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  • 网络Two Cities
两都 [liǎng dū]
  • (1) [the Chinese rhymed proce on two the capital]指东汉著名历史学家和辞赋家班固著的《两都赋》。两都指西汉的西都长安、东都洛阳

  • 衡乃拟 班固《两都》作《二京赋》

  • (2) --《后汉书.张衡传》

  1. 可我觉得我的Blenheim比这两都跑得快!

    I actually think my Blenheim is faster than the pair of them .

  2. 为什么你们两都同意公开分手呢?

    Why did you both agree to make the breakup official ?

  3. 显然,在别人眼里,我们两都是古怪的人。

    Apparently , we both looked odd to many people .

  4. 她们两都有和她们丈夫的联合账户。

    They both have joint accounts with their husbands .

  5. 也许离婚对我们两都好。

    Divorce may be good for both of us .

  6. 我们两都明白你不会为了这玩意儿而杀我。

    And we both know you 're not going to kill it for it .

  7. 我强烈建议你们两都读。

    I highly recommend you read them both .

  8. 听说要去迪士尼乐园她两都乐疯了我确定她们玩得不错

    They were so excited to go to Disneyland.So I 'm sure they had fun .

  9. 我们两都像抱子甘蓝。

    We both like Brussels sprouts .

  10. 我们两都觉得很幸福。

    We 're both happy together .

  11. 阿尔弗雷德·波登:我们两都是年轻人,要将自己献身于伟大事业的开创。

    Alfred Borden : We were two young men at the start of a great career .

  12. 你们两都利用了我。

    You have both used me .

  13. 你们两都在那儿工作?

    Both of you work there ?

  14. 义正与事实:《两都赋序》赋论新探

    Righteousness and Reality : New Exploration of Ode Comments in " Prologue of Ode on Two Capitals "

  15. 两都赋:经济的浮华与文化的废墟&贾平凹的《废都》与叶辛的《华都》的比较研究

    Ostentation of Economy and Ruins of Culture & Comparative Research on Jia Ping'ao 's Ruined City and Yexin 's Prosperous City

  16. 本文试图以汉大赋的代表作品班固的《两都赋》为出发点,考察汉大赋在体制、风格方面的特点。

    This article is to study the special features of fu of the Han Dynasty in the aspects of system and style .

  17. 但是如果你没输她就不会赢所以你们两都可以去看格莱美

    But if you hadn 't lost , she wouldn 't have won , So you are both going to the Grammys .

  18. 他们两都喜欢在餐厅里工作,但是对顾客们每次都叫上许多不同的食物而感到厌烦。

    They liked working in the restaurant , but they got tired of the customers wanting to order so many different things to eat .

  19. 这对儿恋人,已经相恋五年了,是老资格的熊猫狂热爱好者,而且碰巧的是在泰山出生的那天他们两都来了动物园。

    The couple , who have dated for five years , were veteran panda aficionados and by chance had been at the zoo the day Tai Shan was born .

  20. 两都城内河渠水系主要功能不同、政治经济环境不同是造成桥梁空间形态有别的重要原因。宋东京桥梁空间形态在城市景观塑造和公共空间功能方面具有进步性。

    Finally , The conclusion of the paper is that space form of bridges in the Northern Song Dongjing had advance in two side of figuring sight and commonality space function .

  21. 尽管陈校长和周校长因为有趣的表演而被广泛关注,但他们两都不是第一个因一首歌而火起来的大学校长。

    Though they may have caught more attention for their antics , neither Chen nor Zhou can claim to be the first university president to go from zero to hero with a song .

  22. 明代是我国历史上少有的两都并立的朝代,并且在留都南京保留着一整套包括司法机构在内的相对完整的中央机构。

    Ming Dynasty is one of the fewest dynasties in Chinese history that had two capitals . In the defunct capital of Nanjing , there kept a set of relatively complete central departments , including some judicial departments .

  23. 蒙古贵族的统治基础受到削弱,色目群体中的回回人经济、政治势力受到削弱,权臣时代的到来,社会矛盾激化等方面来探讨元朝两都之战造成的影响。

    Mongol nobles weakened the rule base , color groups , the Hui people present economic , political forces weakened , powerful ministers era , intensified social conflicts such as two aspects of the Yuan Dynasty were the impact of the war .