
  • 网络socialist society;Socialism;socialism society
  1. 社会主义社会是从资本主义社会脱胎而来的。

    Socialist society emerges from the womb of capitalist society .

  2. 社会主义社会当然也不例外。

    The socialist society , of course , is no exception .

  3. 社会主义社会绝对地租仍然存在。

    In socialist society , absolute land rent still exists .

  4. 其基本结论是:宗教在社会主义社会将长期存在。

    The basic conclusion is : religion in socialist society .

  5. 在社会主义社会,教学价值主体是人民大众。

    While in socialist society , it is the people .

  6. 论引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应的基本层面

    Basic Aspects Concerning Advancing the Adaptability Between Religion and the Socialist Society

  7. 社会主义社会发展动力系统

    The motive system of the socialism society development

  8. 马克思要在社会主义社会重建何种个人所有制

    What Kind of " Individual Ownership " Does Marx Want to Reestablish in Socialist Society

  9. 论社会主义社会的中产阶级

    On the Middle Class of Socialistic Society

  10. 传统的社会主义社会以保护弱者、强调平均为特征。

    Traditional socialist society is characterized by protection of the weaker and emphasis of average .

  11. 社会主义社会小康文化建设研究

    On Well-off Culture in Socialism Society

  12. 论社会主义社会人的发展

    On Personal Development in Socialist Society

  13. 把上层建筑、生产关系当作社会主义社会基本矛盾的主要方面;

    To regard the superstructure , production relations as the principal aspects of the basic social contradictions .

  14. 基于此,本文力图探讨社会主义社会转型时期人的全面发展的问题。

    Based on this , the paper seeks to explore the socialist transition period the comprehensive development .

  15. 二元结构与双轨体制&现阶段中国社会主义社会基本矛盾新论

    Dual Structure and Double-track System & A Novel Argument on Basic Contradictions in China ′ s present-day Socialist Society

  16. 第三部分,主要阐述了如何积极引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应,也即在积极引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应的过程中应注意的几个问题。

    In this section , I gave the connotation and the foundation of the adaptation between religions and socialist society .

  17. 而正确地判断社会主义社会不同发展阶段,又是制定最低纲领的重要依据。

    While the correct judgment for different stages of socialism forms an important basis for working out the minimum program .

  18. 第一部分分析了党对社会主义社会宗教问题探索的理论先导&马克思主义宗教问题理论。

    The first part analyses the theoretical guide of our party 's explora tion & Marxist theory of religious issues .

  19. 按劳分配在社会主义社会发展的不同阶段,其实现条件和实现形式都是不同的。

    In different development stages of socialist society , there are different conditions and forms for distribution on work to be realized .

  20. 生产力的发展是推动社会主义社会向前发展的决定性力量,是社会主义社会发展的物质动力。

    It is well known that the productive development is a decisive power of promoting society , and a material impetus of socialistic development .

  21. 在经济上,加强法制建设和道德建设是社会主义社会市场经济发展的客观需要,并能促进其发展。

    In economy , socialist legal construction and moral construction is the natural need of the socialist market economy and can quicken its tempo .

  22. 主要是对权力寻租的概念、现象进行科学的界定,并指出权力寻租对社会主义社会的影响等等。

    Including the concept of rent-seeking power , definition of the phenomenon and pointed out the impact rent-seeking powers to the socialist society and so on .

  23. 就人文精神建设的途径而言,则是要找到适合社会主义社会人的全面发展的机制。

    As far as the channels for achieving the progress in humanism is concerned , suitable mechanism is expected for all-round development of the people under socialist system .

  24. 20世纪50年代,四川民族地区一步跨千年,从封建农奴制社会或奴隶制社会直接进入了社会主义社会,实现了生产关系的跨越,但是其生产力却没有实现相应的跨越。

    In 1950s , the minority regions of Sichuan province directly entered into socialist society with a leap forward over 1000 years from feudal surf society or slave society .

  25. 可以预测,中国都市基督教将持续平稳的发展,长期与社会主义社会共存。

    From the case analysis of Haidian church , we can predict , the Christianity in Chinese urban city will keep on developing and long-term coexisting with socialism society .

  26. 全面建设小康社会需要建立健全现代产权制度,需要保护社会主义社会的合法的私有财产。

    To build all-round well-off society , we need to establish and improve the system of modern property right and protect the legal private property of the socialist society .

  27. 揭示了深化科技体制改革在社会主义社会发展中的直接动力作用,展示了新的社会发展动力观;

    Reveals to deepen the scientific and technological system reforms ' function of the direct motive force in the socialist development ; shows the new motive force of social development ;

  28. 社会主义社会,劳动价值论是与社会主义基本制度相结合的,它起作用的条件有了变化。

    In socialist society , the labour theory of value is in combination with the basic socialist system , and there have been changes in the condi-tions in which it functions .

  29. 本文的理论基础,是马克思列宁主义与中国特色社会主义社会发展理论,同时参考、借鉴了西方发达国家和其它发展中国家的社会发展理论。

    This article rationale includes the Marxism-Leninism and the Chinese characteristic socialist society development theory , as well as Western developed countries ' and other developing nations ' social development theory .

  30. 中国特色社会主义社会文明主体,是从事中国特色社会主义社会文明实践、推动社会文明过程和创造社会文明成果的人。

    The subject of the social civilization is people who are engaging in the social civilization practice of the socialism with Chinese characteristics , advancing the process of social civilization and creating achievements of social civilization .