
  • 网络Homo;the genus Homo
  1. 它的髋部像南方古猿,大脑体积和猿类的相当,但脚和牙齿却表现出了典型的人属特点。

    It has australopithecine-like hips and an ape-size brain , yet its feet and teeth are typical of the genus Homo .

  2. 人类对自身的关注,不再满足于与她有直亲关系的祖先的追溯,不再满足于寻求人属或人种起源的答案。

    The concern of mankind to his self being has been no more limited to the retrospection of ancestors with direct relative relations , nor has he been satiable with the quest for the origin of Homo and race .

  3. 明智与否,人类成为了城市人属。

    Wisely or not , Homo sapiens has become Homo urbanus .

  4. 以前的原始人属;现在的梭罗人;包括梭罗人。

    Former genus of primitive man ; now Homo soloensis : comprises Solo man .

  5. 外国发行人属集团企业者,申请股票第一上柜时,有无其他特殊规定?

    Q9.Are there any special provisions that apply when the applicant for a primary OTC listing belongs to an enterprise group ?

  6. 地质学家说,该物种在178万至195万年前生活在地球上,古猿和人属早期物种存在于同一时期。

    Geologists said the individuals lived 1.78 million to 1.95 million years ago , when australopithecines and early species of Homo were contemporaries .

  7. 纵观历史,砒霜常用于谋杀,但也有一部分人属自愿服食,后来很多人鱼贯跟风服食。

    While arsenic has frequently been used to commit murder throughout history , one group of people took it by choice , and many followed .

  8. 作为日耳曼民族大迁徙的收尾者,伦巴德人属东日耳曼人的一支,他们起源于斯堪的纳维亚半岛南部。

    As the last one of the Germans migration , the Lombards belonged to the East Germans . They derived from the south of Scandinavia .

  9. 李博杰博士断定南方古猿源泉种直接进化为直立猿人甚至不是人属的一部分,在这点上能人就稍逊一筹。

    Dr Berger posits that sediba may have evolved directly into Homo erectus , leaving habilis as an evolutionary sideline , and not even part of the genus Homo .

  10. C2C电女商务模式反在邦外收铺相闭于败生,但反在人邦尚属旧亡工业。

    The C2C electronic commerce pattern is relatively mature in the overseas development , was still the emergent industry in our country .

  11. 不同的项目干系人所属的权重会随着开发的阶段发生变化。

    Different stakeholders will have different weightings based on the stage of the development .

  12. 如果是,找到这些人所属团体中的其他成员,并向这个人进行人脉的投资。

    If so , find another person who belongs in that group and invest in that relationship .

  13. 民族:主要是纽埃人(属波利尼西亚人种),还有欧洲人。

    Ethnic composition : most of all people are niueans belonging , to poliynesian and others are european .

  14. 在中国人所属的东方社会里,钱与权的关系,往往是一体的两面,密切的难以分割。

    In oriental society like China , money and authority are always closely connected and cannot be easily separated .

  15. 当起诉人所属的某种法律关系已经或必将受到具体行政行为的侵扰时,其与该具体行政行为就有法律上的利害关系,反之则无。

    If interfered , the specific administrative action will have legal interest relations with the non-counterpart , not the contrary .

  16. 支部和区委的负责人多属新党员,不能有好的党内教育。

    Since the leaders of the branches and district committees were mostly new members , good inner-party education was out of the question .

  17. 在我看来(完全没有科学依据),我没有参与过来参加这些会议的人所属的公司的合作项目。

    My ( completely unscientific ) observation is that I have not been to engagements at companies who are sending their folks to these conferences .

  18. 创世造人神话属释源神话,包括宇宙起源神话和人类起源神话。心路历程&宇宙(英文)

    The myths of the creation of the world belong to the source myth , including the myths of creation of the universe and the birth of the human being .

  19. 目的探讨滋阴敛阳法治疗老年人失眠属阴虚阳亢证的临床疗效。

    Objective To investigate the curative effect of the therapy of nourishing yin and astringing yang on senile insomnia of the syndrome type of hyperactivity of yang due to yin - deficiency .

  20. 耶和华说,人既属乎血气,我的灵就不永远住在他里面。然而他的日子还可到一百二十年。

    And the Lord said , my spirit will not be in man for ever , for he is only flesh ; so the days of his life will be a hundred and twenty years .

  21. 让孩子看到自己生活的意义,看到自己的行为能给他人带来的影响,让他感到自己是为人所属,是有用的,从而生出自豪感和责任心。

    Show kid the meaning of the own life , see the influence that the own behavior can bring others , let him feel an oneself to is belong to by behavior , is useful , living a proud of feeling and responsibility thus .

  22. 方法采用滋阴敛阳法治疗老年人失眠属阴虚阳亢证者32例,观察治疗前后入睡时间、睡眠质量及睡眠时间的变化。

    Method The therapy of nourishing yin and astringing yang was used to treat 32 cases of senile insomnia of the syndrome type of hyperactivity of yang due to yin-deficiency . The changes of the time for falling asleep , sleep quality and sleep time were observed .

  23. 东道国公司的外籍雇员提供服务是否属于GATS框架下的自然人流动尚属一个不确定的问题。

    It 's still not clear whether or not the GATS framework covers the involvement of foreign employees in host country firms to supply services as the movement of natural persons .

  24. 应用ABC&ELISA进行人血痕种属鉴识的研究

    The application of abc & elisa to the species identification of dried bloodstains

  25. 吐火罗人的族属与族源

    The Race and Origin of the Tocharians

  26. 这就是那些引人结党,属乎血气,没有圣灵的人。

    These are the men who make divisions , natural men , not having the spirit .

  27. 他说,超过40岁的人更意属罗姆尼。

    He says people over the age of 40 were more likely to support Mr. Romney .

  28. 基督这赐生命的灵,已安装到我们这人里面作属天的电。

    Christ , the life-giving Spirit , has been installed into our being as the heavenly electricity .

  29. 本票在交付给受款人或来人之前应属缺项的和不完整的本票。

    Promissory note delivered to the payee or bearer before the item should be missing and incomplete promissory notes .

  30. 鞭虫一种细长、鞭状的寄生线虫(人鞭虫)属,常感染人体内部属于或关于内寄生虫的。

    A slender , whip-shaped , parasitic nematode worm ( Trichuris trichiura ) that often infests the intestine of human beings .