
  • 网络Hungarian;magyar
  1. 那些匈牙利人,只是拿你来做诱饵,喂龙的。

    These Hungarians & they 're just using you for dragon fodder .

  2. 我们需要接替的匈牙利人。

    We 're gonna need replacements and hungarians .

  3. 希拉里克林顿(hillaryclinton)也表示,美国担心匈牙利人的个人自由受到威胁。

    Hillary Clinton has voiced US misgivings about threats to individual freedoms .

  4. 他们都是戴着怪物面具的匈牙利人。

    Ha ha , these are not real monsters .

  5. 在匈牙利人的概念里,斯洛伐克从来就不是一个真正的国家。

    Hungary has a conceptual problem in accepting that Slovakia is a real country .

  6. 你是匈牙利人吗?

    Are you Hungarian by any chance ?

  7. 匈牙利人总是将姓放在前面,至少在匈牙利语中如此。

    Hungarians put surnames first for all purposes , at least in the Hungarian language .

  8. 我们的聚会主要由日本人和美国人组成,外加一些匈牙利人。

    Our party was composed principally of Japanese and americans , with an admixture of hungarians .

  9. 过去10年,波兰人、匈牙利人和捷克人加入了合唱。

    In the past 10 years , Poles , Hungarians and Czechs have joined the chorus .

  10. 匈牙利人曾经认为,让妈妈来加工匈牙利红辣椒太危险了。

    The job of preparing Hungarian paprika was once considered too dangerous for mothers to do .

  11. 还有祖辈居住乌拉尔山脉彼侧一个叫做大马扎尔的地方的匈牙利人呢?

    Or the Hungarians , who originated across the Urals in a place called Greater Hungary ?

  12. 波兰人、匈牙利人、捷克人和其余民族应该被西方的制度拒之门外。

    Poles , Hungarians , Czechs and the rest should have been locked out of western institutions .

  13. 估计这些措施将会对五分之一的匈牙利人,也就是150万民众,造成影响。

    One in five Hungarians , about 1.5 million people , are expected to be impacted by the measures .

  14. 匈牙利人图岚将驾驶嘉年华赛车,而安道尔车手略韦拉则选择阿巴斯大鹏托赛车。

    Hungarian Turan will drive a Fiesta , while Abarth Grande Punto is the car of choice for Andorran Llovera .

  15. 我敢说十个匈牙利人有九个都不想吃西班牙红辣椒。

    I can tell you that nine Hungarians out of 10 would not want to eat paprika grown in Spain .

  16. 窗户上的告示上写着:房屋出租&有色人种勿扰(或是波兰人、匈牙利人,勿扰)。

    Signs in the windows read , Rooms to let - no Coloureds ( or no Poles , no Hungarians ) .

  17. 对匈牙利人的一再纵容只会是他们更加喋喋不休,忘恩负义。

    All efforts to pamper the Hungarians just make them complain all the more , in an annoying and disloyal way .

  18. 对那些希望了解他们的人,匈牙利人总会敞开热情的怀抱。

    Similarly , to other exterior people , Hungarians offer a warm welcome to those who are interested in their country .

  19. 电影讲述的是1918年参加血腥的俄罗斯内战中战斗在伏尔加河畔的匈牙利人的故事。

    The film examines Hungarians fighting in the Red Army in 1918 during the bloody Russian civil war near the Volga .

  20. 喝酒不是禁止,但是匈牙利人还是发誓150年不会做碰杯行为。

    While consuming beer was never forbidden , Hungarians did pledge to refrain from clinking glasses for a period of 150 years .

  21. 这是一个我们曾有过许多成功的地方,令我们对匈牙利人有一种非常温暖的感觉。

    It 's a place we had so much success in the past and there 's just a warm feeling about the hungarians .

  22. 为什么我们成了德国人,罗马尼亚人以及匈牙利人几十年疯狂屠杀犹太人的主要受害者?

    Why were we for decades the main victims of the horrific massacre of the Jews by the Germans , Rumanians and Hungarians ?

  23. 英国男人将49%的空闲时间贡献给了电视,仅略低于匈牙利人的51%。

    Britain , where men devoted 49 % of their free-time to the box , came a narrow second to the Hungarians with 51 % .

  24. 乔治·迈克斯是一位居住在英格兰的匈牙利人。他曾经于1946年出版了一本相关主题的书,叫做《怎样当外国人》。

    George Mikes , a Hungarian living in England , wrote a book in this genre called " How To Be An Alien ", published in1946 .

  25. 因为交流的理由,这位德国人和这位匈牙利人只见了一次面&而且还是在他们之间的一位共同友人的巴黎住处会面。

    For their purposes , the German and the Hungarian only actually ever met once – and , in fact , in the Paris flat of a mutual friend .

  26. 它独自承担暴利税来自主要的外国银行并博士他们重新谈判瑞士法郎的贷款。那些许多匈牙利人不明智地在过去十年间的贷款。

    It has imposed windfall taxes on the mainly foreign-owned banks and forced them to renegotiate the Swiss franc loans that many Hungarians unwisely took out over the past decade .

  27. 一旦拜占庭人扩张到一定程度后,就要把注意力放到东面的土耳其人、北面的匈牙利人和西面的意大利派系身上来。

    Once the Byzantines have expanded sufficiently they should set their sites on the Turks to the East whilst remaining wary of Hungarians to the North and the Italian factions to the West .

  28. 和居住在其他地方的匈牙利人相比呢,比如在罗马尼亚的特兰西瓦尼亚和西伯利亚的伏伊伏丁那省?

    And how do all these compare to the comparable population groups in Hungary proper , and to Hungarians living in other places such as Transylvania in Romania or the Vojvodina province of Serbia ?

  29. (这项声明令匈牙利人相当愤怒,因为在匈牙利,很多人的印象中,正是源自美国海岸的潮汐把他们的经济拖下了水。)

    ( This statement was greeted with a certain irritation in Hungary , where many are under the impression that their economy is underwater because of a tidal wave that started from American shores . )

  30. 别人可能不记得,匈牙利人可忘不了今天乌克兰境内一大块地盘(还加上旁边许多土地)都曾经是他们的古老帝国的属地。

    The rest of the world may have forgotten , but Hungarians still remember the time when a large chunk of what is now Ukraine ( and a lot more besides ) was part of their old imperial kingdom .