
jīnɡ jì hé zuò zǔ zhī
  • Economic Cooperation Organization;organization for economic cooperation
  1. 1992年,在亚洲开发银行的发起下,大湄公河次区域(GreaterMekongSub-region,文中简称GMS)经济合作组织成立,旨在进一步加大成员国彼此间的经济联系,达到共同繁荣发展。

    Launched by the Asian development bank , the Greater Mekong Sub-region organization for economic cooperation was established in 1992 , which aims in further economic communications between members and common prosperity and development .

  2. 经济合作组织对中产的定义是每天消费在10美元到100美元的人士,并根据不同国家价格水平进行调整。

    The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development defines the global middle class as those households with daily spending between $ 10 and $ 100 per person in purchasing power parity terms .

  3. 奥巴马刚在檀香山结束美国主办的亚太经济合作组织领导人年度会议。

    Obama just completed hosting the annual meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation leaders ' forum in honolulu .

  4. 中国加入WTO,对于世界贸易组织、亚太经济合作组织、东亚区域经济的发展都具有重要的推动作用。

    China 's access to WTO has important promoting effect on WTO , APEC and East Asia regional economy .

  5. APEC区域经济合作组织制度研究

    Study on the APEC 's Mechanism as an Region Economic Cooperation Organization

  6. 亚太经济合作组织(Asia-PacificEconomicCooperation,APEC)是目前为止亚太地区乃至世界上最有影响的区域经济合作组织之一。

    APEC ( Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation ) has been the largest organization for regional cooperation in the Asia-Pacific area , even in the world by now .

  7. 目的探讨我国及OECD(经济合作组织)国家卫生费用增长与经济发展间的规律。

    Objective To discuss the law between health expenditure and economic development in China and OECD countries .

  8. 亚太经济合作组织,或APEC,拥有21个代表亚太地区之成员国。

    The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation or APEC has21 member countries representing the interests of the Asia-Pacific region .

  9. 日本长期以来一直走在区域组织的前沿,它帮助建立了亚太经济合作组织(Asia-PacificEconomicCooperation)这个论坛、东盟地区论坛(AseanRegionalForum)和东亚峰会(EastAsiasummit)。

    Japan has long been at the forefront of regional organizations , helping to establish the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum , the Asean Regional Forum and the East Asia Summit .

  10. 另外一个是亚太经济合作组织(apec),是一个较为松散的领导人会议,由20个国家及香港地区组成。

    The other is the Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation grouping , a looser caucus with 20 countries ( plus Hong Kong ) .

  11. 本月,在举办亚太经济合作组织(Asia-PacificEconomicCooperation)峰会期间,由于采取严格的短期污染控制措施,包括每天对大量汽车限行,北京享受到了相对澄澈的天空。

    Because of rigorous short-term pollution controls , including taking huge numbers of cars off the road each day , Beijing enjoyed relatively clear skies when it hosted the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit meeting this month .

  12. 毋庸置疑,APEC已经成为亚太地区乃至世界上最重要的经济合作组织之一。

    There is no doubt that APEC has become one of the most important economic forum in the region and even in the world .

  13. 但我们也要提醒的是,经济合作组织(OECD)国家曾承诺从2020年起每年提供1000亿美元来应对气候变化。

    But we are also mindful of the commitments [ OECD ] countries made to bring $ 100bn a year from 2020 onward into fighting climate change .

  14. 洪博培说,对失联航班的搜寻(目前搜寻工作已进入第11天)还可能促使搜救、信息共享以及反恐等主题摆上亚太经济合作组织(AsiaPacificEconomicCooperation)和其他地区机构的议事日程。

    Mr. Huntsman said the hunt for the plane which is now in its 11th day would also likely boost search and rescue , information sharing and counterterrorism as subjects on the agendas of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum and other regional bodies .

  15. 在当今世界现存的区域经济合作组织中,北美自由贸易区(NAFTA)以其所取得的巨大成就而受世人瞩目。

    Among the existing regional economic organizations , North America Free Trade Agreement ( NAFTA ) is the one that is best known for its extraordinary achievements .

  16. 亚太经济合作组织(APEC)21个成员国同意就更多环保产品设定关税上限,并承诺在2015年前不增设新的贸易壁垒。

    The 21 members of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation , or APEC , forum agreed on tariff caps for an extended list of environmental products and vowed not to raise new trade barriers before 2015 .

  17. 我们的数字显示,亚洲国家可能正在引领全球贸易的复苏,拉米在新加坡对记者说。他正在那里出席亚太经济合作组织(APEC)论坛的贸易部长会议。

    Our figures showed that Asian countries may be leading a recovery in global trade , Mr Lamy told reporters in Singapore where he was attending a meeting of trade ministers of the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation forum .

  18. 指出我国政府卫生支出均为财政拨款,而国际上政府卫生支出以OECD(经济合作组织)筹资机构口径为标准,指广义政府实体筹集的卫生费用。

    The author point out that China government expenditure on health comes from government fiscal , but the international government expenditure refers to the health expenditure of general government entities , which are following the financing agent framework of OECD System of Health Account .

  19. 亚太经济合作组织(apec)各国财长在结束新加坡会议之际,强有力地支持实行“以市场为导向、反映经济基本面的汇率”,但小心避免了与实行盯住美元汇率的中国形成对抗。

    Finance ministers from the Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation group ended a meeting in Singapore with a strong endorsement of " market-oriented exchange rates that reflect economic fundamentals " but carefully avoided a confrontation with China over its currency peg to the US dollar .

  20. 未来,APEC可能会沿着不同的方向发展,或发展成一个由松散到紧密关系的经济合作组织,或走向亚太自由贸易区,亦或以探路者方式推进APEC贸易投资自由化。

    In the future , APEC will possibly develops along different directions , such as to develop from loosely to a closely related economic cooperation organization , or move towards Asian and Pacific free trading area , or advance the APEC trade investment liberalization as an " Pathfinder Approach " .

  21. 工业科学技术工作小组〔亚太区经济合作组织〕

    Industrial Science and Technology Working Group [ Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation ]

  22. 确立货品标准小组委员会〔亚太区经济合作组织〕

    Sub-Committee on Standards and Conformance [ Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation ]

  23. 检讨亚太经合组织秘书处小组委员会〔亚太区经济合作组织〕

    Sub-Committee on Review of the APEC Secretariat [ Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation ]

  24. 农民经济合作组织发生机理与运行机制研究

    Research on Occurrence and Operational Mechanism of Farmer Cooperative Organization

  25. 发展农民经济合作组织,增强农户组织性。

    For the second , farmers should be organized by economic cooperation organizations .

  26. 经济合作组织奎达行动计划

    Quetta Plan of Action for the Economic Cooperation Organizatio

  27. 残疾人问题区域间高级别会晤高级官员会议〔亚太区经济合作组织〕

    High-Level Interregional Encounter on Disability Senior Officials Meeting [ Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation ]

  28. 系统论述了新型农业经济合作组织发展现状及其存在的问题。

    The paper discusses the present situation and existed issues of the New-style AECO .

  29. 商贸咨询委员会〔亚太区经济合作组织〕

    Business Advisory Council [ Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation ]

  30. 非约束性投资原则〔亚太区经济合作组织〕

    Non-binding investment principles [ Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation ]