
xīn wén xué
  • journalism
  1. 他在加的夫大学学院成立了新闻学研究中心。

    He founded the Centre for Journalism Studies at University College Cardiff

  2. 他在修读为期一年的新闻学课程。

    He is doing a one-year journalism course .

  3. 而另一方面,职业类的课程,如计算机科学或者新闻学,通常更加侧重研究,所以让学生们进行课后测试。

    Vocational-type classes , such as computer science or journalism , on the other hand , are often more research-oriented and lend themselves to take-home testing .

  4. 克里斯·科克在马里兰州罗克韦尔市的蒙哥马利社区大学教授“广播新闻学历史”,他指出报道是关于调查的而不是对片刻细节的记忆。

    Chris Koch , who teaches " History of Broadcast Journalism " at Montgomery Community College in Rockville , Maryland , points out that reporting is about investigation rather than the memorization of minute details .

  5. 直到第11名才开始出现一些社会科学类专业,比如汉语言文学、外国语和新闻学专业。

    It 's not until No. 11 that some social science majors such as Chinese language and literature , foreign language studies and journalism1 appear .

  6. 26岁的谷慧妮(音译,见右图)花了父母50万元人民币,获得了哥伦比亚大学(ColumbiaUniversity)的新闻学硕士学位。

    Gu Huini , 26 , spent Rmb500000 of her parents " money getting a master 's in journalism from Columbia University .

  7. VictoriaKhu是中俄混血,她目前就读于清华大学新闻学专业,同时也是青年联盟的创建者之一。

    Chinese-Russian Victoria Khu , who currently studies journalism at Tsinghua University in Beijing , is one of the co-founders of the league .

  8. 伦敦城市大学新闻学教授IvorGaber表示,鲁珀特·默多克(RupertMurdoch)现在是媒体巨头。

    Today , he is a media " colossus ," says Ivor Gaber , a journalism professor at London 's City University .

  9. 我们这群人里的一位新闻学教师,称之为去太阳马戏团(CirqueduSoleil,加拿大的创新性剧团和杂技团)看表演的食物版。

    The journalism teacher in our group called it a " foodie version of going to the Cirque du Soleil ", the innovative Canadian theatre and acrobatic troupe .

  10. 香港新闻学教授、中国审查制度专家麦康瑞(RebeccaMacKinnon)表示,此举为网上世界提供了一个重要教训。

    Rebecca MacKinnon , a Hong Kong journalism professor and expert on Chinese censorship , said the move offered an important lesson for the online world .

  11. 我不知道他怎样才能再一脸严肃地播报新闻,也不知道观众看到这副样子会作何反应,马里兰大学(UniversityOfMaryland)广播电视新闻学教授马克·费尔德斯坦(MarkFeldstein)说。

    I don 't know how he can ever read the news with a straight face , or how the public will respond if he does , said Mark Feldstein , a broadcast journalism professor at the University of Maryland .

  12. 根据一项针对10个国家1.9万人的调查,去年只有十分之一的互联网用户愿意为数字新闻付费,与2012年持平。该调查由牛津大学(UniversityofOxford)路透新闻学研究所(ReutersInstitutefortheStudyofJournalism)联合展开。

    According to a survey of 19000 people in 10 countries , conducted by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at the University of Oxford , only one internet user in 10 was willing to pay for digital news last year - exactly the same proportion as in 2012 .

  13. 如果这件事发生在今天,我觉得不会有那么多人觉得她活该被扔到汽车底下去,纽约大学专门研究网络文化的新闻学教授克雷·舍基(ClayShirky)说。

    If it happened today , I think the consensus that she deserved to be thrown under the bus would be considerably weaker , said Clay Shirky , a journalism professor at N.Y.U. who studies Internet culture .

  14. 但是这种错误不会单纯地只出现在记者或他们的编辑身上,德国多特蒙德大学的科学新闻学教授HolgerWormer如是说。

    But the fault may not lie solely with the journalists or their editors , says Holger Wormer , professor of science journalism at Dortmund University in Germany .

  15. 北京大学新闻学研究会《新闻周刊》初探

    The Study on News Weekly of PeKing University Institute of Journalism

  16. 还有什么新闻学、教育学,这些学问也要懂得一点。

    They should also have some knowledge of journalism and education .

  17. 新闻客观性是新闻学的核心概念之一。

    News objectivity is one of the core concepts of journalism .

  18. 另外,本论文还对当代理论新闻学存在的问题作了批判性反思。

    Besides , the thesis got critically thoughts on existing problems .

  19. 我已经申请参加新闻学课程的学习。

    I 've applied for a place on a journalism course .

  20. 对地方本科院校新闻学专业建设的思考

    The Reflection on Construction of Department of Journalism in Local Colleges

  21. 卡罗:是的,我在哥伦比亚大学学的是新闻学。

    Carol : Yes . I studied journalism at Columbia University .

  22. 建构了具有中国特色的社会主义新闻学的科学体系。

    It constructed the scientific system of socialist journalism with Chinese features .

  23. 新闻产业的蓬勃发展对高校新闻学教育提出了新的要求。

    Developing journalism make new requirements about education of Journalism .

  24. 新闻学与传播学的学科特质比较分析

    An Analysis on Differences of Discipline Characteristic between Journalism and Communication Studies

  25. 新闻法:高校新闻学专业的必修课

    Press Law : Required Course with Journalism Speciality in University

  26. 新闻价值是新闻学的一个基本理论范畴。

    " News Values " is a basic theoretical categorization .

  27. 我认为你应该看新闻学点知识。

    I think you should watch the news to learn some knowledge .

  28. 他旁听的课程包括计算机科学、新闻学以及微观经济学。

    Classes he has attended include computer science , journalism and microeconomics .

  29. 地方院校新闻学专业建设的调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis of the Construction of Journalism Major in Local Universities

  30. 建构广播电视新闻学专业实践教学体系的思考

    Thoughts on Construction of Practice Teaching System of Radio and TV Journalism