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  • 网络social;Society;social factor
  1. 诸多社会因素左右着人的预期寿命。

    A number of social factors influence life expectancy .

  2. 他要表述一个无可争议的观点:我们的欲望和喜好都掺杂着社会因素。

    He is making the unarguable point that our desires and preferences have a social component .

  3. 多种社会因素的汇集

    a confluence of social factors

  4. 最后从社会因素、文化心理因素、语言因素三个方面对X度结构能产的动因进行论述分析。

    Finally , from social factors , cultural psychology factors , language factors on the three " X degree " structure motivation for discourse analysis .

  5. 因此,同构GDP增长理论中的经济困素和社会因素也就成为必然,只有以人为核心的GDP增长理论才能给社会带来福音。

    Therefore , the consideration about the co-action of economic and social factors in GDP increase theory becomes a must . Only the GDP increase theory focused on man can make the society prosperous .

  6. 目的:心理社会因素影响心理健康水平,研究心理社会因素对传染性非典型性肺炎(severeacuterespiratorysyndrome,SARS)康复期患者心理健康状况的影响。

    AIM : To explore the effect of psychosocial factors on mental health , and to study the effect of psychosocial factor on the psychologic status in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome ( SARS ) in rehabilitation period .

  7. 结论B超及多普勒胎儿脐血流分析仪联合应用可提高脐带绕颈及脐血S/D异常的诊断率,预测胎儿窘迫的发生,减少低Apgar评分儿的出生,并减少社会因素造成的剖宫产。

    Conclusions The combined examination can improve the rate of diagnosis of cord entanglement and abnormal S / D ratio , forecast the fetal distress , reduce birth rate of infant with lower Apgar score and reduce the cesarean section rate due to social factor .

  8. 应用这一模型,对中国城市家庭近20a的水资源和能源代谢进行描述,对家庭代谢的经济及人口社会因素进行了分析。

    Then using this model we analyzed the change of household metabolism of Chinese urban household during the last twenty years . Rather than taking into account all the natural resources of household consumption , we just focused on water and energy flow .

  9. 我国洪涝灾害加剧的社会因素分析与减灾对策

    Study on the Social Factors about the Aggravation of Flood Disaster

  10. 心理社会因素对癌症病人治疗影响之研究

    Research on that psychological society factor affects treating person with cancer

  11. 心理社会因素与银屑病患者神经内分泌免疫指标的关系

    Psychosocial Factors and Neuroendocrine - Immune Indexes in Patients with Psoriasis

  12. 与传统影响因素一样,社会因素对客户流失也有很大的影响。

    Social influences are verified to have significant effects on churn .

  13. 医疗服务受社会因素的影响是由于医学实践的社会性;

    Medical service was affected by social factors for its social attribute ;

  14. 其原因分析:1.社会因素;

    The causes may be : 1 . Social problem .

  15. 男生和女生之间也存在着由社会因素引起的性别差异。

    And there exists sexual differentiation caused by social factors .

  16. 45年剖宫产率及其社会因素分析

    Analysis on the 45-year Cesarean Rate and Its Social Factors

  17. 一个国家的文化和社会因素会影响到它的国家贸易活动。

    A nation 's culture and social forces can restrict international business activities .

  18. 其中社会因素是近年来剖宫产率尤其是择期剖宫产率增高的主要原因。②无医学指征行剖宫产的病例增多。

    The society factor become the principle reason especially in selective Cesarean section .

  19. 心理社会因素对银屑病免疫功能改变的影响

    Effect of psychosocial factors on immunity function in psoriasis

  20. 其原因有社会因素,也有管理方面的因素。

    The reasons resulted from the society and management .

  21. 社会因素对农村地区孕产妇死亡率的影响

    Influence of social factors on the maternal mortality rate in the rural areas

  22. 前言:目的:探讨影响药物疗效的社会因素。

    OBJECTIVE : To discuss the social factors influencing therapeutic effects of drugs .

  23. 冠心病患者心理社会因素与血清脂质水平的相关性研究

    Serun lipid level and psychosocial factors in coronary disease

  24. 飞行员妻子性格相容性与多项心理社会因素的关系

    Relation between character compatibility and psychosocial factors in wives

  25. 主观因素包括护理管理因素、护士自身素质、社会因素等。

    Subjective factors include nursing management , nursing service quality and social factors .

  26. 疼痛共情受到多种生理、心理和社会因素的影响。

    It is influenced by many physiological , psychological , and sociological factors .

  27. 后天说则指心理因素和社会因素等等。

    Acquired factors include mental and social factors .

  28. 剖宫产指征中社会因素上升到首位。

    The social factor rose to the first .

  29. 性病恐怖症之社会因素初探

    Preliminary Analysis on the Social Factors Influencing Venereophobia

  30. 前三位的剖宫产指征依次是难产、胎儿窘迫以及社会因素。

    Three main CS indications are protracted labor , fetal distress and social factors .