
  • 网络centuries;Les Centuries
  1. 在文艺复兴诸国内,16世纪的维琴察最为耀眼,可以让帕拉弟奥为你建一座庄园,还有机会可以游遍所有的画室,见见今天塞满我们的博物馆的那些美术品的作者们。

    Of all the Renaissance States , Vicenza in the 16th century stands out , with Palladio to build you a villa and a chance to studio-crawl round some of the Venetian artists who fill our museums today .

  2. 爪哇诸王在16世纪首先移居此地,基本上建立了一个封建殖民地,采取严格的种姓制度就像每一种骄傲的种姓制度往往不屑于考量底层阶级。

    When the Javanese kings first immigrated here in the sixteenth century , they essentially established a feudal colony , with a strict caste system which like all self-respecting caste systems tended not to trouble itself with consideration for those at the bottom .

  3. 从大连港的经济腹地、地理位置、自然条件诸方面简述21世纪搞好港口布局规划,建设国际大港的可能和必要。

    It briefly expounds the possibility and necessity of doing well in port layout plan and constructing Dalian Port into an international big port of the 21st century from several aspects including the economic hinterland , geologic location and natural conditions of Dalian Port .

  4. 爪哇诸王在16世纪首先移居此地,基本上建立了一个封建殖民地,采取严格的种姓制度——就像每一种骄傲的种姓制度——往往不屑于考量底层阶级。

    When the Javanese kings first immigrated here in the sixteenth century , they essentially established a feudal colony , with a strict caste system which - like all self-respecting caste systems - tended not to trouble itself with consideration for those at the bottom .