
shè huì xīn lǐ xué
  • social psychology
  1. 他获得了社会心理学博士学位。

    He obtained his doctorate in Social Psychology .

  2. 发表在《人格与社会心理学杂志》上的研究结果令他们感到惊讶。

    The results , published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , surprised them .

  3. 大众化是社会心理学中一个广泛研究的课题。

    Popularity is a well-explored subject in social psychology .

  4. 社会心理学又把曝光效应叫做熟悉定律(familiarityprinciple)。

    In social psychology , this effect is sometimes called the familiarity principle .

  5. 在这项发表在期刊《社会心理学与人格科学》上的研究中,近300名大学生被问及他们的“友情期”持续了多长时间,以及他们是否愿意在谈恋爱之前先做朋友。

    In the study , roughly 300 university students were also asked how long their " friends phase " lasted and whether they preferred to be friends before taking things in a romantic direction .

  6. 《个性与社会心理学通报》(PersonalityandSocialPsychologyBulletin)去年发表的一项研究显示,看看绿色的东西可能会有助于让那些新想法变得更明晰。

    Viewing the color green may help make those ideas more apparent , according to research published last year in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin .

  7. 美国专栏作家李普曼1922年出版的著作《民意》(PublicOpinion)一书是涵盖新闻传播学、政治学、社会心理学、公共关系学等领域的综合性的传世名著。

    American columnist Walter Lippmann ' Public Opinion published in 1922 was a masterpiece which covered many disciplines such as journalism , mass communication , political science , social psychology and PR.

  8. 过去几年里《人格与社会心理学杂志》(JournalofPersonalityandSocialPsychology)、《英国心理学杂志》(BritishJournalofPsychology)等刊物发表的多篇有关男性行为的论文都发现了上述现象。

    Over the past several years , the pattern has been found repeatedly in studies of male behavior published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , the British Journal of Psychology and elsewhere .

  9. 自我同一性是美国心理学家埃里克·H·埃里克森提出的重要概念,随后,这一概念被广泛地应用于社会心理学、人格心理学、发展心理学、教育心理学、咨询心理学和文化心理学。

    The important concept of ego-identity is introduced by Erik . H.Erikson . After that , the concept of self-identity has been applied to social psychology , personality psychology , developmental psychology , educational psychology , counseling psychology and cultural psychology .

  10. 大约半个世纪以前Gardner和Lambert率先从社会心理学的角度来探讨动机,从而开创了态度与动机研究的先河。

    The study of attitudes and motivation dates back to about half a century ago when Gardner and Lambert first explored motivation from a social-psychological perspective .

  11. 南加州大学(UniversityofSouthernCalifornia)的社会心理学教授杰利森(JeraldJellison)是专门研究职场的心理学家,他说,有时候谁会被裁还是有一定的选择性。

    Sometimes there is some selectivity in who is laid off , ' says Jerald Jellison , a psychologist and professor of social psychology at the University of Southern California who specializes in the workplace . '

  12. 在一项2003年发表于《人格与社会心理学》杂志上的研究中,研究者RobertA.Emmons和MichaelE.McCullough要求被试连续十周写下他们每周最感激的五件事。

    In a 2003 study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , researchers Robert A. Emmons and Michael E. McCullough asked participants to write down up to five things they were grateful for each week for 10 weeks .

  13. 社会心理学理论立足于SNS的本质,该理论关注的是人们进行社会交往和传播的内在心理过程,以及从心理过程到外化行动的行为机制。

    Social psychological theory based on the nature of SNS , it concerned about the people for social interaction and dissemination of internal psychological processes , as well as from the psychological process to the outside of the behavior mechanism of action .

  14. 社会心理学与精神分析学及其后现代转向

    Social Psychology and Psychoanalysis with its Transition to Post - Modernization

  15. 我国艾滋病歧视问题的社会心理学分析

    HIV / AIDS-Related Discrimination in China : A Social Psychology Perspective

  16. 态度理论是社会心理学中的重要研究领域。

    Attitude theory is an important research field in social psychology .

  17. 印象形成是社会心理学的一个重要研究领域。

    Impression formation is an important field in social psychology .

  18. 社会心理学应着力于社会行为心理的整合研究

    Social Psychology : Great Effort to Comprehensive Combination of Social Behavior Mentality

  19. 思想政治课教学的社会心理学研究

    Research on Ideological Politics Teaching in view of Social Psychology

  20. 高校教师心理健康的社会心理学研究

    The Social Psychology Research on Mental Health of University Teachers

  21. 任何心境状态的改变都是由生物学、社会心理学因素综合作用的结果。

    Mood changes are connected with biological and psychosocial factors .

  22. 教育社会心理学学科体系研究

    A Preliminary Study on the System of Educational Social Psychology

  23. 动态系统研究方法在社会心理学中的应用

    The Applications of Dynamical System Research Methods in Social Psychology

  24. 他玷污了他自己所从事的社会心理学学科。

    He has tarnished his own discipline of social psychology .

  25. 教师德育素质之社会心理学分析

    A Social and Psychological Analysis of Teachers ' Morality and Ethics Qualities

  26. 角色理论是社会心理学的一个重要理论,这个理论在班主任工作中有很重要的应用价值。

    The role theory is very important in social psychology .

  27. 社会心理学本土化运动兴起的文化考察

    The Movement of Indigenization of Social Psychology in China : A Cultural Investigation

  28. 良性原发性睑痉挛患者健康相关的生活质量和社会心理学特征研究

    Health-related quality of life and psychosocial characteristics of patients with benign essential blepharospasm

  29. 弗罗姆的社会心理学思想解读

    The Analysis of Fromm 's Thoughts on Social Psychology

  30. 经济人的心理博弈:社会心理学对经济学的贡献与挑战

    Social Psychology of Economic Man : Challenge and Contribution