
  1. 然而,随着冷战结束,国际体系发生重大嬗变,整个世界从两极世界演变为了单极世界。

    However , with the end of the cold war , the international system is greatly restructured and the whole world evolves from the bipolar to a unipolar one .

  2. 两极世界格局结束后,国际政治经济环境发生了很大变化.传统的极端型政治风险据以产生的条件已不普遍存在.这给对外直接投资的政治风险管理提出了新的课题。

    Abstract Since the termination of the two-pole world , the international political and economic environment has gone through great changes , the conditions under which the traditional ultra-political risks emerges are no longer universal . This has put new questions before international direct investors in political risk management .

  3. 两极对世界重大事务的管理具有垄断性;

    Two polarities monopolize the management of the meaningful incidents in the world ;

  4. 两极格局后的世界处在大调整、大变动时期。

    The world is in a great period of adjustment and change after bipolar pattern collapsed .

  5. 第二次台海危机是美苏两极结构下的世界重大事务。(二)台海危机与中美和战。

    The Second Taiwan Crisis is such an incident under the United States and the Soviet Union 's bipolarity structure . ( 2 ) the Taiwan Straits Crisis and the peace / war between China and America .

  6. 由于冷战时期的两极格局解体,世界格局的多极化趋势日渐明朗,但多极化的最终形成是一个漫长而复杂的历史进程。

    Because of the desegregation of the bipolar pattern formed during the cold war , the multicolor trend of the world pattern is clear day by day . But the ultimate formation of it is a long and complex process .