
nǎi qì
  • neon
  1. 氖气发橙色光,而气体气体发黄色或蓝鱼光。

    Neon makes orange , while other gases make yellow or blue .

  2. 蓝色调和氖气灯,尽显安宁与舒适,安静无声的设计。

    Blue adjustable neon lamp , peaceful and comfortable , quite design .

  3. 本文报导的是存贮在射频离子阱中的氖离子与氖气的电荷转换率的测量,其结果好于Penning阱。

    F. trap and the charge transfer rate coefficients of the neon ions with the neon gas are measured . The results are better than by Penning trap because of R.

  4. 本文叙述了用氖气作载气的毛细管热导池气相色谱(GC)与气相色谱-质谱(GCMS)并联的方法,同时准确地测定氢、氦同位素及氧、氮、一氧化碳的含量。

    The use of the combination of gas chromatography ( GC ) and gas chroma-tography-mass spectrometry ( GCMS ) for the determination of hydrogen , deuterium , tritium , helium , oxygen , nitrogen and carbon monoxide in gas mixtures is described .

  5. 高温氖气中氖原子间的排斥势函数与二级维里系数

    Repulsive potential function between neon atoms and second virial coefficient under high temperature

  6. 一种有低压氖气放电管的灯。

    A lamp consisting of a discharge tube containing neon gas at low pressure .

  7. 应发挥大型空分优势,综合利用制取氖气。

    We should give fuel play to large-scale air separation plant 's advantages , and produce neon by comprehensive utilization .

  8. 由于氖气本身只有橙红色,他便用大量不同的气体做实验,制造出许多不同颜色的的霓虹灯。

    He experimented with a number of different gases and produced many different kinds of colors , while neon is only reddish-orange .

  9. 氦-氖气体激光器的高温玻璃封接技术发挥大型空分优势,综合利用制取氖气

    High temperature glass sealing technique for He-Ne lasers TO be into play superiority of large-scale air separation plant , Comprehensive utilization produce neon

  10. 用对称双探极和非对称双探极分别诊断氖气中介质阻挡无声放电的电子温度和电子能量分布。

    The symmetrical and asymmetrical double probes have been used to diagnose the electron temperature and the electron energy distribution in the dielectric barrier discharge , respectively .

  11. 最后比较并深入分析了氦气、氖气放电与氩气放电的异同。

    Finally , the similarities and differences of the nanosecond-pulsed discharges in three different noble gases ( helium , neon and argon ) are compared and analysed .

  12. 随着我国工业的发展,对氖气产品质量提出了更高要求,为了保证化工生产和仪器仪表服务所需要的标准物质,我们研制了高纯氖气体标准物质。

    In order to ensure the supply of standard material for chemistry production and apparatus , we did the research of high purity neon gas standard material .

  13. 由于正离子荷质比和碰撞截面的与氩气的不同不同,氦气、氖气放电鞘层附近电子峰值明显,电子能量分布在鞘层形成之前近似服从麦克斯韦分布。

    The differences of specific charge and cross section lead to the quasi-Maxwell energy distribution of electron before the cathode sheath formation , and the electron peak near the cathode sheath in helium and neon .

  14. 其中有些艺术品可能会令人不解,比如白色氖气的涂鸦提示道,“别告诉我月亮在发光,给我看看它在碎玻璃上折射的光”。

    Some of the art may mystify , such as a scribble of white neon that instructs , 'don 't tell me the moon is shining ; show me the glint of light on broken glass .

  15. 利用该动力学模型,对激光输出特性随工作参量,包括放电管内径、氖气压强、储料泡温度等的变化关系,进行了数值计算,获得了与实验一致的结果。

    The relationships between the laser output characteristics and the experimental parameters , including the discharge tube radius , neon gas pressure , reservoir temperature , were calculated , and consistent results with the experiment were obtained .

  16. 氖气是一种稀有气体,也是一种惰性气体,无色无味,几乎不会发生任何化学反应,和氩气、氪气等其他的稀有气体一同被发现。

    Neon is one of the noble gases and one of only six elements that 's inert . Odorless , colorless , and almost completely nonreactive , neon was found along with other noble gases argon and krypton .

  17. 光怪陆离的百老汇和拉斯维加斯如今这么有名,但如果没有闪闪发光的霓虹灯,那这两个地方绝对会泯然于众。霓虹灯的发明是很久之前的事了,在人们对于氖气一无所知前就已经创造出了霓虹灯。

    Broadway and Las Vegas certainly wouldn 't be the same without the bright neon lights that have made them famous , but oddly , the creation of neon lights is an old one - one that predates knowledge of the element .

  18. 实验结果显示,当充入混合气体中氖气比例上升时,灯的功率和总光通量上升,灯的工作电压也上升5~30%,但是灯的光效下降;

    The experimental results are that the power and total luminous flux are in - creased when the neon component of mixture gases is increased , but the efficacy of the com - pact fluorescent lamps is reduced and lamp voltage is enhanced to be up 5 - 30 % .
