
guó huī
  • national emblem;insignia of a country
国徽 [guó huī]
  • [national emblem;insignia of a country] 由一个国家的宪法或专门法律规定的代表国家的标志。中国的国徽,中间是五星照耀下的天安门,周围是谷穗和齿轮

国徽[guó huī]
  1. 附件二:中华人民共和国国徽图案制作说明

    Appendix ii : directions for the making of the design of the national emblem of the Peoples Republic of China

  2. “国徽国宴专用瓷”为人民大会堂使用,并经批准作为中国驻外大使馆专用瓷,是中国的象征和骄傲。

    " Porcelain used for National Emblem & State Banquet " is specially used for People 's Congress Hall and Chinese embassies in foreign countries .

  3. 鹰是美国的国徽。

    The eagle is the national emblem of the United state .

  4. 梁思成、林徽音与国徽设计

    Liang Sicheng , Lin Huiyin in Design of National Emblem

  5. 第四章国旗、国徽、首都

    Chapter IV. The National flag , the national emblem and the capital

  6. 一切组织和公民,都应当尊重和爱护国徽。

    All organizations and citizens shall respect and care for the National Emblem .

  7. 英国的国徽是玫瑰花。

    The national emblem of England is a rose .

  8. 卡德瓦拉战胜了。韭菜后来成为威尔斯国徽。

    Caedwalla was victorious , and the leek became the national emblem of Wales .

  9. 这些是美国的国旗,国徽,国花和国鸟。

    These are flag , emblem , nation flower and nation bird of America .

  10. 第十一条不得悬挂破损、污损或者不合规格的国徽。

    Article 11 No damaged , defiled , or substandard National Emblem shall be hung .

  11. 关于惩治侮辱中华人民共和国国旗国徽罪的决定

    Decision on Cracking Down on the Crime of Insulting the PRC National Flag or Emblem

  12. 我演讲的题目是:让青春和国徽一同闪光。

    The topic of my presentation is : Let youth and the national emblem with flash .

  13. 使用中华人民共和国国旗、国徽、国歌;

    National flag , national emblem and National Anthem of the people 's Republic of china ;

  14. 国徽代表了新加坡人民的勇气,力量,智慧和对和平的向往。

    The emblem stands for Singapore people 's courage , strength , wisdom and longing for peace .

  15. 我会指着国徽高呼“可耻啊”

    where I would point to the state seal and I 'd say , " Shame ! "

  16. 高悬头顶的是乳白色的椭圆形天花板而国徽之鹰正雕于其中央。

    Overhead , the ceiling forms a creamy white oval , with an American eagle etched in its center .

  17. 大典之前,我国就成立了委员会,征集国旗国徽图案。

    Before the ceremony , a committee was set up to solicit designs for the flag and the emblem .

  18. 有些沙瑟尔人员利用战前狩猎号角国徽缺乏战时版本以上的射频。

    Some Chasseur Officers used the pre-war hunting horn emblem which lacked the RF of the wartime version above .

  19. 《中央人民政府公布中华人民共和国国徽的命令》

    Order on the National Emblem of the People 's Republic of China Proclaimed by the Central People 's Government .

  20. 那时才八岁的罗斯尼斯建议国徽上的马儿应从右向左奔驰而不是从左向右。

    The then eight-year-old suggested the image of the horse should gallop right to left rather than left to right .

  21. 关于展示及使用国旗、国徽及区旗、区徽的规定

    Stipulations for the Display and Use of the National Flag and National Emblem and the Regional Flag and Regional Emblem

  22. 与国旗、国歌和国徽相比,国花的文化性和稳定性更为突出。

    Compared with national flag , national anthem and national emblem , national flower is more of cultural feature and stability .

  23. 教材分析:本节课通过看一看、说一说让学生了解和认识国徽。

    Textbook Analysis : This lesson through a look , talk to the students knowledge and understanding of the national emblem .

  24. 林徽因在国徽和人民英雄纪念碑设计中对民族形式的探索与追求

    Lin Huiyin 's Exploration and Pursuit of National Style in Designing the National Emblem and the Monument to the People 's Heroes

  25. 第三条中华人民共和国国徽是中华人民共和国的象征和标志。

    Article 3 The National Emblem of the Peoples Republic of China is the symbol and hallmark of the Peoples Republic of China .

  26. 尼摩船长给我看一个白铁盒,上面印有法国国徽的标记,全都被盐水所侵蚀了。

    Captain Nemo showed me a tin box , stamped with the coat of arms of France and all corroded by salt water .

  27. 不得展示或使用破损、污损、褪色或不合规格的国旗或国徽。

    A national flag or a national emblem which is damaged , defiled , faded or substandard must not be displayed or used .

  28. 第十四条县级以上各级人民政府对国徽的使用,实施监督管理。

    Article 14 The peoples governments at or above the county level shall exercise supervision and control over the use of the National Emblem .

  29. 拉脱维亚国家的盾形国徽,是拉脱维亚共和国宣布独立之后制作的,是专为拉脱维亚国家而创作的。

    The Latvian national coat of arms was formed after the proclamation of an independent Latvian Republic and was specially created for its independent statehood .

  30. (四)国务院办公厅规定不得使用国徽及其图案的其他场合。

    Other circumstances where the National Emblem and the design thereof may not be used , as prescribed by the General Office of the State Council .