
dà qì zhé shè
  • atmospheric refraction;astronomical refraction
  1. 特别指出了映射函数方法对天文大气折射和光学波段测距精度的改进。

    The accuracy improvement on the astronomical refraction by applying mapping function is noticeable .

  2. 测定天文大气折射和建立电磁波折射延迟实测模型(Ⅰ)&观测原理和可行性

    Determining the Astronomical Refraction and Building the Radio Wave Refractive Delay Model Measured (ⅰ) & Observation Principle and Feasibility

  3. 大气折射率结构常数CN~2的研究

    Study on the Refractive-Index Structure Coefficient C_N ~ 2

  4. 几种大气折射性湍流结构参数C~2n模型比较

    Comparsion of several atmospheric refractive turbulent structure parament c_n ~ 2 models

  5. GPS测量的中性大气折射改正的研究

    Research on the correction for the neutral atmospheric delay in GPS Surveying

  6. 劳兰-C大气折射系数n实时值估算方法

    A Method for Estimating the Realtime Value of Atmospheric Refraction Index n of Loran-C Signal

  7. GPS测量大气折射模型研究

    Study on model of atmospheric refraction in GPS measurement

  8. GPS测量大气折射改正

    Correction of atmospheric refraction in GPS measurement

  9. GPS掩星数据反演中由大气折射率反演温度和气压的误差分析

    Error Analysis of Retrieving Temperature and Pressure from Atmospheric Refractivity in GPS Occultation Data Inversion

  10. 大气折射对航空CCD成像精度影响的研究

    The Influence of Atmospheric Refraction on Aerial Digital Remote Sensing

  11. 大气折射对合成孔径雷达(SAR)成像距离向漂移和信号延迟的影响

    The Range Shift and Signal Delay Caused by Atmospheric Refraction in SAR Imaging

  12. 基于NURBS曲线插值的实时大气折射误差修正

    Real Time Correction of Atmospheric Refractive Error Based on NURBS Curve Interpolation

  13. 用时-空谱分析方法分析了32.5°N纬圈上的1980~1983年逐日大气折射指数N单位的变化。

    The space - time spectral analysis is adopted to explore the variation in the 1980 ~ 1983 daily atmospheric refractive index N at 32.5 ° N.

  14. 本文报告的GIS软件能快速数字化可视化显示和调用服务区域的地形地理信息、大地电参数和大气折射率等多种数据源。

    The multi-resource data which are geo-information data , ground electronic parameter data and atmosphere refractive index , have been integrated and visualized fast in the GIS software of this paper .

  15. VLBI中性大气折射延迟的研究进展&映射函数的改正模型

    Research progress on the neutral atmospheric refraction delays for VLBI & correction model of the mapping function

  16. 虽然GPS观测技术可以提供三维的地壳运动信息,但由于大气折射、发射和接收天线相位中心误差等因素的存在,GPS垂向定位精度较低。

    Although GPS measurements can provide three-dimensional crustal deformation , due to the atmospheric refraction , the antenna phase centers of satellite and receiver , the accuracy of vertical positioning is lower than the horizontal .

  17. 如果还是在形式上应用经典的Abel变换,在反演结果中就会产生负大气折射率偏差。

    Abel inversion is no longer valid under this condition , and , if classical Abel inversion is still formally applied , negative refractivity bias occurs in results .

  18. 在Abel积分变换的上奇点的处理中,推导了大气折射指数反演的天顶补偿项,使Abel积分变换的算法更简单而且更稳定。

    In dealing with the upper singularity point of Abel inversion transfer , a zenith compensation term is introduced , which makes simple and stable in Abel inversion process .

  19. 本文叙述了用CCD作重迭测量中,每片上量度坐标应作的大气折射较差修正和光行差较差修正,并推导了量度坐标的修正公式。

    In this article , the correction for the differential refraction and differential aberration of the measured coordinates on every plate during the overlap exposure measurement carried out with a CCD is described , and the correction formulae of the measured coordinates are also derived .

  20. 本文基于单站地基GNSS估计的电波折射参数(延迟与弯曲角,以延迟为主),研究了大气折射率剖面的反演算法。

    On the basis of estimating electromagnetic wave refraction parameters ( path delay and bending angle ) by single ground-based GNSS receiver , the retrieving algorithms of tropospheric refractivity profile have been investigated herein .

  21. 首先介绍VRS系统的工作原理,应用VRS网络改正GPS的轨道误差、电离层、对流层和大气折射引起的误差,将高精度的差分信息通过GPRS发给移动站来提高接收机的定位精度;

    Firstly DGPS positioning principle is explained , application of VRS NET corrects GPS orbit error and ionosphere 、 troposphere 、 atmosphere 、 refraction error , high positioning precision difference information is transmitted by GPRS to mobile machine in order to improve receiving machine positioning precision ;

  22. 为了提高卫星地面坐标计算精度,给出地球自转改正、地极移动、SLR系统时延、大气折射、卫星质心改正和跟踪望远镜各项动态系统差修正公式。

    To improve the accuracy for computing the satellite topocentric coordinates , the formulae to modify the Earth rotation , polar motion , SLR system time-delay , atmosphere refraction , the satellite mass-center correction , various dynamic systematic errors of the SLR tracking telescope are given .

  23. 大气折射对望远镜定位跟踪的影响

    Effects of atmospheric refraction on locating and tracking of a telescope

  24. 差频延时法测距的大气折射误差

    Atmospheric Refraction Error of Range Measured by Difference Frequency Delay Method

  25. 对流层大气折射延迟改正(Ⅰ):经典理论

    On the Corrections of Tropospheric Refractive Delay (ⅰ): The Classical Theories

  26. 不同地区大气折射率结构常数分布特性及分析

    Profile and character of atmospheric structure constant s of refractive index

  27. 霍普菲尔德对流层大气折射改正模式述评

    A Review of Hopfield 's Correction Model of Tropospheric Atmospheric Refraction

  28. 近场光学方法测量大气折射率起伏

    Measurement of fluctuation of atmosphere refractivity using the near-field optical method

  29. 大气折射对跟踪天线指向的影响及修正方法

    Influence and correction method of atmosphere refraction on tracking antenna direction

  30. 用低纬子午环绝对测定大气折射改正

    The Absolute Determination the Refraction Correction with A Lower-Latitude Meridian Circle