
  • 网络samara
  1. 我带萨马拉回家后

    By the time I brought Samara over ,

  2. 在萨马拉时,列宁继续学习马恩著作。

    While in Samara , Lenin continued to study the works of Marx and Engels .

  3. 他已告诉德国报纸的bilt,希腊需要更多的呼吸空间来实施结构调整,以此次与容克先生的会谈作为起点,萨马拉先生将开始迷人的防守之旅。

    He has already told the German newspaper bilt that Greece needs more breathing space to implement structural reform , and he will now start this charm offensive tour , if you like , with a meeting with Mr. Juncker .

  4. 施泰因迈尔表示,此次在俄罗斯萨马拉召开的欧盟峰会将相当“困难”。

    The summit in Samara , Russia , would be " difficult " , Mr Steinmeier said .

  5. 《相约萨马拉》讲的是这样一个故事:一位巴格达商人派仆人去买东西。

    The story is called Appointment in Samarra . A Baghdad merchant sends a servant to buy provisions .

  6. 这就是萨马拉先生期望并请容克先生在他们今天将要举办的会议同意的内容。

    This is what Mr. Samaras expected to try and ask Mr. Juncker during the meeting that they will hold today .

  7. Imgur用户Bryanst直接这么评论的:“这些人就是太闲了,才会如此恶搞。”(图为萨马拉猫)

    Imgur user Bryanst bluntly wrote : ' These people have way too much time on their hands , and creativity ' ( pictured : Samaracat )

  8. 中央指挥部的声明没有具体说明在什么地方展开突袭。不过声明说,美军相信,对美军的袭击一般发生在萨马拉和巴格达之间的底格里斯河周围。

    The CENTCOM statement did not say precisely where the raids took place , but it did say that American forces believe paramilitary activity centers on the Tigris River between Saamara and Baghdad .

  9. 仆人不巧在集市碰到了凶神恶煞的死神,于是急忙跑回商人那里借了匹马,飞奔到萨马拉城避难去了。

    While at the market , the servant bumps into Death , who makes a threatening gesture . The servant races back to the merchant , borrows a horse and flees to the city of Samarra for safety .

  10. 我没有吓唬他,我说,那只是惊讶罢了,我看见他在巴格达所以很惊讶,因为我本来跟他约好今晚萨马拉见面。

    That was not a threatening gesture , I said , it was only a start of surprise . I was astonished to see him in Baghdad , for I had an appointment with him tonight in Samarra .

  11. 包括加里宁格勒,喀山,莫斯科,诺夫哥罗德,顿河河畔罗斯托夫,圣彼得堡,萨马拉,萨兰斯克,索契,伏尔加格勒和叶卡捷琳堡在内的诸多俄罗斯城市,将会举办2018年世界杯。该届世界杯将从2018年6月14号开始,持续到7月15号结束。

    Russian cities of Kaliningrad , Kazan , Moscow , Nizhny Novgorod , Rostov-on-Don , Saint Petersburg , Samara , Saransk , Sochi , Volgograd and Yekaterinburg will host FIFA World Cup 2018 to last from June 14 through July 15 , 2018 .

  12. 这一令人拍案叫绝的推广手段出现在7月21日的俄罗斯西南部的萨马拉州,活动仅持续了3小时任何想获得免费汽油的人,都可以穿上热辣的比基尼和高跟鞋前往这家加油站。

    The ingenious publicity stunt took place on July 21st , in the south-western city of Samara , and only lasted three hours . Anyone looking to get a free tank of gas was invited to show up at the gas station wearing skimpy underwear and high heels .