
rén lèi zhōnɡ xīn shuō
  • anthropocentrism
  1. 为何不利用这次机会来超越人类中心说,承认我们所属的大家庭里各个成员的界限并没有那么分明?

    Why not seize this moment to overcome our anthropocentrism and recognize the fuzziness of the distinctions within our extended family ?

  2. 试析生态语言学视角下的语言人类中心说

    A Study on the Language Human-Centered Approach in Light of Eco-linguistics

  3. 人类中心论与民胞物与说

    Anthropocentrism and the Theory of Min-Bao-Wu-Yu

  4. 我们也许很快就能发现其中的奥秘,但有时候我们人类固有的“人类中心说”制约了我们在科学探索方面的优势。

    We probably would have figured this out sooner , but sometimes innate anthropocentric biases limit our scientific vantage point .