    High-resolution simulations of the last glacial maximum climate over europe : a solution to discrepancies with Continental palaeoclimatic reconstructions ?

  28. 西伯利亚的气候是典型的大陆性气候。郑州地区属暖温带大陆性气候,四季分明。

    The weather in Siberia is typically continental . Zhengzhou has a temperate and monsoonal climate with four clearly distinct seasons .

  29. 由于受西北地区的脆弱的生态地理环境和大陆性气候影响,西北地区灾种多样。

    Due to the fragility of the north-west of the eco-geographical conditions and continental climate of the Northwest Territories and diverse disaster .

  30. 这种变化过程具有波动特征,而不是沿着一个方向持续发展的,其变化速度是缓慢的,强度也是微弱的,并不能从根本上改变极端干旱的大陆性气候的基本特征。

    Such changes do not always point to just one direction and cannot change the basic features of the extreme dry continental climate .