
  • 网络International Union of Railways;International Union of Railways UIC
  1. 所研制材料摩擦因数的变化程度处于国际铁路联盟标准控制范围内。

    The friction coefficients of the materials are well within the scope ruled by the UIC Code .

  2. 国际铁路联盟高速铁路部(UIC)总监伊格纳西奥?巴伦上周三称,中国有望在世界高速铁路建设方面处于领先者地位。

    China will become a high-speed rail leader in the world after several years of rapid development , Ignacio Barron , the director of High Speed of International Union of Railways ( UIC ) said on Wednesday .

  3. LTE系统以其显著的高数据传输速率和较低的系统时延,已经被国际铁路联盟确定为下一代铁路通信系统的演进技术。

    LTE ( Long Term Evolution ) system , with its remarkable high data rate and low delay , has been adopted as the next generation of railway communication system by International Union of railway .

  4. 国际铁路联盟已经确定下一代铁路专用移动无线通信网络将基于LTE技术,然而LTE-R(LTERailway)网络的各项技术标准仍然处在研究阶段,高速铁路移动通信仍然面临着诸多问题。

    International Union of Railways have identified that the next generation wireless communication network in railway will be based on LTE . However , the technical standards for LTE-R are still in the research and mobile communications in high-speed railway are still facing lots of problems .