
  • 网络instinct
  1. 日神(Apollo)和酒神(Dionysus)是尼采美学的一对核心概念,代表植根于人的本能中的两种艺术冲动。

    Apollo and Dionysus are two key concepts in Nietzsche 's aesthetics and represent two artistic impulses in human instinct .

  2. 故事表现出的不稳定性是理性认识与人的本能的冲突的外化表现。

    The story 's instability convinced the conflict between reason and instinct .

  3. 生活处事和人的本能是风马牛不相及的。

    The instinct has nothing to do with the walk in life .

  4. 但回家是人的本能所以既要销声匿迹又要掩人耳目

    It 's human nature to want to stay close to home ,

  5. 威尔逊教授现在认为人的本能和文化正在互相融合。

    Professor Wilson now sees instinct and culture as shading into one another .

  6. 绘画是一门古老的艺术形式,涂鸦可以说是人的本能,艺术家有什么样的认识,有什么样的观察,就会产生什么样的艺术作品。

    Painting is a kind of old art form .

  7. 感人心者,莫先乎情情感是人的本能。

    " Touching hearts , Mo Xian affection " emotion is a human instinct .

  8. 有要澄清、阐释和辨明的人的本能冲动(伦纳德伯恩斯坦)

    There is a human urge to clarify , rationalize , justify ( Leonard Bernstein )

  9. 他的小说的核心是人的本能(血性意识、自我天性)与理性认识(财富、地位以及建立在理性基础之上的社会观念)之间的矛盾。

    The center of this novel is the contradiction between people 's instinct and reason .

  10. 既然遇事不能忍,即失去耐心是人的本能,那么我们只要抑制这个本能就算是修炼了。

    Since that impatience is human 's instinct , then controlling the instinct can be regarded as self-discipline .

  11. 本文追本溯源,认为本能是观念产生的原点。文章得出结论:建筑象征文化产生的源头是人的本能及其后发的观念。

    The author 's conclusion is that the architectural symbol is caused by people 's instinct and their ideas .

  12. 在异化的社会里,人的本能被宗教、教育和其他社会机制所压抑。

    In the dehumanizing society , man 's instinct has been subdued by religion , education and other industrial mechanism .

  13. 实践知识产生于人的本能的非专门化,但被遮蔽于技术理性的张扬。

    Practical knowledge which is shadowed by the stink of technical rationality is born in no specialization of human instinct .

  14. 但就其本质而言,泰戈尔是把人的本能转移到神的身上,而冰心则是把神的特质移位到人的理想世界。

    Tagore transferred the human instinct to God while Bing Xin transferred the traits of God to the ideal human world .

  15. 人的本能是追赶从他身边飞走的东西,却回避追逐他的东西。

    The instinct of a man is to pursue everything that flies from him , and to fly from all that pursue him .

  16. 对愉悦感的追求是人的本能表现,作为设计物的产品必然要担负起为用户创造愉悦感的责任,以用户从产品中获得愉悦情绪为目标。

    To be pleasure is the instinctive behavior of people . As designed things , products must shoulder the responsibility of making users pleasure .

  17. 打哈欠是人的本能行为:你不需要去学它,甚至在我们出生之前我们就已经学会打哈欠了。

    A yawn is an instinctive behavior : You don 't have to learn to do it , and yawns are even present before birth .

  18. 全文从人的本能需要、知识交互的激励作用和理性定位三个层面展开了定性分析。

    It makes a qualitative analysis from 3 aspects , the instinct need of a person , and the inspiring role and rational orientation of knowledge interaction .

  19. 他认为冲创意志是超人的基本特征,它来自人的本能,是一种自我创造、自我超越的意志,但不是强权。

    He considers breakthrough & will as the fundamental feature of superman , which comes from human instinct , and it is a self-creation , self-perfection , but not power .

  20. 这种致命的欲望起源于人的本能&一种原始的、普遍的、和无法控制的本能迫使他以最小的苦痛来满足他的欲望。

    This fatal desire has its origin in the very nature of man & in that primitive , universal , and insuppressible instinct that impels him to satisfy his desires with the least possible pain .

  21. 芬克认为人质事件不能作为不去菲律宾旅游的一个理由,这是危机发生后的几个月内世界各地许多人的本能反应。

    Fink is of the opinion that the crisis is no reason to avoid the Philippines as a tourist , which was the knee-jerk reaction of many around the world in the months following the crisis .

  22. 目前,三维用户界面的研究大多数都集中在交互技术的设计研究方面,在交互界面范式的研究以及如何利用三维空间中人的本能认知两个方面都缺乏研究。

    Currently , the majority of 3D user interface research has focused on the design of interactive technology research . But both research on interaction paradigm and how to use instinct of human recognition are lack of awareness .

  23. 现代文明是以人的本能的牺牲为代价的,社会的高度工业化使人们越来越多地依赖理智,意志和努力去争取更高的社会地位,获得承认和成功。

    The modern civilization is established at the cost of human nature . High industrialization of the society has made people depend more and more on ration , will and efforts to possess a higher social status and success .

  24. 依照期待可能性理论,趋利避害是人的本能,犯罪后掩饰、逃避是犯罪人的本能反应,不能期待其不为掩饰、逃避行为。

    According to the theory of anticipated possibility , draw on the advantages and avoid disadvantages is a human instinct , after the crime , crime disguised escape is a human instinct , not to look not to disguise , escape behavior .

  25. 外部原因为知识经济对传统教学的挑战;内部原因是探究是人的本能及学习的本质是知识的主动建构。

    That knowledge economy challenges the traditional teaching is the external reason . And the internal reasons are that the exploring is the human instinct and that the nature of learning is a process which the students construct the knowledge by themselves .

  26. 施蛰存接受弗洛伊德思想,认为人的本能分为生的本能和死的本能,生的本能主要是指性本能,它是人类行为的动力源泉,性本能也称作力比多。

    Accept Freud respectively thoughts , think the instinct of the divided into raw instinct and the dead instinct , raw instinct is mainly refers to sexual instinct , it is the drive source of human behavior , sexual instinct is called force than many .

  27. 荀子坚定人性恶是人的本能,从而肯定人有天生的欲求,这与马克思经典作家认为的社会的存在和发展必须以物质生活资料的存在为前提的理论保持一致。

    Xun Zi firmly the evil of human nature is a human instinct , to certain people have a natural desire , existence and development of the thought and the Marx classic writers society must be based on existing material life for the premise of the theory is consistent .

  28. 从个体的角度来说,好恶之情是人性异化的主要原因,而好恶之情根源于人的生存本能,它不仅异化了自身的本性,同时也败坏了他人的本性。

    From personal angle , the likes and dislikes are the main reasons of alienation of human nature .

  29. 面对灾害,人最初的本能就是逃离,不管这种灾害是自然灾害还是人为灾害。

    Facing disasters , no meter natural or artificial , human beings ' basic instinct is to escape .

  30. 这种魔怪不外乎是婴儿嚎啕以引起人注意的本能。

    For all one knows that demon is simply the same instinct that makes a baby squall for attention .