
shè huì ɡōnɡ dé
  • Social morality;social ethics
  1. 大众传媒与青少年社会公德的形成

    The Mass Communications and The Formation of Social Ethics of Youth

  2. 尊重社会公德原则是我国合同法的一项基本原则。

    Respecting social ethics is one of the basic principles of Chinese Contract Law .

  3. 中学生社会公德状况调查分析

    An investigation and analysis of middle school students ' social morals

  4. 树立社会公德,遵守城市管理法规。

    Cultivate public ethics and abide by the municipal management acts .

  5. 论社会公德的价值关怀与制度保障

    Care Shown on Social Public Morality Values and the System Guarantee

  6. 论提高我国社会公德水平的重要性与途径

    The Importance and Approach of a High Ethic Standard in China

  7. 违背社会公德或者诽谤、侮辱他人的。

    Breaching the social morality or libeling and insulting others .

  8. 大学生社会公德建设刍议

    Discussion on College Students Social Morality The Important Construction News

  9. 这类电影是对社会公德的一种威胁。

    Films like this are a danger to public morals .

  10. 阐述社会公德的基本内涵、地位与作用;

    Elaborated connotation , position and function of social morality ;

  11. 人们认为这出戏侮辱了社会公德。

    The play was considered an affront to public morals .

  12. 社会公德是人类社会最基本的公共行为规范。

    Social morality is the basic communal criterions of people .

  13. 刍议大学生良好社会公德行为的养成

    A comment on the formation of good public ethic of college students

  14. 社会公德,是每一个公民的基本素质。

    Social morality is an essential quality of every citizen .

  15. 大学图书馆培养读者社会公德的思考

    Considerations about Cultivating Readers ' Social Morality by University Library

  16. 做名城市民,讲社会公德。

    Be citizens of civic virtues in our famous city .

  17. 儒家伦理与社会公德的建构

    On the Construction of Confucian Ethics and Social Morality

  18. 论加强大学生社会公德教育

    Discussion on the Undergraduates ' Education of Social Morality

  19. 别让你的孩子们养成违反社会公德的习惯,譬如说欺侮人。

    Don 't let your children develop an anti-social habit such as bullying .

  20. 因此这类发明创造违反社会公德,不应授予专利权。

    Consequently , such inventions violate public morality and should not be patentable .

  21. 论大学生社会公德意识的培养

    On the cultivation of the public moral - awareness of the University Students

  22. 社会公德在公民道德体系中处于基础而重要的地位。

    Social moralities play a critical role in the system of civic virtues .

  23. 提出了社会公德教育应注意的主要问题。

    Put forward main problems it should be noticed .

  24. 关于新时期社会公德教育实效性的探讨

    Research on the Actual Effect of Social Morality Education in the New Times

  25. 社会公德是大学生道德修养和现代社会文明进步的重要标志。

    Social morality is the most important basement of civilization and culture progress .

  26. 参与者应遵守中国法律法规,弘扬社会公德。

    Participants must obey China law and social moral .

  27. 论新形势下社会公德建设

    On Social Construction of Common Morality Under New Circumstances

  28. 社会公德教育和学生自我管理;

    Social morality education and students ' self-administration ;

  29. 对当前高校社会公德教育的一些思考

    Thinking about the Social Morality Education in Universities

  30. 上海旅游业的发展应导入社会公德内容

    Social Morality Should be Introduced into Tourism Development