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guó jūn
  • monarch
国君 [guó jūn]
  • [monarch] 封建制或君主制国家的统治者,通常实行终身制和世袭继承制

国君[guó jūn]
  1. 掉他们,国家就有可能被搅乱;而除掉他们又很难,因为他们往往能得到国君给予的保护和赦免。”

    If they are not gotten rid of , the country wil be unsettled . But it is very difficult to remove them , because they usually can get protection and pardon from the monarch . "

  2. 记述重点为皇帝、国君(王)的陵墓,明代藩王陵及个别重要的王陵。

    Focus on the emperor , monarch ( king ) of the mausoleums .

  3. 国君答应了他的请求,让他去了。

    The king complied with his request and let him go on his mission .

  4. 果然,不出卫士所料,一年不到,国君就买到了三匹千里马。

    As the guard had expected , the king bought three thousand-li horses within one year .

  5. “你!”国君又惊又喜,“你能行吗?”

    The king was pleasantly surprised . He asked : " You ? Can you make it ? "

  6. 楚国的国君灵王是非常喜欢腰身纤细苗条的朝臣。

    King Chulin , the king of the state of Chu , was very found of officials with slender waists .

  7. 卫士毫不犹豫,花了五百金买下了这副千里马的骨头,回来报告国君。

    Without the least hesitation4 , he bought the bones of the horse with 500 pieces of gold , and returned to report to the king .

  8. 一天,一个卫士自告奋勇,对国君说:“我愿意为大王买马。”

    One day , a guard volunteered to help and said to the king : " I am willing to buy a thousand-li steed for Your Majesty3 . "

  9. 曹商满脸得意地去见庄子,并夸耀到:“说服大王国君,不辱本国国君主的使命,跟随的马车有百辆之多,这是我的长处。”

    He went to visit Zhuang Zi complacently3 , and boasted , " To convince the king of the powerful country , accomplish the mission assigned by the king of homeland , and to be followed by hundreds of carriages is my strongpoint . "

  10. 坐在车上的是伟大的楚国国君。

    Sitting in the chariot was the great King of Chu .

  11. 作为君主的地位和权力。国君虽亡,王位永存。

    The position and power of one who occupies a throne .

  12. 国君虽亡,王位永存。

    The king is dead ; long live the king .

  13. 他是个没有任何权力有名无实的国君。

    He is a titular prince without any power .

  14. 当国君离婚之后他辞职了。

    The king abdicated when he married a divorcee .

  15. 他必会猜想,你是不是怀疑我不是一位好国君呢?

    The king may suspect that Yan Yuan think him a bad governor .

  16. 玄宗是唐代继李世民之后又一位开明国君。

    Xuanzong was another enlightened emperor after Li Shimin in the Tang Dynasty .

  17. 贤明的国君能把人民的利益和个人的成功看成是一致的。

    A good king identifies the interest of his people with his own prosperity .

  18. 您是一国的国君。

    You are the king of the state .

  19. 我的国君也落得疲于奔命。

    Now , my king 's running too !

  20. (君是传说中高句丽神秘的开国国君)在韩国网上的历史论坛里到处都充斥着类似的历史观点。

    And online Korean historical fora are absolutely replete with a similar historical understanding .

  21. 他是一位伟大的国君,我们都尊敬并爱戴他。

    The former king was a great king that we all respect and love him .

  22. 国君拒绝了他们的请求。

    The king turned their requests down .

  23. 国君又惊又喜。

    The king was pleasantly surprised .

  24. 嬖臣自身的局限性和国君力量的孱弱,最终导致他们的失败。

    The weak power of monarchs and the limitation of favorite subjects eventually lead to their failure .

  25. 在传为宋国都城商丘的附近,不可能再有另外一个不见经传的“长国”国君的大墓出现。

    The tomb of Chang state couldn ′ t appear near Shangqiu as capital of Song state .

  26. 姜子牙知道周文王是个很有抱负的国君,所以希望能得到周文王的注意。

    Jiang Ziya knew King Wen was very ambitious , so he hoped to get his attention .

  27. 战国秦国历代国君逐步实现专制的政治实践

    The Political Practice of Monarchs of Qin State and Warring States in the Gradual Realization of Dictatorship

  28. 后来,勾践在徐州会见各诸侯国国君成为霸主。

    Later , King Gou Jian met the dukes in Xuzhou and gained hegemony among the states .

  29. 苏州真山九号墩吴国国君墓出土贝币

    The shell money excavated in a noble Tomb of Wu state in Zhen shan , suzhou City

  30. 国君派将士去打探,但没有一个人能找到回去的道路。

    The king ordered his officers to inquire about the way , but failed to get any answer .