
  • 网络Islamic culture
  1. 丘吉尔着迷于伊斯兰文化,他的家人甚至一度担心他会转向伊斯兰信仰。

    Churchill was so fascinated by Islam that his family thought he might convert .

  2. 跟许多强硬派一样,Mandegary认为伊朗文化已经被过分西化并且远离了真正的伊斯兰文化。

    Mandegary , like many hardliners , believes Iranian culture has become too Westernized and distant from true Islamic culture .

  3. 不过他对伊斯兰文化确实很感兴趣,他和他的朋友维尔弗里德·布伦特还经常私底下穿阿拉伯服装。

    However , he did have an interest in Islamic culture and he and his friend Wilfrid Brunt often dressed in Arab clothing in private .

  4. 廷巴克图是伊斯兰文化的中心,它有名的图书馆里有成千上万的重要的文件和手稿。

    AZUZ : Timbuktu was the center of Islamic culture , and its famous library was home to hundreds of thousands of important documents and manuscripts .

  5. 这项民意调查是在9月最后一个星期进行的。在此之前的几个星期,一个穆斯林团体在纽约世界贸易中心旧址附近建设一个伊斯兰文化中心和清真寺的计划引起了争议。

    The survey was conducted during the last week of September , following weeks of controversy over plans by a Muslim group to build an Islamic cultural center and mosque - called Park 51 - near the site of the World Trade Center .