
China is a water-scarce county , per capita water occupancy volume is much lower than the world average .
China is a dry country , and water resources per capita are only a quarter of theworld average .
However , the per capita water capacity in these areas is only 1 / 6 of that in the country-wide .
The water resources per capita in Guanzhong decreased 46.5 % comparing that in 1990s with that in 1960s , and in Shannan it had decreased 16.5 % .
Individuals all have our water resources and the number of low energy state , nearly half of the provinces ( autonomous regions and municipalities ) per capita water resources is less than the standard line of severe water shortage .
The economy of west region of Chongqing has been developing rapidly , but because of an uneven distribution of water resources and rare water quantity , water resources problem has a strong impact on social economy and environment of west of Chongqing .
And at the same time the per capita water resource is declining in both areas . 2 . There is a good coupling between the degree of the natural frangibility and the density of population and the water resource of per capita .
The safety of water supply and flood control is the graveness task and important guarantee , which is decided by the basic characteristics of the water resources problem in our country : deficiency of water resources quantity per capita and unbalanced spatial-temporal distributing .
Dalian is national extreme water scarcity one of 40 cities , average per person water resources quantity 604 m ~ 3 , is in below the warning line , is equal separately to the world and the national level 1 / 10 and 1 / 4 .
In the North China plain region , home to 440m people , the water shortage is the most severe , with just 462 cu m per capita available per person per annum , far below the 1,000 cu m used by the UN to define a water scarce society .
The average available water quantity of water source of Per people is lowin China , and the water quality is even worse . Water pollution has deteriorated the water quantity available . water resources quantity ;
Beijing and Tianjin , the biggest northern cities , have access to less water per capita than Israel or Jordan .
The water resources per capita or per acre in shaanxi province is less than 1 / 5 of the whole country .
China , because of its huge population , has less than a quarter of the world 's average per capita water capacity .
The water resource amount per capita is small and the resource distribution is seriously uneven both in temporal and spatial over the country .
Even though the size of our country is big , the amount of the water resource occupation per person is just 2400 cubic meter .
The per capita water resource of China which has large population is low . The phenomenon of water quality pollution and soil and water loss are poor .
Shandong is a severe drought-ridden and water-lacking province , with low per capita amount of water resources and even tighter shortage and uneven distribution of underground water resources .
It is predicted that by the mid of21 ~ ( st ) century , the per capita possession of water resources of our country would be down to1750 cubic meters only .
China is one of the water-poor countries in the global , identified as one of the world ' s13water-poor countries . Per capita water resources are around the world average of quarter .
Daqing City has already been selected as the national experimental city in water saving and anti-contamination . The amount of water resources per capita in this city is only half of the average level of the country .
With the development of economic and improvement of living standards , the requirement of water is increased . Our country facing the baptism because the natural resources of water of China average per capita is low in the world .
The proposed indicator system includes water demand satisfying ratio , water resources development ratio , water consume per 10000 Yuan GDP , water consume per capita , waste water treated ratio , water consume of ecosystem , available water usage per capita .
On one hand , the water of the earth is limited , the growth of global population decreases per capita availability of water resources ; On the other hand , the rapid development of social economy and the frequent human activities lead to serious water pollution .
The freshwater resources are abundant in China , because of its large population , the per capita share of water resources is far below the world average . And China was listed as one of the 13 countries which lack of water resources per capita in world .
Weifang is one of the serious short-water cities , the total average amount of water is 2.94 billion m ~ 3 . The water of average per person and acre only occupies 1 / 6 and 1 / 5 of our country .
The country 's per capita availability of renewable water resources is only about one-third of the world average .
The outstanding character of agricultural resources is that the unit farmland and water is less , but agricultural labor force resource is abundant .
Optimal allocation of water and land in rice irrigation area under limited irrigation water supply ; the difference of water distribution is rather big in time and space , average water resource quantity of each person and acre is small .
The average per capita water availability in China is lower than one fourth of that of the world average .