
  • 网络Land Bridge;Continental Bridge;landbridge
  1. 移民高兴地使用各种工具跨越大陆桥,寻找更加美好的生活,根本不会理会(现在)《每日邮报》(dailymail)的谴责。

    Immigrants happily tooled across a land bridge in search of a better life , immune from denunciation in the daily mail .

  2. 在连接中国和欧洲的所谓欧亚大陆桥(EurasianLandBridge)上,至少远至德国的运输线路早已颇具规模。每周都有大约五列火车抵达德国。

    Use of the so-called Eurasian Land Bridge between China and Europe is well established at least as far as Germany , which receives some five trains a week .

  3. 根据大陆桥集团以现代物流为主的经济特点,运用BCG法选择总体战略模式采取同心多元化战略。

    According to the economic features that Continent Bridge Group makes the modern goods distribution as the main , the thesis applies the method of BCG to select general strategy pattern and adopt centripetal diversity strategy .

  4. 这与古希腊作家希罗多德(Herodotus)等人的作品有些相似,希罗多德将注意力放在了连接东方和西方的大陆桥上。

    That found a parallel in the works of authors such as Herodotus , whose attention was likewise on the land bridge that connects east and west .

  5. 第二亚欧大陆桥的构成及其国际环境

    Composition of the Second Eurasian Continental Bridge and Its International Environment

  6. 欧亚&新海大陆桥运输的前期研究

    Predate Research on the Europe - Asia - Continent Bridge Transport

  7. 对第三欧亚大陆桥西南通道建设的思考

    An Idea of Southwest Corridor of the third Eurasian Continental Bridge

  8. 建设第三欧亚大陆桥面临的困难和问题初析

    Problems and Difficulties in Construction of the Third Asia-Euro Continental Bridge

  9. 新亚欧大陆桥与蒙古经济发展

    The New Asian-European Continental Bridge and the Economic Development of Mongolia

  10. 荷兰人跨过新形成的大陆桥来到了北美。

    The Netherlands cross the new land bridge into North America .

  11. 收复失去的大陆桥,将会有诸多正面结果。

    Reclaiming the lost isthmus would have many positive consequences .

  12. 新亚欧大陆桥中国段沿线旅游资源特征

    Tourist resources along Chinese segment of new Eurasian Continental Bridge

  13. 阿拉山口为第二座亚欧大陆桥的重要铁路口岸。

    Pass for the second Eurasian continental bridge an important railway crossings .

  14. 新亚欧大陆桥对中国能源安全的战略分析

    Strategic Analysis of New Eurasian Continental Bridge to Energy Security in China

  15. 论新亚欧大陆桥与开发大西北

    On The New Eurasian Continental Bridge and Exploitation of the Northwest China

  16. 新亚欧大陆桥新疆段易损性分析

    Analysis of the vulnerability of Xinjiang section in New Eurasian Continental Bridge

  17. 论新亚欧大陆桥无阻碍运行中的机制建设

    Formulation of a Smooth Operating Mechanism for the New Eurasian Continental Bridge

  18. 大陆桥城市轴发展定位及发展思路

    The developing location and developing thought of the continental bridge urban axis

  19. 新亚欧大陆桥的走向及相关问题探讨

    Enquiry about the alignment and interrelated problems of the new Eurasian Continental Bridge

  20. 第三亚欧大陆桥对印度经济发展的影响

    The Impact of the Third Asia-Euro Continental Bridge on India 's Economic Development

  21. 依托大陆桥促进新疆经济

    Rely on Land Bridge , Promote the Xinjiang Economy

  22. 新亚欧大陆桥的态势分析及其对江苏经济发展的作用

    On New Asia-Europe Continental Bridge and its Effects on Economic Development of Jiangsu Province

  23. 新亚欧大陆桥新疆段环境地质灾害研究

    Study on the environment geological hazards along Xinjiang section of new Eurasian Continental Bridge

  24. 亚欧大陆桥对我国经济发展的意义

    The Significance of the Eurasian Continental Bridge in the Economic Development of Our Country

  25. 新亚欧大陆桥与新疆矿产资源开发的初步研究

    Relationship between the new Eurasian Continental Bridge and exploitation of mineral resources in Xinjiang

  26. 充分利用大陆桥优化沿海能源供应

    Fully utilizing the new Eurasia Continental Bridge to optimize energy supply of coastal areas

  27. 新亚欧大陆桥沿桥绿洲经济带建设刍议

    The establishment and development of oasis economic zone along New Euro Asia Continental Bridge

  28. 新亚欧大陆桥桥头堡区域空间格局重构研究

    Spatial Re-construction of New Eurasian Continental Bridgehead Area

  29. 略论新亚欧大陆桥与江苏连云港

    On the New Euro-Asian Continental Bridge and the City of Lianyungang , Jiangsu Province

  30. 一座宽达1千5百公里的大陆桥连接着亚洲和北美洲。

    A land bridge as much as1,500 kilometers wide connected Asia and North America .