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  • 网络HUMAN BEHAVIOR;Human Behaviour;Human Action;human activities
  1. 通过处理与人类行为有关的大量数据,绘制其模式,机器人也可以学会人类的价值观。

    Robots could also learn values from drawing patterns from large sets of data on human behavior .

  2. 我们将多种人类行为引入基于Multi-Agent的疏散仿真系统(MASS)中来分析安全出口。

    Diverse human behavior has been incorporated into a Multi-Agent Simulation System ( MASS ) for Egress analysis .

  3. 一个警察成天和人类行为的丑恶面打交道,能感到津津有味吗

    Can a policeman possibly enjoy grovelling in the dirty side of human behaivour ?

  4. Wilson1994年在他的RelevanceandUnderstanding一文中也提到:关联理论旨在表明人类行为及其对话语理解的吻合性。

    Wilson ( 1994 : 35 ) also mentioned in his Relevance and Understanding : " Relevance Theory is intended to match human performance in comprehension " .

  5. BPM语言是对人类行为的建模。

    BPM languages model HUMAN behavior .

  6. 自我效能赢接影响到个体进行活动的动力的发挥,从而构成决定人类行为的一种近向原因(approximatedeterminantreason)。

    On the other hand , self-efficacy as an initiative factor may affect directly the individual motive mental state , so it is an approximate determinant reason in mankind behavior .

  7. RuthBenedict认为,面对人类行为无数的可能性,不同的选择便形成了文化间的差异。

    Ruth Benedict holds that with the possible human behaviors , different choices lead to discrepancy of cultures .

  8. VictorRubio是马德里自治大学人类行为学专家。

    Victor Rubio is an expert on human behavior at the Autonomous University of Madrid .

  9. CGF的一个重要特征是自主决策性,对人类行为进行建模是它的一个关键问题。

    Autonomic decision-making is an important characteristic of CGF , and modeling human behavior is its key research problem .

  10. IEBS的智能特性体现在两个方面:一是模拟人类行为的Agent作为商务活动的主体;

    The IEBS intelligent characteristic manifests in two aspects : One is agent that simulates the human behavior took as the main body of business activity ;

  11. 如果机器人变得像人类行为人一样优秀——想想《星球大战》(StarWars)里的机器人——那么我们可以借鉴罗马法这样的古老规则。罗马法规定奴隶的主人要对奴隶造成的任何损坏负责。

    If robots become as good as human agents - think of the droids in Star Wars - we can adapt rules as old as Roman law , in which the owner of enslaved persons is responsible for any damage .

  12. 卡尔波普(karlpopper)提出了一个著名的观点,反对人类行为有可能被预测:人们不可能预测一个新发明,因为如果能够预测,他就会发明出来。

    Karl Popper produced a famous argument against the possibility of prediction in human affairs : one cannot anticipate a new invention because , if one could , one would already have invented it .

  13. 布朗大学(BrownUniversity)精神病学和人类行为学助理教授斯蒂芬妮・帕拉德(StephanieParade)领导的一项为期15年的研究显示,八岁时父母通过吼叫来管教的孩子到23岁时与恋爱伴侣和配偶之间的关系不太令人满意。

    Eight-year-olds whose parents disciplined them by yelling have less satisfying relationships with romantic partners and spouses at age 23 , according to a 15-year study led by Stephanie Parade , an assistant professor of psychiatry and human behavior at Brown University . '

  14. 例如,社会学家&尤其是罗杰•尚克(RogerSchank)和罗伯特•埃布尔森(RobertAbelson)展示了,故事和讲故事(尤其是人情味的故事)在多大程度上推动了诸多的人类行为。

    For example , social psychologists , notably Roger Schank and Robert Abelson , have shown how much stories and storytelling , especially human-interest stories , motivate much of human behaviour .

  15. 作战仿真中的人类行为表示(HumanBehaviorRepresentation,简称HBR)是计算机生成兵力(CGF)的核心,灵活、有效、真实的HBR对于作战仿真结果的可信性十分重要。

    Human behavior representation ( HBR ) in warfare simulation is the core of Computer Generated Forces ( CGF ) . Flexible , valid and realistic HBR is very important to the creditability of the simulation results .

  16. 绿色文明与人类行为方式的变革

    " Green Civilization " and the Changes of Man 's Behavior

  17. 他的研究是根据对人类行为的仔细观察。

    His study is based on close observation of human behavior .

  18. 奥地利学派人类行为研究方法容易滑向不可知论泥淖。

    Austrian school 's human action methodology easily slides into agnosticism .

  19. 依恋是人类行为的基本现象之一。

    The attachment is one of the basic behaviors of human beings .

  20. 经济学并不是解释人类行为的万应丹。

    ' It doesn 't always have the explanations for human behavior .

  21. 注意到这个概念与人类行为学的关联性。

    Note the relevance of this concept to human ethology .

  22. 分组讨论人类行为差异的原因。

    Group the students to discuss the reason why human behave differently .

  23. 我们努力改变人类行为的工作也变得更复杂了。

    Our struggle to change human behaviour has also become more complex .

  24. 行为矫正:行为矫正使用强化理论改变人类行为。

    Behavior Modification : Behavior modification uses reinforcement theory to change human behavior .

  25. 事实上,几乎人类行为的每一个范围里都可以运用市场营销原理。

    In fact , almost whole human behavioral could use of marketing principle .

  26. 人类行为的进化论解释及其特征

    On the Characteristic of Evolutionary Explanation for Human Behavior

  27. 人类行为所产生的影响远远超出人类世界的范围。

    Human acts have repercussions far beyond the frontiers of the human world .

  28. 学者们强调,激励对塑造人类行为具有至关重要的作用。

    Academics have stressed the critical importance of incentives in shaping human behaviour .

  29. 人类行为的成本一收益分析假说

    A Hypothesis on Cost-benefit Analysis of Human Behavior

  30. 人类行为与疾病发生和传播

    Human behavior and occurrence and transmission of disease