
  • 网络Izmir;Smyrna;zmir
  1. 该区最大的聚集地是伊兹密尔(Izmir)附近的小镇阿拉恰特(Alacati)。

    The area 's latest gathering spot is the hamlet of Alacati , near Izmir .

  2. 我们是一家鸡肉生产和出口公司,已经建立了在伊兹密尔土耳其。

    We are a chicken meat producing and exporting company that has been established in Izmir Turkey .

  3. 参观结束后,土耳其伊兹密尔记者协会主席密斯凯特·迪克曼试图解除人们的疑虑。

    After the visit , President Misket Dikmen of the Izmir Journalists Association of Turkey , tried to dispel doubts .

  4. 结果表明:不同的氮用量和密度对伊兹密尔的株高、茎围、节距和叶片大小影响较大。

    The results showed that there were greater effects of nitrogen rates and density on plant height , stalk width and leaf size .

  5. 初步研究了不同氮用量和种植密度对伊兹密尔品种生长状况、产量及质量的影响。

    An experiment was conducted to study the effects of nitrogen rate and density on growth , yield and quality of Kukulu Izmir .

  6. 这张照片被印在T恤、海报上,甚至被刻在土耳其第三大城市伊兹密尔的纪念碑上。

    It appeared on t-shirts and posters and , oddly , was turned into a monument in Turkey 's third biggest city , Izmir .

  7. 伊兹密尔那个我们居住了八年的城市,已不再有家的感觉,因为我已经挥别了那里所有的朋友。

    Izmir , the city that we had lived in for the last eight years no longer felt a home for I had said goodbye to friends there .

  8. 近日,全球著名的维也纳室内管弦乐团在土耳其第31届国际伊兹密尔音乐节上演出,而他们的音乐会意外地受到一只流浪狗的打扰。

    When the world-renowned Vienna Chamber Orchestra was recently performing at the 31st International Izmir Festival in Turkey , their concert was unexpectedly interrupted by a random dog .

  9. 土耳其伊兹密尔记者协会主席密斯凯特·迪克曼表示,土耳其也深受恐怖主义困扰,因此他们非常理解中国的处境。

    Misket Dikmen , chairman of the Journalist Association in Izmir , says as Turkey is also being plagued by terrorism , his country is among those that understand what China is experiencing .

  10. 有了苏丹的敕令(奥斯曼帝国的许可),得到了大批柏林富翁的资助,休曼和他的同事从1878年开始挖掘在土耳其西部其爱琴海岸贝尔加马(现代城市伊兹密尔附近)的一处遗址。

    Armed with a firman , or Ottoman permit , and financed by a group of rich backers in Berlin , Humann and his team , in 1878 , began excavating a site in Bergama , near the modern city of Izmir on the Aegean coast of western Turkey .