
  • 网络Socio economic form;Der konomischen Gesellschaftsformation;oekonomische Gesellschaftsformation
  1. 清代吐鲁番社会经济形态研究

    A Study on the Social Economic Formation of Turfan in Qing Dynasty

  2. 从社会经济形态转变看网络经济特征

    Looking Network Economy Character from Transformation of Social Economy Pattern

  3. 劳动方式决定着社会经济形态的更替。

    The labor mode determines the alternation of society .

  4. 全球化的社会经济形态将进入知识经济形态模式。

    The form of global social economic will come into the knowledge economic mode .

  5. 社会经济形态正在从商品经济、服务经济向体验经济时代迈进。

    Social economy type is going from commodity economy , service economy to experience economy age .

  6. 经济学应该着重研究不同社会经济形态下生产关系的特殊运动形式。

    Economics should focus its study on the special movement of production relationship under different social patterns .

  7. 马克思社会经济形态理论与中国社会主义初级阶段

    The Theory of Social Economy State of Marx & the Primary State of the Socialism in China

  8. 高新技术发展的速度、规模和水平将主导着社会经济形态的变化进程。

    The high-tech development speed , the scale and the level will dominate the process of social-economic formation .

  9. 随着社会经济形态由低级向高级的演化,体育教育价值的重心也逐渐由工具价值向人文价值转变。

    As the economic form developed , the value of P. E. gradually changed from instrument to humanism .

  10. 但只有国家分配论能够合理解释不同社会经济形态下的财政现象、本质。

    But only the State Distribution Theory can explain the financial phenomena and essence of different economy modality .

  11. 社会主义生产方式是继资本主义生产方式之后的人类社会经济形态发展的又一客观阶段。

    Socialist mode of production is an objective stage in the development of the economic formation of human society .

  12. 这一经济形态的划分符合马克思主义关于社会经济形态划分的理论。

    The classification of this economic form is in accordance with the theory of social-economic formation classification from Marxism .

  13. 多样的休闲活动使休闲经济得以产生,这种新的社会经济形态推动了城市休闲空间的发展。

    Various leisure activities promote the development of leisure economy , and thus impel the development of urban leisure space .

  14. 从理论上看,由于我国民营企业处于具有中国特色的社会主义市场经济环境之中,特殊的历史文化背景和社会经济形态决定了其具有一定的特殊性。

    Theoretically , as they are running among the SME with Chinese characteristic , they are branded with certain peculiarity .

  15. 在上篇中分析马克思社会经济形态理论的社会基础、思想来源和形成过程;

    In the second part of the thesis , I systematically diagnosed the theory of social economy state of Marxism .

  16. 《盘庚》篇人际关系分析&对中国古代社会经济形态的初步思考

    An Analysis of the Interpersonal Relation Mirrored in Pan Geng & A Tentative Reflection on the Social-Economic Formation of Ancient China

  17. 傣族舞蹈这种独特的审美特征与其生活的自然环境、社会经济形态、宗教信仰、生活习惯是息息相关的。

    These aesthetic features come from the geographical environment , the social-economic form , religion and customs of the Dai people .

  18. 论文从社会经济形态发展史出发,说明人的素质是一个动态的社会历史范畴。

    From the viewpoint of social economic development , this paper explains that people 's quality is a dynamic social historic category .

  19. 瓦当和其他艺术一样,也是一定社会经济形态的反映。

    Like other forms of art , the art of tile ends is also a reflection of the social and economic structures .

  20. 他在世界古代史、古代社会经济形态方面所取得的成就,是学界所公认的。

    His achievements in the research field of world ancient history and social economic modality have been recognized in the academic circle .

  21. 作为一种新的社会经济形态,虚拟经济在当代的发展使得它与实物经济日益过度背离。

    As a new social economy form , the development of virtual economy makes it divert too much from tangible economy at present .

  22. 人类正处在社会经济形态的转型之中,新的时代呼唤创新教育和教育创新。

    The mankind is now in the transition between the two social-economic formations , new era is calling innovation education and education innovation .

  23. 随着经济的快速发展和金融形态的多样化,洗钱已经成为社会经济形态中不可回避的问题。

    With the rapid development of the economy and financial morphological diversification , money laundering has become an unavoidable issue in the socio-economic formation .

  24. 社会经济形态的变革必然会引起人格的嬗变。社会主义市场经济的建立和发展,对我国人格的嬗变,既有积极的推动作用,也有消极的不利影响。

    The establishment and development of a socialist market economy have produced both positive and negative effects on the change of personality in China .

  25. 但是受到市场经济规律、社会经济形态的影响,保障性住房多集中安排在城市外围地区。

    But by the rules of market economy and the impact of socio-economic patterns , government arranged the affordable housing in the city periphery .

  26. 通过以上两方面的研究可以得出结论:社会经济形态是划分管理基本类型的依据。

    We can come to a conclusion from two aspects research above : economic formation of society is the basis of dividing fundamental management type .

  27. 从历史的角度来考察,资本不是一个特定的历史范畴,而是人类发展阶段史上完全不同的社会经济形态所共有的。

    Capital , historically , is not a particular historical sphere but something commonly existing in different economic forms in human history of development stage .

  28. 营销传播观念是社会经济形态的折射和反映,伴随着市场的演进而不断发展。

    The concept of marketing and communication is the refraction and reflection of the socio-economic form , and develops along with the evolution of market .

  29. 随着社会经济形态的发展变化,科学技术不断的进步,人类已经逐步进入到一完全不同于以前的高度发达的信息社会。

    With the transformation of social economics and development of technology , people have entered a totally different new era , a well developed information society .

  30. 马克思关于社会经济形态演进理论的深层结构,是黑格尔历史与逻辑统一的思想。

    The deep structure of Marx 's theory on the evolution of social-economic formation is hegel 's idea of " the unification of history and logic " .